
A Nod to Violence: CNN Further Normalizes Leftist Antifa Terrorists

May 7th, 2019 5:53 PM
It’s been over three years since the FBI and the Department of Homeland security referred to the radical leftist Antifa movement's behavior as that of a “domestic terrorist” organization, but that hasn’t stopped CNN from promoting their activities. Just days after CNN host Chris Cuomo argued that Antifa was a “true” and “good cause”, social justice warrior Kamau Bell on Sunday’s United Shades of…

Shapiro Unpacks the Liberal Media's Conflict With Conservatives, Faith

May 5th, 2019 5:21 PM
In a Sunday appearance on CNN’s Reliable Sources, conservative thought leader and editor-in-chief of The Daily Wire, Ben Shapiro and host Brian Stelter had a thoughtful discussion about where the media was failing when it came to discussing religion, conservatives, and President Trump.

Mollie Hemingway: ‘People Sense the Injustice’ Media Did to Sandmann

May 2nd, 2019 11:55 PM
In an appearance on Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson Tonight Thursday, Federalist senior editor Mollie Hemingway assessed that the reason Sandmann enjoyed such broad support was that “people sense the injustice” done to him by a vicious liberal media.

Maddow Tees Up Hillary Clinton to Bash AG Barr's Severe 'Misbehavior'

May 1st, 2019 11:28 PM
Two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton took a reprieve from wandering the woods of upstate New York to make an appearance during Wednesday’s The Rachel Maddow Show. The MSNBC host was ecstatic to have the former Secretary of State on her show once again; this time to talk about the findings of the Mueller Report and bash Attorney General William Barr for executing the duties of…

They LOVE It: CNN Report Repeatedly Calls Trump a ‘F***ing Idiot’

May 1st, 2019 9:07 PM
It’s not often that CNN gets to share their more vulgar thoughts against President Trump. So, when Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) read a text message from anti-Trump FBI investigators calling the President a “f***ing idiot” on live TV (uncensored) during the hearing with AG Barr on Wednesday, CNN got to live vicariously through Trump critics that didn’t need to worry about FCC violations and fines…

Lyin’ Brian Is Obsessed With Kamala Harris Drawing 'Blood’ from Barr

May 1st, 2019 5:50 PM
You know, for all the liberal media’s talk political language inciting violence, you would think MSNBC would be keener and watch the words they use. Immediately following Attorney General William Barr’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday afternoon, serial liar Brian Williams took to MSNBC Live and was infatuated with the radical California Senator Kamala Harris (D) and how…

CNN Suggests WashPost Spells Doom for AG, Skips Mueller Contradiction

April 30th, 2019 11:24 PM
With The Washington Post publishing select excerpts of a letter Special Counsel Robert Mueller purportedly sent to Attorney General William Barr expressing some level of displeasure with the original four-page memo to Congress, CNN was off to the races on Tuesday night with all sorts of speculation and doom and gloom soothsaying at it pertained to the fate of the AG.

Chris Plante: The Liberal Media Is ‘Tube Feeding’ Lies to America

April 29th, 2019 11:37 PM

In an energized appearance on the Fox News Channel's Tucker Carlson Tonight Monday to talk about the pompous White House Correspondents Dinner, talk radio host Chris Plante blasted the liberal media for their First Amendment hypocrisy between Presidents Obama and Trump. On top of that, he described how he left his job at CNN because they were “tube feeding” lies and deceit to America.


Stelter Blames ‘Right-Wing Message Boards’ for Synagogue Shooting

April 28th, 2019 3:32 PM
What makes tragic shootings like the one at Chabad of Poway on Saturday even worse was how predictable the liberal media were when it came to politicizing it. During Sunday’s so-called Reliable Sources on CNN, host Brian Stelter teased his coverage of the attack by wondering if it was “another case of a killer radicalized on right-wing message boards”. Baltimore Sun media critic David Zurawik…

CBS Fears ‘Conservative Justices’ Allowing Citizenship Census Question

April 24th, 2019 10:50 PM
For hundreds of years, some form of question about citizenship has been included in the United States census form. But now that Donald Trump was president it’s suddenly a problem of epic proportions, that’s according to the liberal media. During Tuesday’s CBS Evening News, anchor Jeff Glor stoked fear of the question and the “conservative justices” on the Supreme Court that would allow it to be…

‘Misleading' People: Mukasey Calls Out Cuomo’s Russia Conspiracies

April 24th, 2019 12:29 AM
During his appearance on Tuesday’s Cuomo Prime Time, former Attorney General Michael Mukasey didn’t shy away from calling Chris Cuomo out for “misleading a lot of people” when it came to the findings of the special counsel investigation. In a brilliant display of schooling the so-called “Facts First” network, Mukasey went toe-to-toe with blowhard host and outclassed him at every turn.

CNN Town Halls: 0 Questions on Anti-Christian Attack, 9 on Impeachment

April 23rd, 2019 12:35 AM
Monday night was truly a marathon for CNN as they aired five back-to-back town halls with Democratic 2020 candidates. Yet, despite it being only one day after the massive coordinated terrorist attack in Sri Lanka by Islamic extremists that mainly targeted Christians with almost 300 dead and 500 injured, CNN offered zero questions about anti-Christian bigotry. Instead, CNN asked those candidates…

MSNBC ‘Ambushes’ Mueller Outside Church, After Easter Service

April 21st, 2019 2:52 PM
MSNBC host and notorious hate-monger, Joy Reid was excited Sunday morning, during AM Joy, as reporter Mike Viqueira came on with “breaking news”. Special Counsel Robert Mueller was spotted leaving church. “This is, you know, what some people would characterize as an ambush interview of a man coming out of Easter services at a church,” he admitted. “Some passersby weren't happy that we were doing…

Watch CNN’s April Ryan Rage, Demand Trump Fire Press Sec. Sanders

April 18th, 2019 10:34 PM
A CNN political analyst and American Urban Radio Networks White House correspondent, April Ryan has never liked White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders. The reporter had once started a feud with Sanders because she thought the Secretary didn’t really bake a pie, and even suggested the Secretary wanted to fight her. But in the wake of the Mueller report, and Sander’s testimony in it, Ryan…