Boston Herald

MSNBC Guest: Trump Using ‘Pocahontas’ Line Was ‘Sad Day’ for America
November 28th, 2017 4:25 PM
Boston Herald Washington chief Kimberly Atkins revealed during Monday’s The 11th Hour just how “really stung” she was by President Trump’s Pocahontas comment about Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) to the point that this one comment made for a “bad” and “sad day” for America. Really.

Photographer Who Took Obama ‘Selfie’ Shot Now Says He’s ‘Asham
December 15th, 2013 4:04 PM
Right now, the White House press corps is in a shouting match with the Obama Administration over the White House's refusal to allow media photographers to take pictures of various presidential events. While the left-leaning journalists are tossing around words like "propaganda" to describe the official photos which are being released, the recent trip President Obama took to South Africa for the…