Cable Television
CNN: Obama’s ‘History-Shaking Speech’ Declared ‘National Emergency’
Not long after CNN’s initial analysis of night three of the Democratic National Convention declared former President Barack Obama’s address “the most powerful address he ever gave,” a follow group of the Zuckerville collective somehow managed to ratchet up the glowing rhetoric Wednesday night. Taking over as the main host, Anderson Cooper was enthralled by what he heard and suggested it was…
'Break Glass' Moment: Blitzer Lauds 'Most Powerful' Obama Speech Ever!
While night three of the Democratic National Convention featured vice presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) speaking not once but twice, CNN’s Zuckerville collective had a hard time focusing on anything other than former President Barack Obama’s address. And Immediately following CNN’s airing of Wednesday night’s convention in its entirety (no breaks what so ever), host Wolf Blitzer (…
ABC Skips 100 Years of Women’s Suffrage, CBS Touts Trump’s Pardon
Tuesday marked 100 years since the ratification of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote. Shockingly, ABC’s World News Tonight ignored the occasion entirely. And while NBC Nightly News noted the date, they intentionally omitted how President Trump had celebrated the historic achievement for America by finally pardoning women’s suffrage leader Susan…
CNN: Dem Convention ‘Very Emotional,’ Jill’s Voice ‘Music to My Ears’
Night two of the Democratic National Convention was yet another snooze fest that CNN let dominate their prime time line up. Following the conclusion with a musical performance by John Legend, the Zuckerville collective immediately took to praising it as “very emotional,” with one swooning for Jill Biden’s accent, and another appearing to defend how boring it was as a metaphor for how the…
CNN Praise Obama Going ‘for the Jugular’ on Trump, ‘Dystopian’ Vision
Former First Lady Michelle Obama, who has admitted to being ashamed of America for most of her life (until they elected her husband president, of course), drew the admiration of anti-American CNN hosts following her speech at the virtual Democratic National Convention. Swoon for her “dystopian” vision of America, the Zuckerville collective praised it by calling on violent rhetoric; touting her…
Fox News Points Out How Sen. Harris Campaigned on Radical Policies
While the liberal media was trying to gaslight the country into believing that Joe Biden’s new running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris was a “pragmatic moderate,” Fox News Channel’s Special Report did not shy away from exposing the radical policies Harris pushed while running for president. Between eliminating private health insurance and decriminalizing border crossings, there was a lot to…
Facts Feared by Leftist Media: Kamala Harris Is Not a ‘Moderate’
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden finally announced that Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) will join him on the campaign trail as his running mate in the 2020 election. In addition to fawning for the “historic” nature of the pick Tuesday, the liberal media were all hands on deck to protect her from criticism. A key part of their strategy was to gaslight the public and falsely claim she was a…
‘Attempting to Commit Murder’: Nets Refuse Condemnation of Antifa
NewsBusters was among the first to call Antifa’s terroristic siege of the federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon what it was: an attempt to commit murder by trapping federal agents inside and burning it to the ground. But last Thursday, Democratic Mayor Ted Wheeler, who had joined the rioters on the front lines, backpedaled hard and echoed the obvious, saying, “You are attempting to commit…
Stelter Claims Left-Wing Media Not Dedicated to ‘Tearing Down Trump’
CNN chief medial reporter Brian Stelter beclowned himself yet again during Sunday’s no-so Reliable Sources. Between raging at right-wing media and talk radio for questioning Joe Biden’s mental lucidity, and claiming left-wing hacks like himself weren’t dedicated to “tearing down” President Trump, Stelter was out to prove that he was willing to lie with impunity. And at one point, a…
Trying to Mock Trump, Cuomo Invents ‘Department of Handland’ Security
You can’t write comedy this good. In opening Thursday’s PrimeTime, host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo, whose nickname comes from the dumb brother in The Godfather and who failed to correctly identify a rhino on a cognitive assessment test, raged at President Trump and insisted he was bungling the COVID response because “his judgment may not just be bad. It may be impaired.” But several…
Nets Suppress Yates Testimony: Comey Went ‘Rogue’ in Flynn Case
In yet another example of the broadcast networks covering up the degree of corruption in the Russia investigation, neither ABC, CBS, nor NBC saw fit to cover the Wednesday testimony of former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates before the Senate Judiciary Committee. In her tele-hearing, Yates admitted to Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) that disgraced and fired FBI Director James Comey went “…
CNN Doctor Claims Trump Intentionally Withholding COVID Testing
CNN has never been the “facts first” news network they claimed to be and their politicized doctor, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, demonstrated that fact during Monday’s Cuomo PrimeTime. Without a shred of evidence, he floated a tinfoil-hat-level conspiracy theory claiming President Trump and the Coronavirus Task Force were intentionally withholding COVID testing capabilities. Of course, Chris “…
UNHINGED: CNN Claims Trump Trying to Intentionally ‘Crash’ America
Predicting “an election mess in the making, with three months before ballots will be counted” was how CNN media activist and resident soothsayer Brian Stelter was reading in the tea leaves at the top of Sunday’s show. And according to this wildly anti-Trump activist, President Trump was at the wheel of an out of control car with all of us trapped in there with him, except the vehicle wasn’t…
Cuomo Blames Trump for Cain’s Death, Claims Pres. Feels No Remorse
Chris Cuomo was the same CNN talking head who callously and half-wittedly mocked coronavirus testing with brother, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) back in May, while he was facing criticism over his foolish decision to pack coronavirus patients into nursing homes (and was facing bipartisan calls for an investigation). But during Thursday’s PrimeTime, the former Cuomo blamed…