McClatchy CEO Gary Pruitt Performs a 'Baghdad Bob

December 9th, 2008 8:02 AM
Remember Baghdad Bob? He was the Iraqi press spokesmen who caused much amusement in the West because of his unrealistically upbeat pronouncements when Iraq was invaded by the United States and its allies in 2003. Among Baghdad Bob's funnier announcements was his declaration that no Americans were in Baghdad at the same moment when American troops were patrolling the streets of that city just a…

Obama Economic 'Summit' Features Tax-hiking Governors

October 21st, 2008 3:29 PM
Covering a "sober summit" held in Lake Worth, Florida that "focused on boosting jobs and capping the rising costs of healthcare," Miami Herald's Lesley Clark noted that Sen. Barack Obama was joined on stage by the Democratic governors of the swing states of Colorado, Michigan, New Mexico, and Ohio:''A crisis like this calls for the best ideas, the brightest minds, the most innovative solutions…

AP Sanitizes Sebelius Racism Accusations Against GOP

September 17th, 2008 1:31 PM

Break Out Santeria Rooster: Miami Herald Cuts Another 119 Jobs

September 17th, 2008 8:33 AM

Elite Media Give Big Bucks to Gay Journalist Group

August 28th, 2008 12:19 PM
Rarely do the media put their institutional political bias on public display, but this past weekend, America's news industry titans left no doubt that they're fully behind one of the nation's most radical cultural and political movements.  ABC, AP, CBS, CNN, Fox, NBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and the corporate owners of USA Today, the Miami Herald, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution…

'Undecided' Miami Herald Columnist Slams McCain, Praises Obama

August 20th, 2008 11:55 AM

Miami Herald Reacts to Cuban Spy Charges Against Contributor

August 10th, 2008 10:27 AM

Media Use Suspected Spies as Expert Sources

August 5th, 2008 6:23 PM
As if the media's coverage of Cuba isn't fawning enough, now they are using “expert” analysis from three professors that the US government has identified as spies.Babalu Blog reported that, according to Army counterintelligence officer Chris Simmons, the US government believes at least three of the media's academic authorities on Cuba are actually spies working for the Cuban government. The…

Miami Herald Employees Turn to Santeria 'Rooster' for Help

June 16th, 2008 10:29 AM

Miami Herald Columnist Triumphantly Cites Leftwing Media Matters to Sl

June 14th, 2008 10:12 PM

Miami Herald: 2nd Amendment is 'Mythical Right

June 5th, 2008 10:35 PM
The Miami (FL) Herald let lose with another propagandistic broadside against the 2nd Amendment on Thursday featuring some more moaning and false statements about how horrible it is for America that the misnamed "assault weapons ban" has lapsed. There is much wringing of hands, waterworks, histrionics and over dramatics by the aptly named Fred Grimm here. In "What's a few dead cops to the gun…

NY Times Reporter Twice Charged With Plagiarism Disparages Salmon Indu

May 8th, 2008 4:17 PM
How many times will The New York Times publish a disreputable reporter's work before it learns its lesson? Perhaps the third time will be the charm. Alexei Barrionuevo has under come under fire for plagiarism on two separate occasions, but the Times printed a story March 27 ("Salmon Virus Indicts Chile's Fishing Methods") by Barrionuevo anyway, prompting a response from the salmon industry.…

McClatchy’s Wright-Obama-TUCC Expose: How Many Will Get to See It

March 22nd, 2008 9:57 AM
Yesterday, Gateway Pundit noticed what he called an "Uh-Oh... This wasn't supposed to happen" event for presidential candidate Barack Obama: An amazing article appeared in the mainstream news today. McClatchy actually reported that Obama's church merges Marxism and Christian Gospel and preaches that the white church in America is the Antichrist because it supported slavery and segregation.…

Miami Herald Paints Castro's Number Two As 'Old-style Socialist

February 26th, 2008 2:26 PM
At NewsBusters we've been noticing the reticence the media are showing in characterizing the Castro Brothers regime in Cuba as a Communist dictatorship. Today's Miami Herald came a bit closer with its February 26 article ("Old-style socialist takes the No. 2 job in Cuba"), although it painted Raul Castro's deputy as a "devout socialist" and results-oriented problem-solver.Of course, there are "…