Generally Fair AP Report on Consumer Confidence Drop Tries to Make Exc

In a generally even-handed report on yesterday's drop in consumer confidence as reported by the Conference Board (from a revised 68.7 to 64.9, vs. expectations of a rise to 69.6, according to Bloomberg), the Associated Press's Mae Anderson, with assistance from Christopher Rugaber, engaged in a bit of excuse-making in and downplaying in their later paragraphs. The AP pegged its water-down to…
Tom Blumer
May 30th, 2012 10:29 AM

Open Thread: Voting With Their Feet

Liberals like to believe that tax and regulation policies have no effect on the economy despite mountains of evidence to the contrary. The latest proof of this comes via the Tax Foundation which calculated that millions of Americans are leaving high-tax areas like New York or California in favor of lower-tax jurisdictions like Texas or Florida. As a result, the tax-happy states are missing out…
Matthew Sheffield
May 30th, 2012 9:51 AM

Former NYT Editor Cheers Gay Marriage at Supreme Court, Praises 'Enlig

In his Monday column, former New York Times executive editor Bill Keller hoped gay marriage would be vindicated by the Supreme Court: "A Brief for Justice Kennedy." Keller has previously argued for gay marriage while hinting that those who disagree are motivated sheerly by bigotry. On Monday he gushed that two lawyers fighting for gay marriage can "make history" at the Supreme Court and…
Clay Waters
May 30th, 2012 9:43 AM

Current TV Host Gavin Newsom Bored by His Other Job

Cue up the violin strings. A sad tragedy is being played out in California. The Sacramento Bee has a story about how the Lieutenant Governor of that state, Gavin Newsom, must endure the unendurable as described in the article's headline: "Gavin Newsom breaks boredom in Sacramento with his own TV show." Yes, even though the Current TV ratings are in the toilet and might not even be carried on…
P.J. Gladnick
May 30th, 2012 9:39 AM

Martin Bashir: Michelle Obama's Anti-Obesity Campaign Based on Warning

NewsBusters readers know that one of my guilty pleasures is pointing out the stupidity of America's television personalities. The award for the most intellectually challenged comment I saw on TV Tuesday goes to MSNBC's Martin Bashir who on the show remarkably bearing his own name said that first lady Michelle Obama based her anti-obesity campaign on warnings from - wait for it! - "…
Noel Sheppard
May 30th, 2012 8:56 AM

Walter E. Williams Column: We're Destroying Our Republic with Reckless

Our nation is rapidly approaching a point from which there's little chance to avoid a financial collapse. The heart of our problem can be seen as a tragedy of the commons. That's a set of circumstances when something is commonly owned and individuals acting rationally in their own self-interest produce a set of results that's inimical to everyone's long-term interest. Let's look at an example…
Walter E. Williams
May 30th, 2012 7:30 AM

Bozell Column: Viva Cristo Rey

When I first heard For Greater Glory (originally titled Cristiada, which I prefer) was being shot I was stunned – and skeptical. It could never be produced by Hollywood. In fact, it wouldn’t be a theatrical release, maybe a short documentary, certainly with a small budget. On the former I was correct: it was made in Mexico. On the latter I was wrong. It’s a full-fledged, major motion picture,…
Brent Bozell
May 29th, 2012 11:12 PM

Barbara Walters Pushes Michelle Obama to Run for Office: 'You'd Be a V

Barbara Walters either deeply adores Michelle Obama or she was just acting like an extreme guest-coddler on The View Tuesday. She suggested that if President Obama lost the election – and she then lifted her hands to her mouth in horror – Mrs. Obama could have a career of her own since she would be “a very popular candidate.” Walters began: “There have been rumors – if the president is not…
Tim Graham
May 29th, 2012 10:57 PM

Gayle King and Charlie Rose Play Up 'Very Human' Cronkite; Ignore His

Charlie Rose and Gayle King gushed over network forebear Walter Cronkite on Tuesday's CBS This Morning, as they interviewed left-leaning presidential historian Douglas Brinkley about his new book on the journalist. King touted Cronkite as a "legend," while Rose played up the former CBS Evening News anchor's friendship with actor George Clooney and his father. Both anchors ignored how Brinkley…
Matthew Balan
May 29th, 2012 8:36 PM

Mark Levin Calls for Sharpton to be Fired for 'Accusing Republicans of

As NewsBusters reported Saturday, Al Sharpton on his radio show last week suggested Republicans want to commit genocide on African-Americans. On Tuesday, conservative talk radio host Mark Levin called for Sharpton to be fired for "this vile statement" (audio follows courtesy Right Scoop with transcribed highlights and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
May 29th, 2012 7:49 PM

Libtalker Mike Papantonio Loathes Weak-Kneed Democrats, Especially Wom

Female attorneys may want to think twice before applying at Mike Papantonio's law firm. Papantonio, who also co-hosts the "Ring of Fire" weekend radio show, was filling in on Ed Schultz's radio program May 25 and complaining with guest Cliff Schecter about what he considers spineless Democrats who aren't aggressive enough against Republicans (audio) --
Jack Coleman
May 29th, 2012 7:15 PM

CNN Promotes Liberal Nun's Fight Against Vatican, Hosts No Guest From

The liberal host of the public radio show Interfaith Voices, Sister Maureen Fiedler has cheered for the Occupy protests, railed against the Ryan budget, advocated for single-payer healthcare, and pined for the Obama of 2008 – and it is now her taking umbrage at the Vatican that got her a nice soft interview on CNN, Tuesday morning. Anchor Carol Costello actually made light of the Vatican's…
Matt Hadro
May 29th, 2012 6:43 PM

Bill Donohue Column: It's the First Amendment, Stupid

The central issue in the fight between the Obama administration and the Catholic Church is the right of the federal government to redefine religious institutions as entities that hire and serve mostly people of their own faith. Secondarily, the fight is over forcing Catholics to pay for abortion-inducing drugs. But one looks in vain for the Church’s critics to even acknowledge this reality. It’…
Bill Donohue
May 29th, 2012 6:11 PM

Chuck Norris Column: Obama's 'Stronger, Safer and More Respected' Clai

On May 23, President Barack Obama told more than 1,000 jubilant, uniform-prepped-and-polished graduates of the U.S. Air Force Academy that the world has a "new feeling about America." He declared: "I see it everywhere I go, from London and Prague to Tokyo and Seoul to Rio and Jakarta. There's a new confidence in our leadership." If only it were true. Obama boasted, "We can say with confidence…
Chuck Norris
May 29th, 2012 5:34 PM