Barbara Walters Apologizes for Trying to Help Syrian Dictator's Aide I

ABC’s Barbara Walters will do most anything to score a big interview. Now, she’s been forced to apologize for trying to help a former aide to Syrian President Bashar Assad land a job or get into college in America in exchange for her Assad interview last December. Sheherazad Jaafari was a press aide to Assad and daughter of Bashar Jafaari, the Syrian ambassador to the United Nations. Last…
Tim Graham
June 7th, 2012 2:03 PM

Piers Morgan Refutes Wasserman Schultz Calling Walker 'Extremist': 'Th

DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz has made ludicrous accusations against Republicans before and the media have failed to admonish her, but CNN's Piers Morgan stomped on her argument on Wednesday night that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's policies were "extremist." "If you keep calling him an extremist but you accept that he won, what does that say about the people of Wisconsin? Are they…
Matt Hadro
June 7th, 2012 12:33 PM

Media Gush Over Obama Basking in 'Thundering and Sustained Applause' o

Since his very public endorsement of same-sex marriage on May 9, President Obama has become the unabashed hero of the LGBT community – a fact the liberal media has openly cheered. On Thursday's NBC Today, White House correspondent Kristen Welker described Obama being "greeted by thundering and sustained applause" at a Hollywood fundraiser Wednesday night. Welker proclaimed that gay community…
Kelly McGarey
June 7th, 2012 12:14 PM

MSNBC's Ed Schultz Puts New Spin on Walker Win in Wisconsin

As my colleague Geoff Dickens recently chronicled, MSNBC’s Ed Schultz actively campaigned with the union movement leading up to the bitter end of the Wisconsin recall election.  Following Scott Walker’s decisive victory to retain his post as Wisconsin's governor, Schultz suddenly changed his tune to justify the embarrassing loss Democrats were dealt. On the Wednesday May 7 broadcast of The…
Jeffrey Meyer
June 7th, 2012 11:53 AM

Speaker Boehner Bashes NYT's Charlie Savage for False Reporting on Fas

Republican House Speaker John Boehner strongly objected to a slanted story on the Fast and Furious scandal by Times legal reporter Charlie Savage posted at the New York Times on Tuesday (it evidently did not make it into print). The Daily Caller reported: "A spokesman for Speaker of the House John Boehner told The Daily Caller on Tuesday night that the New York Times published a false story…
Clay Waters
June 7th, 2012 10:45 AM

Exit Polls: The Media's Dirty Little Secret

One of the most mystifying aspects of the coverage of the Wisconsin recall election  has been the media's ongoing use of exit poll results in stories suggesting that -- despite Gov. Scott Walker's big win against the efforts of Democrats and Labor Unions to end his term early -- President Obama has a big lead over Mitt Romney in the crucial swing state. The continued faith in the flawed…
Matthew Sheffield
June 7th, 2012 10:40 AM

CBS President Says at Obama Fundraiser 'Partisanship Is Very Much a Pa

Les Moonves, the President of CBS, said Wednesday, "Partisanship is very much a part of journalism now." According to the Los Angeles Times, Moonves made the remark while in line to attend a fundraiser for President Obama in Beverly Hills sponsored by the LGBT Leadership Council:
Noel Sheppard
June 7th, 2012 9:32 AM

Jon Stewart Slams MSNBC's Coverage of Walker Recall Election: 'MSNB-Sa

How bad was MSNBC's coverage of Republican Governor Scott Walker winning his recall election in Wisconsin Tuesday? Well, the Daily Show's Jon Stewart on Wednesday renamed the network "MSNB-Sad" saying that it "passed through all the stages of grief last night" (video follows with transcript and commentary, serious vulgarity warning):
Noel Sheppard
June 7th, 2012 8:50 AM

WashPost Headline Clash: Walker Survives 'Close Vote,' But US 'Decisiv

In the same spirit as Scott Bauer's claim for Associated Press of a "narrow 7-point gap" in the Wisconsin recall polls, so The Washington Post on Wednesday's front page classified Scott Walker's win as "Walker survives," and below that, "LONG LINES AND A CLOSE VOTE." Close? Via my Twitter friend mattjmobile, here's a reminder of the Washington Post's front page on November 5, 2008, when Obama…
Tim Graham
June 7th, 2012 7:57 AM

President of Estonia Rips Paul Krugman: 'Smug, Overbearing and Patroni

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman appears to be angering people all over the world these days. After getting trashed by the British Telegraph and schooled by a member of Parliament last month, the Nobel laureate took to attacking the Republic of Estonia Wednesday only to be slammed in return by its President Toomas Hendrik Ilves via Twitter hours later:
Noel Sheppard
June 7th, 2012 12:39 AM

Dennis Miller: Pelosi is 'Vile' and 'Distasteful,' But 'I Don't Hate H

Appearing on Wednesday's The O'Reilly Factor on FNC, during the show's regular "Miller Time" segment, comedian Dennis Miller lambasted House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi as "vile" and "distasteful," but contended that "I don't hate her." The discussion of hate came about as host Bill O'Reilly began the segment by asking about a survey by the New York Post listing the most hated people in…
Brad Wilmouth
June 6th, 2012 11:50 PM

You Could Be a Contenda! Chris Matthews Touts Ed Schultz as Union Boss

Considering how you're on the payroll and all ... MSNBC's Chris Matthews made an observation to colleague Ed Schultz last night that was presumably intended as a compliment but could easily be seen as passive aggressive (video after page break) --
Jack Coleman
June 6th, 2012 11:50 PM

On D-Day, NPR Highlights Hip-Hop Harpy Who Sings American Dream Is 'A

While Bill Press hates the National Anthem on air, National Public Radio championed a hip-hop attack on the notion of the American Dream  – on the 68th anniversary of D-Day. They really know how to time these attacks.  NPR’s Morning Edition celebrated a band called Tune-Yards (or, to be completely ridiculous, they spell it tUnE-yArDs) deconstructing My Country ‘Tis of Thee. Anchor David…
Tim Graham
June 6th, 2012 11:03 PM

MSNBC's Schultz Lectures Union Members Who Voted for Scott Walker

On Wednesday's The Ed Show, MSNBC host Ed Schultz took a condescending tone toward labor union members who voted for Governor Scott Walker in Tuesday's recall election in Wisconsin as he recounted NBC News exit poll numbers showing that a significant chunk of union voters supported the Wisconsin Republican. A baffled Schultz relayed the numbers and recounted the decision of some union…
Brad Wilmouth
June 6th, 2012 9:30 PM