
TVLand Show Performs Global Warming Music Act: 'We're All Gonna Die!'

August 7th, 2018 11:52 PM
TVLand’s Teachers is about to wrap up its third season. What better way to celebrate that than through another leftist push? In this penultimate episode, we get one bizarre salute to the religion of climate change. The August 7 episode “Step By Stepsister” features a talent show at Fillmore Elementary School, and art teacher Ms. Cannon (Caitlin Barlow) tries to get some non-conventional students…

Liberals Fantasize About End of ‘Barbaric’ NFL, ICE on Hulu Comedy

August 6th, 2018 7:00 AM
This won't be much of a loss to conservative audiences, but Hulu's Casual just dropped its last 8 episodes on Tuesday. This new run of episodes was pretty much more of the same liberalism but with one twist - season four takes place a few years after season three, with creators saying that puts it at around 2022 or so.

Sacha Baron Cohen Questions Sheriff Joe on Trump's Golden Showers

August 6th, 2018 12:40 AM
Showtime’s Who Is America continues to document Sacha Baron Cohen’s appalling targeting of conservative figures disguised as entertainment. Of course, the result is not entertaining in the slightest which explains why hardly anybody watches it. The latest episode follows the downward spiral by lumping in Sheriff Joe Arpaio and the golden shower tapes.

Feminists Plot Murder of Pro-Life Rep on AMC's Lefty Drama

July 31st, 2018 11:43 PM
Season one of AMC’s Dietland finally draws to a close, and what a journey it’s been. Starting from a feminist group murdering for the #MeToo movement, to playing the oppression Olympics, the show is truly the pinnacle of third-wave feminism. To prove that, we leave off on the personal targeting of pro-life members of Congress.

'Preacher' Mocks Gluttonous, Obese Version of Pope

July 23rd, 2018 12:41 AM
AMC’s Preacher is no stranger to controversy obviously, but the worst of the worst usually comes from the original graphic novel. The fact that the show feels confident enough to bring it to screen says more about our society than anything I could type. The latest casualty this week is the Pope.

Gun Control Argument Sneaks Into SEAL Team 'Six' Series

July 19th, 2018 1:10 AM
The History Channel’s fictional drama Six provides a darker, more nuanced look into the personal and professional lives of SEAL Team Six operators. Although the show clearly displays the SEALs expertly using weapons in the field, there seems to be one place the show won’t accept them: in the home. In the dangerous world the show paints for us, the fact that they don’t want homeowners armed is…

Reporter’s ‘Fake News’ Claims Trump Met Russian Spy in Oval Office

July 17th, 2018 9:03 PM
In a time when the phrase “Fake News” is bandied about on a daily basis, it would make sense for reporters to check, double check and even triple check the information in any article. That advice apparently fell on deaf ears when Emily Singer, a senior political reporter for the liberal Mic website, went ahead with an item claiming President Trump had met with Russian operative Maria Butina in…

Feminist AMC Series Slams Trump: Among 'Very Worst' of Men

July 16th, 2018 10:54 PM
If anyone else was tired of the cliché oppression games of last week’s episode, we’re in luck. This week, we jump back into the pure “hating men” narrative of AMC’s Dietland. Because in the world of Dietland, that’s all that matters. That and, apparently, dissing Trump.

'Younger' Pokes Fun at 'Confusing' LGBTQ Terms, Invents 'Age-Queer'

July 12th, 2018 12:27 AM
Every once in a while, there comes an episode that sheds light on how dense progressive politics can be. The latest episode of TVLand’s Younger steps up to that plate by daring to call the new LGBTQ-whatever terms “confusing.” Throw in a little mockery with a fake term and this episode could wind up getting people arrested in Canada.  

'Fat Woman Wins!' Feminist AMC Series Plays 'Who's The Most Oppressed'

July 10th, 2018 1:31 AM
Looks like victimizing women might not be enough for Dietland anymore. After several episodes wallowing in female victimhood, the AMC series appears to go intersectional by hosting the oppression Olympics in a couple of scenes this week. As usual, the real losers are the viewers.

AMC's 'Preacher' Calls God 'Almighty D*ckwad'

July 9th, 2018 12:24 AM
If it isn’t obvious by now, AMC’s Preacher isn’t a fan of God, Jesus, Christianity, or anything remotely resembling decency. So it comes as no surprise that the show lets out how it feels about the Creator of the universe - verbally and physically. In another less-than-shocking twist, it requires a censor just to talk about.

AMC's Feminist Show Airs 2 Full Minutes with Violent Porn Background

July 3rd, 2018 1:29 AM
AMC’s new series Dietland has been pretty adamant that women are victims in America. The show has gone so far as to excuse murder in the name of feminism, so I didn’t think the rest of the season could get any worse. However, that was before I found myself seeing violent porn on television - for a full two minutes.

Oprah, Springsteen Become Resistance Voices on 'Handmaid's Tale'

June 27th, 2018 10:31 PM
Hulu’s The Handmaid’s Tale is becoming more bizarre by the episode, but this week is probably the peak of silliness this season. After child brides, whipping women, and denouncing campus speakers, season two now proudly presents us with voice of the Resistance, Oprah Winfrey. Houston, I think we’ve jumped the shark.

AMC Feminist Series: 'Taking Up Arms Is Women's Only Recourse'

June 26th, 2018 12:27 AM
AMC’s Dietland has been a goldmine for feminist propaganda these past few weeks, and the latest episode is no exception. We’ve heard the demands from their manifesto, we’ve seen the murders they've committed against men accused of sex crimes, but now we’re listening to the main characters argue in support of their deadly use of force.