
Latino Media Mad That Sanctuary Cities Are Asked To Provide Sanctuary
The anchors at the Spanish-speaking corporate media got triggered by the migration crisis occurring, not at the southern border towns where tens of thousands cross into the United States daily – but at the sanctuary cities of New York and Washington, D.C., where busloads of migrants from Texas and Arizona have been arriving under the orders of their governors to be provided … sanctuary.

Telemundo Confirms Domestic Relationship In Ohio Child Rape Case
It appears that Telemundo is the only national media outlet currently seeking to center the true victim of the awful Ohio rape case: not the abortionist, but the girl whose innocence was shattered by a member of her own household.

Telemundo Anchor Slams 'Taco Jill' Biden Over Remarks
Four days after the first lady of the United States publicly compared Hispanics to breakfast tacos, anchor Nacho Lozano, from Telemundo, was still vexed enough about the 'awful analogy' to call Dr. Jill *in Mexican slang*: a BS artist -- yo de lengua, me como un taco.

Mother of Ohio Child Rape Victim Goes on Telemundo, Defends Rapist
The horrendous story of the 10-year-old rape victim in Ohio appears to have taken a turn for the worse. In a Telemundo exclusive, the mother of the victim defended the rapist, calling the charges a fabrication and asserting that the child is fine.

Univision Celebrates Pregnant Trans With ´Unaffected Masculinity´
Celebrating the miracle of life is a matter of who’s at Univision, as the network´s midday news team showcased. Minutes after validating abortion as a birth control method during a report about selling contraceptive pills over the counter, “now that abortion is not an option”, anchors Borja Voces and Carolina Sarassa, enlightened their audiences with the ‘marvelous story’ of how Ian Alejandro…

Latino Media SUPPRESS That Richmond Shooters Were Here ILLEGALLY
The foremost defenders of undocumented immigrants at the national Spanish-speaking media, suddenly bit their tongues and skipped telling their audiences that the two Guatemalan men arrested in Richmond, Virginia, for allegedly planning a 4th of July mass shooting, were, in effect, illegal immigrants who have connections to a drug gang that operates in Mexico and the U.S.…

Telemundo: Migrant Invasion Is Actually the American Dream
A Telemundo report on the chaos at the southern border quickly became a hit piece against South Texas authorities for declaring “an emergency due to invasion of immigrants, a rather strong phrase for those who seek the American Dream”

The NYT’s ‘Far-Right Latinas’ Smear Was About Ethnic Disqualification
The purpose of yesterday’s disgusting New York Times hit job on Texas congressional candidates Cassy García, Mónica de la Cruz, and Congresswoman Mayra Flores (R-TX34), titled “The Rise of the Far-Right Latina”, was to signal them as race-traitors to the rest of the Acela Media, and have that as…

Latino Media IGNORE Pelosi's On-Camera Elbowing of Flores’ Daughter
The national Latino networks exist to serve the Latino community first and foremost, right? Wrong. Hispanics actually come a distant second behind their corporate interests, as was confirmed with their coverage of the historic swearing in of Congresswoman Mayra Flores (R-TX) by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

COMPLICIT: Latino Media SILENT on Dem ‘Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric’
Corporate Latino media has historically had a lot to say at the slightest indication of anything even remotely sounding like “anti-immigrant rhetoric”. That is, unless the immigrant is a conservative, in which case they appear to bite their collective tongues.

Univision Spends 17 Seconds on Pro-Abort Terror Attack on VA Church
While pro-abortion activists wreak havoc across the nation by throwing firebombs into crisis pregnancy centers, threaten their personnel, crash churches half-naked, doxx conservative Supreme Court justices and their families, and even show up at the house of justice Brett Kavanaugh attempting to kill him – the national Spanish-speaking media continue to give these violent incidents as little…

Pro-Life Latina: A Man Who Doesn't Defend The Defenseless Is A POS
Univision viewers got a heck of a lot more pro-life commentary than they are usually shown during its live coverage off the historic repeal of Roe v. Wade.

Telemundo Anchor Mourns End Of Federal Right To Kill ‘Babies Inside"
The crew at Telemundo News earnestly joined their mainstream media counterparts in the collective meltdown over the Supreme Court´s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Yet, in the case of anchor Felicidad Aveleyra, her eagerness to condemn the end of federalized abortion rights, led her to break two holy commandments of the abortion-loving, pronoun-obsessed liberal media: calling women, …