USA Today Calls Unborn Md. Murder Victims 'Fetuses'; Baltimore Sun Cal
July 31st, 2007 4:45 PM
The Baltimore Sun is hardly a right-wing rag, in fact its editorials and its overall news judgment, as many a Marylander registered on this site can tell you, is rabidly left-wing. But even the Sun, reporting on yesterday's heinous, grisly discovery of four murdered stillborn infants in Ocean City, Md., used the term "baby" to describe the victims. The Associated Press also used the term "baby"…
Rush Limbaugh Billboard Defaced by Vandal
May 10th, 2007 12:03 PM
Liberal tolerance is a wonderful thing. Of course, with tolerance like this, I'd hate to see what an intolerant liberal looks like.Up in the Baltimore area where our friend Ian Schwartz of Hot Air lives, someone defaced a billboard of radio host Rush Limbaugh. Instead of condemning the act of vandalism, Robert Murrow, a spokesman for the city, said it "did my heart good."…
Michael Steele Takes on Washington Post
November 7th, 2006 10:41 AM
Michael Steele, the Republican candidate in Maryland's Senate race, victim of the Washington Post's desire to keep him out of the Senate tore into the liberal newspaper on "Fox News Sunday."Transcript continues below the fold. Video available here.WALLACE:
Lieutenant Governor, the Washington Post endorsed your opponent, Ben
Cardin, over the weekend, and they had some very harsh words for you.…