Blogger: Political Correctness Inhibits Conservatives’ Sexism, Racism

February 5th, 2016 8:42 PM
Daily Kos writer Mark E Andersen makes political correctness sound healthy and utterly bland -- the ideological equivalent of plain oatmeal. “Political correctness is nothing evil,” declared Andersen in a Sunday post. “It is not a liberal plot…It is about being a decent human being—period.” Andersen hinted that some non-decent, anti-PC human beings (i.e., conservatives) are concealing racist and…

Kos: If Not For Hillary, Trump Might Have Run as a Democrat

January 27th, 2016 12:59 AM
Left-leaning pundits worth their salt know that Donald Trump isn’t a movement conservative, but many of them believe nonetheless that his candidacy is, in some social/cultural/emotional sense, a fundamentally righty phenomenon. That said, Daily Kos founder and publisher Markos Moulitsas, whose lefty credentials are hardly in question, argued in a Friday post that while Trump “happened to land on…

Daily Kos Writer: Cruz a Fitting Leader For a ‘Christian Caliphate’

December 7th, 2015 9:34 PM
In 2010, Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas published his book American Taliban, which detailed his belief that “fundamentalist Muslims [are] basically hard-right Christians…American [religious conservatives] may be more constrained by American society and laws than their Middle Eastern counterparts, but…their goals are the same.” This past weekend, one current and one former Daily Kos writer…

Daily Kos: ‘America's Right-Wing Mass Killers’ Deadlier Than ISIS

November 24th, 2015 11:25 AM
Liberals sometimes say that law enforcement’s approach to the Mafia offers a model for how to deal with jihadists, even though the latter tend not to limit their demands to protection money. This past Sunday, Egberto Willies claimed that if terrorist attacks were “treated as they should be, like organized crime, it would neuter ISIS. After all…the group is no more powerful than a large band of…

Kos: Conservatives Afraid of Gun Attacks Only If Shooters Are Muslim

November 16th, 2015 5:52 PM
Many on the left have accused conservatives of exploiting the Paris terrorist attacks for political gain. On Monday, Daily Kos founder and publisher Markos Moulitsas jumped on the pile, alleging that the right’s main reaction to the attacks was not sadness or outrage, but “excitement” over the prospect of stirring up Islamophobia -- perhaps to the point of getting the Middle East war that they…

Lefty Prof: Ben Carson the ‘Antithesis of the Civil Rights Struggle'

October 20th, 2015 9:54 PM
Daily Kos writer Denise Oliver-Velez has two plans related to New York state’s primary election next April: vote for Democrats, and give Ben Carson the finger. Carson won’t see it, but that’s not the point -- it’s a therapeutic gesture. In a Sunday screed, Oliver-Velez, an adjunct professor of anthropology and women’s studies at SUNY New Paltz, charged that Carson “has become the antithesis of…

As Limbaugh Demonstrates: The Media’s Lockstep Leftist Talking Points

October 13th, 2015 8:42 AM
We’ve time and again seen the media receive their messaging orders  - and then march off all mouthing the Leftist talking point(s) of the day.  Washington, D.C.-based talk radio host Chris Plante quotes a military friend of his describing the media not as a gaggle, but as a centipede.  Multitudinous legs in coordinated movement - all headed in the same direction.  Talk radio impresario Rush…

MSNBC Panels Have Massive Meltdowns Over Pope Meeting Kim Davis

October 1st, 2015 7:14 AM
It was quite the scene on Wednesday night as the viewers of MSNBC’s All In and The Last Word saw extensive meltdowns by two different panels over the revelation that Pope Francis took time during his visit to the United States to secretly meet with Kentucky clerk Kim Davis with panelists decrying how “deeply disappointed” they were at the “bizarre” meeting.

Blogger: Today’s Right Could Eventually Stand For ‘True Fascism’

September 19th, 2015 2:38 PM
Applying bogus definitions of “fascist” and “fascism” to conservatives and conservatism has long been almost a cottage industry on the left. In a Friday post that mostly riffed on Rep. Paul Gosar’s intention to skip Pope Francis’s speech to a joint session of Congress, Daily Kos writer Hunter argued that the modern conservative movement may not be fascist right now, but easily could become so. “…

Kos Calls Trump ‘The GOP's Homegrown Vladimir Putin’

September 6th, 2015 2:40 PM
Does Donald Trump’s popularity among Republicans indicate that a big part of the GOP base is more authoritarian than it is conservative? Yes, suggested Daily Kos founder and publisher Markos Moulitsas in a Friday post. “The crazies don't really care about any conservative platform, they just want someone to reflect their own bigotries and xenophobia, all the while telling the weenies to fuck off…

Lefty Blogger: ‘Unreasoning Fear’ Starts to Swamp GOP

September 4th, 2015 2:27 PM
Apparently at least two of the Beach Boys are Republicans, but when Daily Kos's Mark Sumner used a GOP/surfing metaphor, it didn't mean “catch a wave and you’re sittin’ on top of the world.” Rather, as Sumner sees it, the party is heading for a wipeout. “For decades, Republicans have been thriving on a theme of Me-firstism and an insistence that it's the sworn duty of every American to fear…

CNN, Leftist Hacks Attack Garrett For Asking Obama Tough Questions

July 15th, 2015 8:28 PM
Journalists and lefitsts (but I repeat myself) are hopping mad. They're not mad at President Obama for failing to make freeing American hostages held by Iran an issue in negotiations with that nation. Instead, they're furious at Major Garrett of CBS News for daring to ask Dear Leader a question about it, even though in the process Garrett got a clearly irritated Obama to make news by admitting,…

Blogger: Current GOP Lawmakers ‘Dumbest We've Ever Had’

May 24th, 2015 1:36 PM
Today’s conservative legislators may not be as dumb as a box of rocks or so dumb it takes them an hour and a half to watch 60 Minutes (HT: Rodney Dangerfield) but Daily Kos writer Hunter is willing to claim that they’re “the dumbest we've ever had. You have to credit the tea party Republicans for that one—they know what they want, and by golly if it can ooze its way into a suit and tie they'll…

Kos: Hillary’s Attitude Toward MSM Should Be ‘F**k Them’

May 21st, 2015 9:35 PM
When it comes to taking questions from representatives of the legacy media, Hillary Clinton has been making herself rather scarce, and Daily Kos founder and publisher Markos Moulitsas thinks that’s just peachy. “The day when the political media was instrumental in getting a candidate's message out is over,” wrote Kos in a Thursday post. “Candidates now have myriad vehicles to communicate their…