
Visting Angels? Pre-Selected WH Reporters FAIL to Grill Ailing Biden

July 11th, 2024 10:58 PM

After repeated pushbacks, President Biden’s much-anticipated press conference did little Thursday night to change that his presidency and reelection chances remain in crisis, thanks to a pre-selected list of reporters who gingerly went about his cognitive impairment and, in some cases, strayed completely from the story that’s come to dominate the global body politic.


Doocy Hits KJP on Joe’s ‘Brain’ Failing, Nukes in Toned-Down Briefing

July 10th, 2024 12:09 PM

While not the barnburner for the ages that we saw on Monday, Tuesday’s White House press briefing was more staid as if someone (or some people) had a chat or talkin’ to, but they weren’t without hardballs for the ever-inept Karine Jean-Pierre on the Biden regime’s ever-shifting excuses and narratives on the President’s cognitive impairment.

Take The April Fool's Facebook Fact-Checkers Quiz

April 1st, 2024 9:00 AM

It is April 1 which means the news consumer must be extra aware for hijinks, tomfoolery, and other assortments of fake news. While some may have great fun with tales of pitchers who can throw 168 mile an hour fastballs while wearing a hiking boot on one foot and being barefoot on the other, the fact-checkers that are part of Facebook’s anti-disinformation campaign may beg to differ.


Trimble, Wegmann Grill Kirby, KJP on Disturbing Anti-Semitic Protests

October 24th, 2023 10:19 AM

Monday marked the first White House press briefing in 11 days, so the press corps had plenty to say about the Middle East crisis triggered by Hamas’s October 7 terror attacks in Israel. While some tried to‘both sides’ the situation, Fox’s Grady Trimble and Real Clear Politics’s Philip Wegmann battled National Security Council figurehead John Kirby and Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre over…


Doocy, Wegmann, Friends Grill WH Over Weak Support for China Protests

November 29th, 2022 1:17 PM

On Monday’s episode of the White House press briefing, numerous White House reporters challenged National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby on the Biden administration’s milquetoast response to the growing and potentially seismic protests in China over the communist regime’s ongoing lockdowns and human rights abuses.

AFP Complains That Musk Allows Climate Change Discussion on Twitter

November 15th, 2022 4:29 PM

Oh, the horrors of climate denialists having actual free speech online! 

So say the climate doomsday propagandists. 

REPORT: Even Facebook Fact-Checkers Disagree on ‘Energy Independence’

May 24th, 2022 11:50 AM

Facebook and Instagram censored conservatives for their American energy independence statements even though fact-checkers disagreed on essential facts underlying the censored posts.


Weekdays With Karine Bring Lame Intros, Leftist Pleas to Attack Tucker

May 17th, 2022 1:05 PM

With The Psaki Show out to pasture until it resurfaces on Peacock, White House press briefings continued on Monday with Psaki’s former deputy and former and MSNBC activist, Karine Jean-Pierre. Predictably, the liberal media showered their fellow progressive with syrupy platitudes and questions from the left demanding the federal government crusade against Fox News host Tucker…


Doocy Exposes Psaki, Team Biden Over Radical Abortion Rhetoric

May 5th, 2022 1:37 PM

Wednesday afternoon on The Psaki Show, Fox’s Peter Doocy held the White House press secretary under duress with questions on the Biden administration’s reaction to the leaked Supreme Court opinion on abortion, including the President’s claim that Republicans could ban gay students from being in the same classroom as straight students and his phrasing of abortion involving “a child.”


‘Richard Jewell’ Film Paints Press as ‘Reckless, Corrupt, Immoral’

November 23rd, 2019 12:40 PM
Timing is everything for living legend Clint Eastwood The actor/director served up American Sniper after Hollywood stopped firing cinematic shots at the U.S. Military. The results? Sniper earned $350 million at the U.S. box office. Two years later Eastwood directed Sully, just when movie goers craved a true American hero story. That movie hauled in $125 million domestically.

CJR Brags About Putting Climate Agenda in Front of One Billion People

September 17th, 2019 10:17 AM
News consumers everywhere should prepare for the onslaught of climate change stories ahead of the UN climate summit next week. Instigated by Columbia Journalism Review and The Nation, more than 250 media entities joined forces to foster urgency and action regarding the climate “crisis” and devote extra time to what CJR claimed was “the defining story of our time.” Partners included CBS, PBS…

Press More Reluctant Than Ever To Tag Collapsing Venezuela 'Socialist'

February 9th, 2018 9:18 PM
As Venezuela plunges deeper into humanitarian crisis, the broadcast and cable networks barely recognize its existence, while the print press, which during relatively tolerable times routinely celebrated the country's socialist government, is more reluctant than ever to use the S-word. Of six articles I found Friday afternoon about the horrid, deteriorating situation in that country, only one used…

Antarctica ‘Naturally’ Calves Iceberg; Alarmists Blame Climate Change

July 12th, 2017 4:43 PM
Al Gore was just one of the climate alarmists to link a recent iceberg calving to “the climate crisis.” The Guardian blamed climate change even before the massive iceberg A-68 broke off from the Larsen C ice shelf. Gore tweeted “The Larsen C ice shelf has broken away from Antarctica, a jarring reminder of why we must solve the climate crisis” on July 12. Scientists studying the ice shelf said…

Agence France-Presse Reviews Play on Post-Trump Impeachment America

March 23rd, 2017 9:47 PM
Liberals are so far gone in their Trump Derangement Syndrome that they can't even wait for an impeachment of President Donald Trump to actually happen in real life. They now have to have their fantasy fulfilled in fiction. In this case it is in the form of a play, "Building the Wall," and skips the actual impeachment by jumping to a post impeachment era in which people who worked for the Trump…