
Skyrocketing Hispanic Approval of Trump Ignored By Latino TV Networks
January 22nd, 2019 12:23 PM
Once again showing systemic anti-Trump bias, the principal national evening newscasts of the six leading Spanish-language television networks in the United States all pointedly declined to report on President Donald Trump’s soaring job approval ratings among Hispanic-Americans.

Three Strikes, You’re Out: Nets Skip Good Economy Three Nights Running
August 30th, 2018 3:40 PM
Stocks set records, consumer confidence shot up, and economic growth estimates were revised up.
These three good economic news stories happened back to back to back on Aug. 27-29. Meanwhile, ABC World News Tonight, CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News ignored all three on those nights.

Informes contra Trump en TV Azteca financiados con fondos públicos
September 12th, 2016 2:18 PM
Los gastos recientes del gobierno de Barack Obama de decenas de millones de dólares para impulsar a los inmigrantes a hacerse ciudadanos de Estados Unidos a fin de que puedan votar en los comicios de noviembre no son la única prueba de que posiblemente se están usando fondos de los contribuyentes fiscales para favorecer la elección de Hillary Clinton.

Taxpayer-Funded Anti-Trump News on Azteca
September 7th, 2016 8:47 PM
The Obama administration’s recent expenditure of tens of millions of dollars to spur immigrants to become citizens and vote this November isn’t the only evidence that taxpayer funds are possibly being used to favor the election of Hillary Clinton.

Una canción contra Trump es atracción principal en Azteca América TV
September 4th, 2016 11:10 AM
Como de costumbre, Azteca América se lleva el premio mayor por sus informes exagerados contra Trump en la televisión estadounidense en español.

Anti-Trump Song Gets Top Billing on Azteca America TV
August 30th, 2016 7:20 AM
As usual, Azteca America takes the cake for the most over-the-top anti-Trump news on U.S. Spanish-language television. In its national evening newscast, the U.S. subsidiary of the Mexican television conglomerate devoted almost three minutes to what amounted to an extended anti-Trump ad in the form of a musical rant by Mexican singer-songwriter Serralde.

Azteca acusa a Convención Republicana de “sentimientos antimexicanos"
July 25th, 2016 5:01 PM
Azteca América se descarriló durante la cobertura de la Convención Nacional Republicana, describiendo la plataforma 2016 del GOP y el estado de ánimo en la convención como antimexicanos.

Azteca Off The Rails: RNC 'Anti-Mexican Sentiment'
July 22nd, 2016 8:45 AM
Azteca América went off the rails during their coverage of the Republican National Convention, characterizing the 2016 GOP platform and the mood at the convention as anti-Mexican.

Los ataques contra Trump alcanzan más intensidad en Azteca América
June 27th, 2016 3:32 PM
Una vez más Azteca América es la que se lleva el premio en la televisión en español de Estados Unidos por estar consistentemente de un solo lado en su cobertura de noticias exageradas contra Trump.

Anti-Trump Spin Reaches New Heights on Azteca America
June 16th, 2016 11:00 PM
Once again, it’s Azteca America that takes the cake for the most consistently one-sided, over-the-top anti-Trump news coverage on U.S. Spanish-language television.

Trump Is ‘Frankenstein of the Right’ Says TV Azteca Chief
May 11th, 2016 9:23 AM
If you thought Univision anchor Jorge Ramos was virulently anti-Trump and anti-GOP, wait until you hear what TV Azteca’s Washington Bureau Chief, Armando Guzmán, has to say. “Trump is the Frankenstein of the American right, the monster who reinforces a party that for more than 25 years has fed off of hate and intolerance,” says the veteran Washington, D.C.-based Mexican journalist, in a column he…

2 cadenas en español destacan acusaciones sin fundamento contra Cruz
March 29th, 2016 5:07 PM
En los últimos días tanto Univisión como Telemundo dieron prioridad a acusaciones sin fundamento publicadas en National Enquirer de que el senador Ted Cruz le habría sido infiel a su esposa. Su rival Azteca América, por el contrario, cubrió muy escuetamente este nuevo golpe bajo en la campaña presidencial.

Unsubstantiated Cruz Allegations Featured on Spanish Nets
March 28th, 2016 8:30 PM
Over the past few days, both Univision and Telemundo have played up unsubstantiated allegations published in National Enquirer that Senator Ted Cruz was unfaithful to his wife. Rival Azteca America, in contrast, has only given passing coverage to the latest new low in the presidential campaign.