No Laughing Matter: 98% of ‘Comedy’ Show Campaign Jokes Target Trump
During the fall presidential campaign, a Media Research Center study found that hosts of the late-night "comedy" shows told a total of 1,463 jokes about Donald Trump and Kamala Harris -- but 1,428 of them were about Trump, and only 35 were about Harris. That's a whopping 40:1 ratio or almost 98 percent to 2 percent.

Colbert Denounces 'Extra Sinister' WashPost For Not Endorsing Harris
CBS’s Stephen Colbert did not appreciate the Washington Post’s “extra sinister" decision to refrain from endorsing Kamala Harris. On Monday’s edition of The Late Show, Colbert railed against the paper and declared it is failing to uphold its stated commitment to democracy and warn “about a looming fascist regime.”

Regime Media Hope MSG Joke Hurts Trump With Pennsylvania Puerto Ricans
With a week to go before the election, the Regime Media hold out hope against hope that they can get their hands on a good Trump-adverse story, hopefully one that might damage him in key swing states. The fallout from comic Tony Hinchcliffe’s controversial set at Madison Square Garden is the latest such instance.

ABC Blasts Trump for ‘Dark’ ‘Incendiary,’ ‘Racist,’ ‘Vulgar’ MSG Rally
ABC’s Good Morning America began another workday spewing more thick venom in the direction of former President Trump and his tens of millions of supporters, blasting Sunday’s Madison Square Garden rally as “dark,” “filled with grievances,” “incendiary,” “outright racist,” “profane,” and “vulgar” thanks to Trump as well as a litany of warm-up acts.

CBS Anchor Pushes Kamala's Themes: 'Freedom' to Abort and January 6
After CBS anchor Norah O'Donnell favored Democrat Tim Walz in the vice presidential debate and has aggressively pushed her anti-Trump themes on the CBS Evening News last week (including the Trump-smearing Atlantic article), she was granted an interview with Kamala Harris, which aired on Sunday Morning.

No Fun: ‘Veep’ Creator Goes Whining to CBS About Kamala Comparisons
The left has made it clear that, in this election, no parodying of themselves are allowed given what they perceive as an existential threat to American lives and the country itself if former President Trump were reelected. Such was the case on Friday’s CBS Mornings Plus with Armando Innucci, the creator HBO’s Veep, complaining about comparisons between his fictional vice…

EXPECTEDLY: JD Vance BULLDOZES Through Regime Media’s Sunday Shows
In what has become a commonplace occurrence, Ohio Senator and GOP vice presidential nominee JD Vance gets booked on a Regime Media Sunday show, appears on said show, and then promptly wrecks whatever gotchas the host had planned for him. In this case, Vance went through three shows.

CBS Hypes Harris's Crowd Size, Pans Trump's 'Ominous Music'
Senior White House correspondent Ed O’Keefe joined CBS Saturday Morning to attempt to contrast the two presidential candidates’ Friday night rallies. In O’Keefe’s telling, Kamala Harris had her largest crowd yet, while Donald Trump played “ominous music.”

ABC STILL Obsessed With Kelly, Brags Kamala Would ‘Put Americans 1st’
ABC’s Good Morning America not only continued to try and make fetch happen with scaring and shaming voters into voting for Vice President Harris instead of former President Trump with more fawning over former Trump chief of staff John Kelly’s tall tales about his former boss being a fascist and Adolf Hitler enthusiast, but also tried to dial up the gush for Harris “calling on her…

CBS’s ‘Eye’ at the Border Is Little More Than Pro-Harris Propaganda
As the election approaches, look for the Regime Media to embed propaganda in subtler pieces than what you normally see at the top of their newscasts, such as their unhinged campaign trail recaps. Case in point: this “Eye on America” item from CBS, touting “nuance” at the border that is anything but nuanced.

Colbert Suggests Trump-MSG Rally Proves He's a Fascist
Perhaps one reason The Atlantic story alleging Trump is a secret Hitler fan has flopped is because Trump’s critics, such as CBS’s Stephen Colbert, see fascism in the littlest of things. On Thursday’s taping of The Late Show, Colbert tried to suggest that Trump’s desire to hold a rally at Madison Square Garden is some sort of attempt to recall the pro-Nazi rally that took…

CBS’s 8 Worst Moments of Election Interference Against Conservatives
A look through MRC’s archives shows CBS has a long history of using dishonest techniques to interfere with the election of conservative candidates.

Deranged Networks Still Obsessed With Kelly’s Tales of ‘Fascist’ Trump
On Thursday morning, the “Big Three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC remained enthralled with the tales spun by former White House chief of staff John Kelly about former President Trump as an alleged fascist and supposed Adolf Hitler enthusiast. ABC’s Good Morning America still led the way with over six minutes (6:08), including a lead-off report from Disney’s in-house North Korean news lady for…

CBS Lawyer to Trump Lawyer: Go Away, You're Not Getting Our Transcript
CNN’s Brian Stelter touted that CBS lawyers sent a “blunt letter” on Wednesday to Trump’s legal counsel, refusing to bend to public demands for the release of a full transcript of its sneakily edited Kamala Harris interview with Bill Whitaker on 60 Minutes.