Chuck Norris Column: Obama's 'Stronger, Safer and More Respected' Clai

On May 23, President Barack Obama told more than 1,000 jubilant, uniform-prepped-and-polished graduates of the U.S. Air Force Academy that the world has a "new feeling about America." He declared: "I see it everywhere I go, from London and Prague to Tokyo and Seoul to Rio and Jakarta. There's a new confidence in our leadership." If only it were true. Obama boasted, "We can say with confidence…
Chuck Norris
May 29th, 2012 5:34 PM

Former Obama Car Czar: 'It's Very Hard' to Explain President's Record

With unemployment, gas prices, and the budget deficit stubbornly high, President Obama's fans in the media are having a hard time explaining to people why the current White House resident's job performance is worthy of the reelection they're all working for. Take former Obama car czar turned Morning Joe economic analyst Steve Rattner who said on MSNBC Tuesday, "I think in a quiet room I could…
Noel Sheppard
May 29th, 2012 5:10 PM

ABC's Obama Super PAC: Network Devotes 38 Minutes to Pushing First Lad

Over the course of two programs, ABC on Tuesday devoted 38 fawning minutes of time to Michelle Obama and her new book, American Grown. Good Morning America's Robin Roberts, who admitted getting a  "chill" during her last interview with Barack Obama, happily announced that "everybody [on GMA] is on their best behavior" during the First Lady's visit. Roberts's interview with the First Lady…
Scott Whitlock
May 29th, 2012 4:51 PM

HuffPo Finally Sees Downside to Infidelity

HuffPo has produced a slew of articles citing the positive effects of cheating, and even introduced a divorce page before creating a marriage page.   It was probably considered a gutsy editorial decision around the offices of the Huffington Post. The house organ for the Hollywood left finally acknowledged a benefit to monogamy: not dying.
Taylor Hughes
May 29th, 2012 4:30 PM

CBS Channels WashPost on GOP Forcing 'Ideological Purity'; Lets Noonan

On Tuesday's CBS This Morning, Charlie Rose yet again ripped a line from a liberal print media outlet that portrayed the GOP as a radical faction. Rose quoted a front-page article about Mitt Romney from that morning's Washington Post to Republican media favorite Peggy Noonan: "The Republican Party will have selected an unlikely standard bearer for 2012...a man of moderate temperament in a party…
Matthew Balan
May 29th, 2012 4:14 PM

NBC Worried About Romney Hanging Around With NBC Star Donald Trump

In an astonishing display of hypocrisy, NBC News repeatedly decried Mitt Romney using celebrity businessman Donald Trump to fundraise for his campaign. This is the same Donald Trump who hosts NBC reality shows The Apprentice and The Celebrity Apprentice and who routinely appears on the Today show to promote those programs, including just last week. On Tuesday's Today, correspondent Peter…
Kyle Drennen
May 29th, 2012 4:09 PM

NYTimes Religion Writer Baselessly Accuses Conservatives of Taking Rev

Mark Oppenheimer's latest bimonthly "Beliefs" column for the New York Times accused conservatives like Jonah Goldberg of misunderstanding Marxist "liberation theology" in using Rev. Jeremiah Wright to attack Barack Obama: "A Campaign Pitch Rekindles the Question: Just What Is Liberation Theology?" The year 2012 looks a lot like 2008: high unemployment, a candidate named Obama promising to do…
Clay Waters
May 29th, 2012 3:54 PM

ABC's Barbara Walters to Michelle Obama: 'Will Racism be a Part of Thi

Appearing on Tuesday’s edition of The View, First Lady Michelle Obama was greeted with a liberal talking point from program host Barbara Walters.  The first lady, who was on the program promoting her new book on healthy eating, was immediately asked by Walters about the impact of being the first black first family in the White House will have on the upcoming election. Walters decided that…
Jeffrey Meyer
May 29th, 2012 3:14 PM

Soledad O'Brien Spins Statement, Botches Facts About Romney's Jobs Rec

CNN's Soledad O'Brien took Rudy Giuliani's words about Mitt Romney and spun them into a criticism of his jobs record, when in fact Giuliani had praised the candidate's resume on Sunday's State of the Union. On Tuesday's Starting Point, O'Brien said that Giuliani had "not so great" words for Romney's record, when in fact Giuliani said his jobs record as governor of Massachusetts was "decent…
Matt Hadro
May 29th, 2012 3:11 PM

Daily Kos Loves Chris Hayes Comments

It's only natural that the leftists at the Daily Kos would whole-heartedly agree with the sentiment of MSNBC weekend host Chris Hayes that our military men and women aren't "heroes." In a piece headlined "Stand Up for Chris Hayes," a blogger with the byline "mcgoverngreatpatriot" insisted that "dating back to Viet Nam, I have known many who have fallen in wars, and they were anything but heroes…
Tim Graham
May 29th, 2012 2:49 PM

Charlie Daniels Column: Solving America’s Problems By Coming Togethe

I want to ask a favor of all who are reading this column. Could we just for three minutes put aside our conservatism, our liberalism, our Republican or Democrat party affiliations, our race and gender and all the other superficial things that separate us? Can we just for a few minutes, in the true sense of the word, just be Americans? Can we all just briefly put aside the animosity, clear…
Charlie Daniels
May 29th, 2012 2:39 PM

CEI's Hans Bader Dissects Rex Nutting's Fatally-flawed Analysis of Oba

As we at NewsBusters have noted, the liberal media have done little to discredit Rex Nutting's erroneous analysis of federal spending under President Obama. Numerous conservative and libertarian critics have pointed out how fatally flawed Nutting's analysis, but we'd like to recommend Hans Bader's post at Competitive Enterprise Institute's website, who takes on not only Nutting…
Ken Shepherd
May 29th, 2012 11:59 AM

NBC 'Today' Panel Rips Chris Hayes: 'He Looks Like a Weenie' After Ant

During a panel on Tuesday's NBC Today, liberal pundits Star Jones, Donny Deutsch and Nancy Snyderman condemned left-wing MSNBC host Chris Hayes for suggesting fallen U.S. troops are not heroes. Deutsch was the strongest in denouncing Hayes: "I hope that he doesn't get more viewers as a result of this...this guy is like a – if you've seen him...he looks like a weenie." [Listen to the audio or…
Kyle Drennen
May 29th, 2012 10:55 AM

Open Thread: Texas Standoff

Today is a big day in Texas as the race to replace retiring GOP senator Kay Bailey Hutchison is finally facing its first vote. While there is a Democratic primary today, more people are paying attention to the Republican race since the winner of that contest is heavily favored to win in November. Because the primary has so many candidates, it's likely that the top two candidates are going to…
Matthew Sheffield
May 29th, 2012 9:18 AM