
CNN, MSNBC: Hunter's Stunt Shows He's Willing To Comply With Subpoena

January 10th, 2024 11:16 AM

As Hunter Biden showed up for his publicity stunt on Capitol Hill on Wednesday where he briefly sat in on the House Oversight Committee hearing on a vote to hold him in contempt both CNN News Central and MSNBC’s Ana Cabrera Reports claimed that the move proves that Hunter defying his subpoena is actually proof he’s willing to comply with that same subpoena.


CNN's Egan: Harvard Pres. Was Simply 'Copying Other People's Writings'

January 2nd, 2024 2:31 PM

It may only be the second day of 2024, but reporter Matt Egan joined Tuesday’s CNN News Central and got in an early contender for quote of the year when he claimed that resigning Harvard President Claudine Gay has not been accused of “stealing anyone’s ideas” just “…


CNN Spreads Fake News On Gaza Deaths, Equates IDF's Response with 10/7

November 29th, 2023 3:20 PM

CNN senior international correspondent Ivan Watson joined Wolf Blitzer on Wednesday’s CNN News Central to discuss the latest news surrounding the Israel-Hamas War when he spread fake news about Palestinian casualty estimates and used the same “slaughter” verb to describe October 7 and Israel’s response to it.


CNN Hypes 'Experts' Ludicrously Accusing Israel of Genocide

November 16th, 2023 12:41 PM

Exactly one day after being rebuked by Democratic Rep. Jared Moskowitz for repeating Hamas propaganda, Nada Bashir returned to CNN News Central on Thursday to hype the ludicrous idea that certain “experts” are entertaining that Israel is committing genocide because for CNN being truthful and not neutral has its limits.


Dem Congressman Condemns CNN For Regurgitating Hamas Propaganda

November 15th, 2023 1:55 PM

Democratic Rep. Jared Moskowitz joined the Wednesday edition of CNN News Central and condemned the network for repeating Hamas propaganda on the Al-Shifa Hospital when it cited Hamas saying there is no command center at the facility.


General Rebuts Blitzer Trying To Shame Israel For Hamas Commander Hit

October 31st, 2023 4:09 PM

Wolf Blitzer tried to shame Israel on Tuesday’s CNN News Central for a strike that took out a top Hamas commander because he was hiding at a refugee camp. Thankfully, retired Major General Dana Pittard would eventually remind him that any civilian casualties that resulted from the strike would be Hamas’s fault.


Israeli Envoy Tells Off CNN, Anti-Semites on College Campuses/Congress

October 19th, 2023 3:07 PM

In a Thursday morning appearance on CNN News Central, Israeli Special Envoy for Antisemitism Michal Cotler-Wunsh unloaded on the anti-Semites and bigots marching around college campuses, in the streets of American cities, and on Capitol Hill. Meanwhile, co-hosts Kate Bolduan and John Berman were trying to split non-existent hairs over what they were actually protesting.


Israeli Officials SCHOOL CNN, Liberal Media on Lies Over Hospital Fire

October 19th, 2023 10:22 AM

On Wednesday afternoon, three different Israeli officials — including a former prime minister — took to CNN airwaves to lambaste the network and the rest of the liberal media for their instinctual rush to accept Hamas’s premise (under the guise of the “Palestinian Health Ministry”) that Israel had targeted a Gaza hospital Tuesday night for slaughter. In reality, it was a misfired rocket by…


THIS AGAIN? CNN Insists Pro-Hamas Riots Have ‘Been Mostly Peaceful’

October 18th, 2023 6:14 PM

On Wednesday afternoon’s CNN News Central, reporter Nada Bashir channeled her inner Omar Jimenez or Ali Velshi by denying reality as she declared the terrifying pro-Hamas riots outside the Israeli and U.S. embassies inspired the thoroughly debunked lie that Israel fired a missile targeting a Gaza hospital was “mostly peaceful.”


TRUTH BE DAMNED: Tapper Leaves Door Open to Israel Bombing Hospital

October 18th, 2023 3:35 PM

CNN’s Jake Tapper made a fool out of himself when he proclaimed in all seriousness that he and the world had “no reason to doubt” Hamas’s claims about Israel allegedly bombing a hospital in Gaza. But in the light of day, a leveled hospital quickly turned into a partially torched parking lot and shattered windows as irrefutable evidence proved it to have been a rocket fired from Gaza. But…


Time to Embarrass the Lefty Media for Backing Hamas on Hospital Strike

October 18th, 2023 12:41 PM

Unsurprisingly the liberal media rushed Tuesday to accept the claims of the Palestinian Health Ministry that Israel had fired a missile at a Gaza hospital that Palestinians insisted had killed hundreds. Of course, that wasn’t true as Israeli and U.S. intelligence and amateur video showed it was a misfired Islamic Jihad or Hamas rocket. The cast of characters read like a who’s who in the…


Tapper Defends Hamas Propaganda Death Toll: 'No Reason to Doubt'

October 17th, 2023 4:58 PM

The terrorist organization Hamas ran every aspect of the government in the Gaza Strip, and they were known for playing games with casualty numbers as a form of propaganda to manipulate the media to be on their side. So, it was inexcusable that CNN host Jake Tapper spent part of Tuesday afternoon suggesting there was “no reason to doubt” a claim that Israel killed hundreds of people in an…


CNN Labels Israeli Warnings To Evacuate Northern Gaza 'A War Crime'

October 13th, 2023 3:20 PM

CNN reporter Nada Bashir has put in Israel in a damned if they do, damned if they don’t situation. One hand, Israel is lectured on the need to avoid civilian casualties as if they would otherwise enjoy bombing Palestinians for sport, but on the other hand, she lectures them on Friday’s CNN Newsroom that urging Palestinians to evacuate Northern Gaza is “a war crime.”


CNNers Try to Equivocate Hamas Horror, Blames Jews for No Gaza Shelter

October 13th, 2023 10:02 AM

On Thursday, CNN had a number of horribly pro-Hamas moments from both correspondents and guests, including an insane insinuation that Israel was to blame for Gazans not having bomb shelters and attempts to equivocate the work of a terrorist organization in Hamas with Israeli air strikes.