
Oliver Agrees With Satanic Temple, Hints Alito Should've Been Aborted

November 7th, 2023 12:54 PM

Nothing causes a late night talk show host to freak out around election time quite like the fate of abortion and HBO’s John Oliver on Sunday’s Last Week Tonight was no different as he spent most of the program hyping abortion and at one point going gaga over The Satanic Temple naming a facility after Justice Samuel Alito, his mother, and suggesting he should have been aborted.


Emmys Snub Non-Woke Creators, Award Talentless John Oliver & SNL

September 13th, 2022 1:27 AM

Last night, the 74th Emmy Awards on NBC, hosted by Kenan Thompson, honored talentless hacks like John Oliver while snubbing some of the most successful non-woke entertainers of the past year.


Vile Oliver Uses Queen’s Death as Way to Trash New Conservative PM

September 12th, 2022 5:15 PM

HBO host John Oliver hates anyone or anything conservative. So it’s not a shock that the “comedian” on Sunday night mocked the death of Queen Elizabeth as a way of slamming the new Conservative British Prime Minister Liz Truss. Truss has been compared to conservative icon Margaret Thatcher, something that caused Oliver to fume: “Liz Truss —  basically, Margaret Thatcher if she were high on…


Liberals Cheer As John Oliver Calls Ted Cruz a 'F--king Knob' on CRT

February 21st, 2022 11:39 AM

Snarky British leftist comedian John Oliver is back on HBO with his supposedly whip-smart show Last Week Tonight. Marlow Stern of the Daily Beast celebrated the return under the headline "John Oliver Returns to Expertly Debunk the Right-Wing Panic Over ‘Critical Race Theory’." Naturally, this "expert debunking" included Oliver uncorking a nasty Dr. Seuss-style verse that ended in calling Cruz…


Hack John Oliver: Comedy No Longer in ‘Absolute Despair’ Under Biden

February 19th, 2022 12:15 PM

According to far-left “comedian” John Oliver, comedy in the Joe Biden era is “much more fun” because late night hosts aren’t performing under the “absolute despair” of the Trump years. The HBO host appeared on CBS's Late Show, Tuesday night, to promote the new season of Last Week Tonight.


Foul Lefty Oliver Melts Down Over TX Abortion Law, Mocks Pro-Lifers

September 13th, 2021 10:12 AM

Late-night comedians turned into screeching liberal commentators during the Trump years and they’ve continued to display their unfunny, foul-mouthed “humor” when reacting to any sort of resistance to their partisan agenda. Case in point, Last Week Tonight host John Oliver lost it over Texas’s fetal heartbeat law on his Sunday show, fuming at the Supreme Court for not striking it down…


PATHETIC: Oliver Allows a Scant 6 Seconds to Debacle of Cuomo Brothers

August 16th, 2021 4:12 PM

Don’t count on John Oliver to speak truth to the Cuomo brothers. The left-wing HBO hack on Sunday allowed a scant 6 seconds to the sexual abuse scandal that toppled Andrew Cuomo and embarrassed his CNN brother Chris Cuomo. This comes a week after the host allowed a mere 41 seconds to the scandal. 


Lib Oliver Slams ‘Inexcusable’ Biden Betrayal of Afghani Translators

August 2nd, 2021 12:55 PM

The United States under Joe Biden is slowly betraying Afghani translators who loyally helped us during the 20 year war in Afghanistan. Thousands are still stuck in the country as the U.S. prepares to complete a pullout. Yet, the networks have largely buried this abandonment. It was left to the very liberal comedian John Oliver on Sunday to condemn the “inexcusable” betrayal for his HBO host…


Silly Celebs Dismiss DeSantis, Bully Rand Paul and Taunt Trump

May 29th, 2021 10:00 AM

Those silly celebs were at it again this month, attacking their favorite conservative Republican targets. Actor Seth Rogen attacked “fascist” Ted Cruz for “words” that “resulted in death.” HBO host John Oliver slimed Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis as “a man with a vibe that screams ‘will flirt with your teenage friends.”’ The following are the worst celebrity outbursts from the month…


Unfunny TV Scold Rants Into Void About ‘Depressing' Texas Pro-Life Law

May 24th, 2021 2:31 PM

The idea of late night “comedy” has degenerated into John Oliver not liking pro-life successes, ranting into his empty, audience-free HBO void as “depressing” and “infuriating. The Last Week Tonight host on Sunday again dropped the jokes and raged that a Mississippi abortion law will now be heard by a newly conservative Supreme Court: 


Oliver HATES Israel, Spews Vile at Country’s ‘F***ing War Crimes’

May 17th, 2021 12:49 PM

HBO host John Oliver spewed hate at the Jews of Israel on Sunday, foaming about the “apartheid” and “fucking war crimes” of the country. He lashed out at ally United States for having “blood on its hands.” The comedy-free rant got uncomfortable when Oliver cited as sources the anti-Semitic U.N Human Rights Council and a journalist who implied Israel didn’t have a right to exist. 


Vile Oliver Smears DeSantis Vibe: 'Screams Will Flirt With Your Teen'

May 10th, 2021 3:40 PM

Vile HBO late night hack John Oliver sunk to a new low on Sunday night, smearing Florida’s Ron DeSantis with a very specific accusations: The Governor has a “vibe that screams ‘will flirt with your teenage friends.’” 


After Briefly Standing Up to 'A**hole' Cuomo, Oliver Just Gives Up

April 13th, 2021 12:07 PM

HBO’s John Oliver fancies himself a bold truth teller, standing up to those in power. In reality, he’s a Democratic hack who protects politicians in his political party. In February, he very briefly stood up to Andrew Cuomo, calling the liberal governor mired in scandal an “asshole.” But in the five episodes since, Oliver has spent a scant 47 seconds mocking the Democrat.


Hater Oliver, Who Said ‘I’d Shoot Tim Tebow,’ Trashes 'Hater' McCain

March 22nd, 2021 12:15 PM

Hateful John Oliver, the leftist host of HBO’s Last Week Tonight, on Sunday trashed Meghan McCain as “giving space for hate to grow” and tried to smear her as contributing to last week’s horrific shooting of Asian Americans in a spa. The idea of Oliver, who joked about shooting Christian Tebow.