Law and Order: SVU

White Victim on 'Law & Order: SVU' Resists Prosecuting a Black Rapist
On Thursday, NBC's Law & Order: Special Victims Unit premiered an episode in which a white rape victim agonizes over prosecuting her rapist because he is black

'Law & Order: SVU': New Voter Integrity Laws 'Slow Down' Progress
Anyone who thought Law & Order: Special Victims Unit was finished with kowtowing to Black Lives Matter will be severely disappointed. The latest episode of the NBC drama reminds that there’s always time to scold the police, just like there’s always time to call new voting laws racist.

'Law & Order' Revives Kavanaugh Myth with Anti-MeToo Rapist Judge
Good to know that some things haven’t changed under a new president. NBC’s Law & Order: Special Victims Unit is still here to smear #MeToo critics and misremember the Kavanaugh accusations all in the name of messed-up social justice. It’s just as bad as it sounds.

Happy Festivus 2020: Time to Air Our TV Grievances
2020 has been a year-long series of grievances, and TV was no exception. Although COVID ended a lot of business, leftist Hollywood has been in full force shoving its agenda down our throats. In honor of Festivus on December 23, we’ve once again gathered a list of 2020 TV grievances to air as well as feats of strength and Festivus miracles.

BLM Effect: 'Law & Order: SVU' Discovers ‘Systemic Racism Within NYPD’
Network shows have finally returned and with them comes a new narrative. As seen in Chicago P.D., NBC seems ready to give into the anti-cop crowd that protested its police dramas this past summer. Up next on the chopping block is one of its longest running shows, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.

FLASHBACK: Todd Whined About Trump Humiliating Clinton With Accusers
Another week has passed and journalists are again upset with the Trump/Pence 2020 team for how they handled a debate. This time, Chuck Todd hammered Mike Pence for being “evasive” and “deflecting.” Four years ago today, on October 10, 2016, things were exactly the same. NBC’s Todd was horrified when Donald Trump brought Bill Clinton’s sexual accusers to a debate.

‘Law & Order’ Actor Says ‘Piece of Sh*’ Trump Wasting Time With 'Golf'

‘Law & Order: SVU’ Rapist Wants to ‘Protect Our Borders’

Goodbye 2019! Watch the Top 10 Worst Liberal TV Scenes of the Year

SVU Warns Pro-Life States With Heartbeat Laws Will 'See Deaths'

'SVU' Excuses Jussie Smollett: 'False Reporting Extremely Rare'

'SVU' Slams Covington Catholic Kids, Defends Ilhan Omar Character

April Video Venom: Pro-Lifers Are ‘Hypocritical C**ts’