Jansing & Co.

MSNBC’s ‘Tweet Of The Day’ Highlights Politico’s Thrush Making
March 7th, 2013 1:06 PM
A daily feature on MSNBC’s Jansing & Co. is the ‘tweet of the day’ in which host Chris Jansing showcases a tweet from a politician or a member of the media that is topical to a major news event. Most of Jansing’s featured tweets are from liberal journalists, and on March 7, things weren’t much different.
Following coverage of Senator Rand Paul’s (R-Ky.) 13-hour filibuster over the…

MSNBC Features Liberal Nun Slamming Catholic Church: 'One Of The Last
February 15th, 2013 3:43 PM
It seems as though MSNBC’s liberal agenda doesn't concern itself simply with secular politics. They want the Catholic Church to "lean forward" into fundamentally changing themselves to reflect liberal values. In service of this pulpit-pounding, MSNBC's Jansing & Co. program brought on two liberal Catholic women over two days. At no point did she turn to a traditionalist, orthodox Catholic…
MSNBC's Jansing Highlights NYTimes Columnists's Tweet Calling for Fema
February 11th, 2013 11:43 AM
A daily feature of MSNBC host Chris Jansing's 10 a.m. Eastern program Jansing & Co. is the "Tweet of the Day." Given the astonishing breaking news about Pope Benedict XVI's decision to abdicate the papacy at the end of the month, it was almost certain the tweet highlighted would have to do with this development.
But given that this is the "Lean Forward" network, Jansing highlighted the…

Jansing & Co. Presents Slanted & Misinformed Take on Michigan's Right
December 10th, 2012 6:25 PM
Michigan may very well become the 24th state to adopt right-to-work legislation on Tuesday, and liberal media outlets have given its opponents ample opportunity to state their case. While proponents have not been allowed to defend the law at all, MSNBC's Chris Jansing was more than happy to briefly play "devil's advocate" with her guest on Monday -- newly elected state representative Tim…

On MSNBC, HuffPo's Ryan Grim Puts All the Fiscal Cliff Pressure on Hou
November 27th, 2012 1:01 PM
Throughout the liberal media's ceaseless coverage of the impending fiscal cliff debacle, they have fixated on hiking taxes on the "rich," even though doing so would come nowhere close to solving America's fiscal woes. Whatever short term gain in revenue from tax hikes will not last the federal government for very long, and another credit downgrade is inevitable if entitlement reform continues…

Latest MSNBC 'Lean Forward' Ad Spikes Football Over Obama Election Vic
November 19th, 2012 3:15 PM
It should come as no surprise to most people that MSNBC is a liberal network, but it appears as though they are now actively campaigning for the Democratic Party. For several years, MSNBC has produced their own ads featuring numerous on-air personalities promoting different liberal causes.
MSNBC’s latest ad, however, goes well beyond promotion of liberalism and has shifted into outright DNC…

MSNBC Hypes 'Brave,' 'Provocative' Thinkers Like Lena Dunham and Micha
November 19th, 2012 12:48 PM
According to the Atlantic Monthly and the receptive audience at MSNBC, the year's "brave" and "provocative" thinkers include Lena Dunham, who made an ad comparing voting to sex, and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who tried to ban large sodas. [See video below. MP3 audio here.]
Jansing and Co. Guest anchor Richard Lui introduced Atlantic Monthly editor James Bennet by hyping, "The Atlantic…
Obama-boosting MSNBC Contributor Reid Annoyed with Ron Fournier's Ques
November 16th, 2012 12:15 PM
As more information comes to light regarding the attacks on our embassy in Benghazi, now seems like a perfect time to examine how an objective journalist deals with the Obama administration's evolving view of the attack as opposed to how an Obama-boosting one does. Viewers of the 10 a.m. hour of MSNBC programming got to see such a sharp contrast this morning.
Speaking with fill-in host…