2020 Resolution: Lemon Promises to ‘Fight,’ and Be More Biased?
January 1st, 2020 1:42 PM
Shortly after the United States started to ring in 2020 on Wednesday (and more than a few drinks), CNN Tonight host Don Lemon announced he had a major New Year’s resolution for the upcoming election year that he wanted people to know about: “lean in harder” and “fight.” Essentially, he was vowing to be more biased in his reporting.
CNN Panel Calls Out Double Standard in Attention to Anti-Semitism
December 30th, 2019 11:04 PM
CNN’s Jake Tapper doesn’t often shy away from calling attention to anti-Semitism, even when it comes from those on his side of the political spectrum. He called out the systemic anti-Semitism at the United Nations and broke through the media blackout when the rest refused to cover the Louis Farrakhan controversy. Monday became another one of those instances when he invited New York Times staff…
CBS, NBC Skip Hanukkah Attacker’s Interest in Black Hebrew Israelites
December 30th, 2019 8:59 PM
The Black Hebrew Israelites were the same hate group that harassed a group of Covington, Kentucky high school students on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial earlier this year. The media tried to portray the radicals as victims and falsely labeled the students racist. But over the weekend, a man with interest in the group went on a stabbing rampage during a Hanukkah celebration. In response to…
Redux: CNN Touts Possibility House Dems Could Impeach Trump AGAIN
December 23rd, 2019 9:26 PM
With the Democratic-led impeachment effort falling flat with voters (according to many polls), House Democrats and the liberal media seemed to be setting the groundwork for their next anti-Trump production: Impeachment 2: Electric Boogaloo. That’s right, during Monday’s Erin Burnett OutFront on CNN, fill-in host Kate Bolduan and her assorted liberal guests kicked around the idea of impeaching…
Happy Festivus, Hollywood! 'I Got a Lot of Problems With You People!'
December 23rd, 2019 7:00 AM
Dear Hollywood writers, to quote Festivus founder Seinfeld's Frank Costanza, "I've got a lot of problems with you people, and now you're going to hear about it!" Since its December 23, it is time for Newsbusters to air its many grievances with television in a proper Festivus spirit. So I’ve grabbed my aluminum Festivus pole to give you all a piece of my mind.
New Yorker Editor: ‘Future of the Earth’ Hangs on Trump’s Impeachment
December 22nd, 2019 3:47 PM
CNN’s so-called Reliable Sources has become a home for nutty pontificators. Host Brian Stelter has welcomed unethical shrinks who have claimed President Trump was the most prolific killer in human history, a former cult member who claims Trump was a “destructive cult” leader, and Dan Rather. During Sunday’s latest edition, he had on New Yorker editor David Remnick, who proclaimed in all…
Indiewire: Hallmark 'Needs' to Make ‘Gay Movie'
December 18th, 2019 5:49 PM
The pro-LGBTQ media is now giving advice to the Hallmark Channel on how best to redress offending gays after the network reversed their decision to pull a lesbian ad last week. Of course it came as no surprise that entertainment outlet Indiewire insisted that Hallmark make a gay movie to prove where its loyalty really lies.
What’s Another Trillion in Debt? Nets Skip Massive Budget Deal
December 17th, 2019 11:09 PM
In the midst of chasing down impeachment Tuesday, House Democrats and Republicans agreed to a truly massive $1.4 trillion spending deal that would shove the country’s yearly deficit to over $1 trillion. With the new out of control spending expected to be signed by President Trump and the national debt already over $23 trillion, news of the deal went unreported during the evening newscasts of ABC…
Network BLACKOUT: Top FISA Judge Accuses FBI Lawyer of Criminal Act
December 17th, 2019 8:49 PM
A complete and total blackout. That was how ABC, CBS, and NBC reacted on their Tuesday evening newscasts when the top Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court judge, Rosemary M. Collyer blasted the FBI for misleading the court when seeking surveillance warrants for a former Trump campaign staffer. The order was damning, accusing an FBI lawyer of a criminal act in intentionally lying to the…
Nets Spike Comey Conceding FBI Deceived to Get Spy Warrants for Page
December 16th, 2019 11:17 PM
Fired FBI Director James Comey had his feet held to the fire on Fox News Sunday by anchor Chris Wallace, who grilled him on the FBI’s misconduct during the Russia probe. Despite Comey’s admission that the FBI mislead the FISA court in their applications to spy on a Trump campaign staffer, the liberal broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) refused to cover Comey’s comments on their flagship…
Feet to the Fire: FNC's Wallace GRILLS Comey on FBI’s Gross Misconduct
December 15th, 2019 3:46 PM
In one of the only instances of former FBI Director James Comey being held to some form of account for his overseeing of the bureau’s misconduct during the Russia investigation, Fox News Channel anchor Chris Wallace grilled Comey on what he knew about lies his people were telling the FISA court, his false statements to the public, and whether or not he would resign if he was still the head of the…
Cuomo Gets Slapped Down by Former AG on Impeachment, FBI Spying
December 12th, 2019 11:09 PM
During another awesome appearance on CNN’s Cuomo Prime Time, former George W. Bush attorney general, Michael Mukasey took on hate-filled host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo and CNN’s alternate realities when it came to impeachment and FBI misconduct, and destroyed them.
Pounding the IG Report, Cuomo Demands You Believe ‘Zero’ Spying By FBI
December 11th, 2019 11:46 PM
The network that catapulted “gaslighting” into our vernacular has been blowing a lot of hot air since the release of the DOJ inspector general report on the origins of the Russia investigation on Tuesday. Immediately following its release, the public understood that the FBI had lied to the FISA court to get surveillance warrants to spy on Trump campaign aides. Despite those facts, CNN’s Chris “…
ABC Anchor Muir LIES, Claims IG Found 'No Spying' from FBI
December 11th, 2019 8:47 PM
Senate Republicans grilled Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, Wednesday, on how his probe could determine there was no political bias at the FBI against then-candidate Trump, when he couldn’t uncover a reasonable explanation for their “gross abuse” of the system, as Attorney General William Barr put it. Well, ABC World News Tonight anchor David Muir continued to carry water…