
Oliver Accuses GOP Of 'Outright Racism,' Claims Harris Isn't Radical

July 30th, 2024 12:05 PM

HBO’s John Oliver began Last Week Tonight on Sunday by recapping Vice President Kamala Harris’s entry into the presidential race by accusing Republicans of resorting to outright racism” and falsely accusing her of being a radical left-winger.


Oliver Trashes RNC as 'A Bunch Of D**** on Stage'

July 23rd, 2024 12:12 PM

While the rest of the country was discussing President Biden’s decision to end his re-election campaign on Sunday, HBO was airing a Saturday-recorded edition of Last Week Tonight where host John Oliver ranted at Republicans for being “dicks,” supposedly not toning down their RNC rhetoric, and for being “racist.”


Oliver Rants At Conservative 'C****, F***pigs' In UK Election Preview

June 25th, 2024 2:11 PM

HBO’s John Oliver will occasionally use Last Week Tonight to try to educate American viewers on a subject they know little about, but the subject of Oliver’s Sunday wrath this time was not the dictatorship of Turkmenistan, but his native Britain’s Conservative Party which is down in the polls ahead of their July 4 election. Being the host of a nominal comedy show gave Oliver the…


Oliver: Civil Service Reform Will Lead Trump To Be Like George Wallace

June 18th, 2024 3:07 PM

The Rube Goldberg-like logic train that sits inside of John Oliver’s brain was on full display on Sunday's Last Week Tonight on HBO, where he warned that former President Donald Trump and the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025’s plans for civil service reform could lead to the former governing like segregationist Gov. George Wallace.


Bitter John Oliver Tries To Bribe Thomas To 'Get The F*** Off' SCOTUS

February 20th, 2024 9:52 AM

The new season of HBO’s Last Week Tonight debuted on Sunday with host John Oliver bitterly attacking Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas for making people’s lives “demonstrable worse for decades” and therefore offering him $1 million per year and a new luxury RV if he resigns and gets “the fuck off the Supreme Court.” A day later on Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, Jon…


Late Night 'Comedy' Bottom Ten Moments of 2023

December 27th, 2023 7:00 PM

It was a year of change for late night comedy. The Late Late show was cancelled by CBS after 5,300 episodes since 1995 after James Corden decided to return to England, Comedy Central’s The Daily Show used a series of temp hosts after Trevor Noah walked away at the end of 2022, CBS host of The Late Show Stephen Colbert finally stopped giving Donald Trump the He Who…


Oliver Baselessly Says U.S. 'Heavily Implicated' In Israeli War Crimes

November 14th, 2023 9:50 AM

For Sunday’s edition of Last Week Tonight, HBO’s John Oliver attempted to give what he would consider a nuanced take on the Israel-Hamas War and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict more generally. However, it was hard to take such nuance seriously when he accused the United States of being “heavily implicated” in non-existent Israeli war crimes.


Oliver Agrees With Satanic Temple, Hints Alito Should've Been Aborted

November 7th, 2023 12:54 PM

Nothing causes a late night talk show host to freak out around election time quite like the fate of abortion and HBO’s John Oliver on Sunday’s Last Week Tonight was no different as he spent most of the program hyping abortion and at one point going gaga over The Satanic Temple naming a facility after Justice Samuel Alito, his mother, and suggesting he should have been aborted.


Emmys Snub Non-Woke Creators, Award Talentless John Oliver & SNL

September 13th, 2022 1:27 AM

Last night, the 74th Emmy Awards on NBC, hosted by Kenan Thompson, honored talentless hacks like John Oliver while snubbing some of the most successful non-woke entertainers of the past year.


Vile Oliver Uses Queen’s Death as Way to Trash New Conservative PM

September 12th, 2022 5:15 PM

HBO host John Oliver hates anyone or anything conservative. So it’s not a shock that the “comedian” on Sunday night mocked the death of Queen Elizabeth as a way of slamming the new Conservative British Prime Minister Liz Truss. Truss has been compared to conservative icon Margaret Thatcher, something that caused Oliver to fume: “Liz Truss —  basically, Margaret Thatcher if she were high on…


Liberals Cheer As John Oliver Calls Ted Cruz a 'F--king Knob' on CRT

February 21st, 2022 11:39 AM

Snarky British leftist comedian John Oliver is back on HBO with his supposedly whip-smart show Last Week Tonight. Marlow Stern of the Daily Beast celebrated the return under the headline "John Oliver Returns to Expertly Debunk the Right-Wing Panic Over ‘Critical Race Theory’." Naturally, this "expert debunking" included Oliver uncorking a nasty Dr. Seuss-style verse that ended in calling Cruz…


Hack John Oliver: Comedy No Longer in ‘Absolute Despair’ Under Biden

February 19th, 2022 12:15 PM

According to far-left “comedian” John Oliver, comedy in the Joe Biden era is “much more fun” because late night hosts aren’t performing under the “absolute despair” of the Trump years. The HBO host appeared on CBS's Late Show, Tuesday night, to promote the new season of Last Week Tonight.


Foul Lefty Oliver Melts Down Over TX Abortion Law, Mocks Pro-Lifers

September 13th, 2021 10:12 AM

Late-night comedians turned into screeching liberal commentators during the Trump years and they’ve continued to display their unfunny, foul-mouthed “humor” when reacting to any sort of resistance to their partisan agenda. Case in point, Last Week Tonight host John Oliver lost it over Texas’s fetal heartbeat law on his Sunday show, fuming at the Supreme Court for not striking it down…


PATHETIC: Oliver Allows a Scant 6 Seconds to Debacle of Cuomo Brothers

August 16th, 2021 4:12 PM

Don’t count on John Oliver to speak truth to the Cuomo brothers. The left-wing HBO hack on Sunday allowed a scant 6 seconds to the sexual abuse scandal that toppled Andrew Cuomo and embarrassed his CNN brother Chris Cuomo. This comes a week after the host allowed a mere 41 seconds to the scandal.