NPR Plays Up Democrats' 'Pay Equity' Tactic Against GOP; Omit Democrat

NPR's Tamara Keith forwarded the "war on women" talking point of Democratic senators on Tuesday's All Things Considered as she reported on their proposed Paycheck Fairness Act. Keith spotlighted how "the bill's author...Senator Barbara Mikulski from Maryland, points out women earn just 77 cents for every dollar made by a man in the same position. She says that's the real war on women."…
Matthew Balan
June 6th, 2012 8:09 PM

Cable 'News' Network: Dems Whine to CNN About Romney Hogging the State

With campaign 2012 in full swing, CNN deemed it appropriate to talk about elevators in the Massachusetts Statehouse on Wednesday's The Situation Room. To catch a glimpse of what current state legislators thought of then-Governor Mitt Romney, CNN correspondent Jim Acosta talked to only one Republican and three Democrats. Out of all the complaints they could have aired, the Democrats whined…
Matt Hadro
June 6th, 2012 6:15 PM

NBC's Todd Grills Victorious Walker: Do You 'Regret' Going for 'Politi

Following his resounding victory in Wisconsin's recall election on Tuesday, Governor Scott Walker appeared on Wednesday's The Daily Rundown on MSNBC, where host Chuck Todd wondered if Walker's signature achievement was also his biggest regret: "Looking back, do you have any regret of going at the issue of collective bargaining itself?...any regrets on that front?" Despite Walker's push for…
Matt Vespa
June 6th, 2012 5:56 PM

Michelle Malkin Column: Teachers Unions Earn 'F' for Wisconsin Recall

They really outdid themselves. In Wisconsin and across the nation, public school employee unions spared no kiddie human shields in their battle against GOP Gov. Scott Walker's budget and pension reforms. Students were the first and last casualties of the ruthless Big Labor war against fiscal discipline. To kick off the yearlong protest festivities, the Wisconsin Education Association Council…
Michelle Malkin
June 6th, 2012 5:53 PM

David Limbaugh Column: The Great Destroyer

My newly released book, "The Great Destroyer: Barack Obama's War on the Republic," picks up where my previous book "Crimes Against Liberty" left off, chronicling President Obama's record since mid-2010, and it's not pretty. I firmly believe that Obama is heading this nation toward financial catastrophe, is greatly undermining our national defenses, the Constitution and the rule of law, is…
David Limbaugh
June 6th, 2012 5:37 PM

Barone, With a Message the Press Will Black Out: Wisconsin Is 'In Play

Alternate title: "Surprise (Not): Barone Exposes How Exit Poll Samples Are Typically Biased." Early this morning, at the Washington Examiner, Michael Barone casually put out what is apparently a well-known fact in polling circles. I'm thinking that it's not at all well-known to the general public (bold is mine):
Tom Blumer
June 6th, 2012 4:46 PM

Bill Press Hates Our National Anthem, With Its 'Military Jargon

If it wasn’t odd enough for MSNBC weekend talker Chris Hayes to feel great discomfort at the idea of calling our war veterans “heroes” because it was too warlike, on Tuesday’s Full Court Press on Current TV, lefty Bill Press said he finds “The Star-Spangled Banner” is just embarrassing because of the “military jargon” in it and the idea that somehow we live in the “land of the brave,” as if…
Tim Graham
June 6th, 2012 4:32 PM

MSNBC's Wagner Continues Pushing Grossly Distorted Voter 'Purge' Meme

In a segment titled onscreen "What's the Matter with FL," MSNBC's Alex Wagner today continued her network's efforts to flog conservative Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) for his voter "purge." This despite the fact that the "purge" -- which targeted a mere 0.02 percent of registered voters in the state-- has not disenfranchised a single eligible voter and has in fact brought to light noncitizens who…
Ken Shepherd
June 6th, 2012 4:07 PM

Politico Continues Hyping False Romney-Solyndra Comparison

After being pilloried for months for the half-billion dollar Solyndra debacle, Obama Democrats are desperately trying to push a the idea that Mitt Romney has a Solyndra like failure of his own to answer for. Upon further inspection, this claim has been shown to be false but that hasn't stopped DC newspaper Politico from repeating the false notion and crafting headlines implying the charge is…
Matthew Sheffield
June 6th, 2012 3:56 PM

Airhead Celebrity Amanda Bynes Asks Barack Obama to Fire Cop Who Arres

Actress Amanda Bynes must not have had much time for civics back when she was a child star in the 1990s; why else would she ask President Barack Obama to help her out in her upcoming court case for DUI? While  Bynes has made a successful transition from kiddie shows to mainstream movies, she hasn't figured out the basics of America's federal system. The former Nickelodeon star took to Twitter…
Matthew Sheffield
June 6th, 2012 3:34 PM

Maureen Dowd Compares Catholic Church's 'Hostility' to Women to Saudi

Another day, another vitriolic attack from New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd on the Catholic Church comparing its treatment of women to Saudi Arabia. The Vatican has recently censured a 2006 book on sexual ethics by Sister Margaret Farley as “not consistent with authentic Catholic theology." According to a Times report Tuesday, the book, Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics, "…
Clay Waters
June 6th, 2012 3:24 PM

Oops! CNN Contributor Rips Credibility of Exit Polls That CNN Later Re

In perhaps an awkward moment for CNN, contributor Roland Martin was dismissing the credibility of information that the network later reported during Tuesday night's election coverage. Martin tweeted his ire at misleading Wisconsin exit polls. "Why are Obama supporters touting exit polls saying Obama preferred over Romney 53-42? Same exits had this race 50-50. IGNORE THOSE POLLS!" Martin…
Matt Hadro
June 6th, 2012 3:12 PM

Miley Cyrus, Miss USA Get More Time Than Wisconsin Recall on Big Three

The Big Three networks certainly have their priorities straight. ABC, CBS, and NBC's morning shows on Wednesday dedicated more time to entertainment news than the results of the Wisconsin recall election. On CBS This Morning, Disney's new ban on junk food ads from its kids programming received a minute and a half more than the political story. The same gap occurred on ABC's Good Morning America…
Matthew Balan
June 6th, 2012 2:11 PM

Networks Whine Over 'Massive Spending Gap' Between GOP and Dems in Wis

Searching for an excuse to explain what went wrong for Democrats in Wisconsin, the broadcast networks blamed "a record-shattering $64 million poured into" the recall election by "conservative out-of-state groups" supporting Republican Governor Scott Walker.   On Wednesday's CBS This Morning, correspondent Bill Plante promoted Obama campaign talking points on the major Democratic loss: "...…
Kyle Drennen
June 6th, 2012 1:15 PM