Stephanie Miller Show Decries Media Coverage of Edwards Trial: 'They'r

On Wednesday's edition of The Stephanie Miller show on "progressive" radio and Current TV, Miller and her impressionist sidekick Jim Ward expressed "how frustrating the mainstream media can be" for treating the John Edwards mistress-payments trial as a serious, newsworthy matter instead of just  dismissing the whole thing as a "lousy case." But then it got funnier when they said the media…
Tim Graham
June 15th, 2012 5:15 AM

Obama 'Major Address' Panned by Fans in the Press; AP Barely Musters E

If you're starting to lose Jonathan Alter, reporters at Politico, and other left-leaning outlets, you're starting to get into trouble. Double that if you can't even get Julie Pace at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, to muster more than eight paragraphs relating to a 53-minute speech pre-positioned as a "major address." Hunter Walker has compiled several less than…
Tom Blumer
June 14th, 2012 11:31 PM

AP's Rugaber: Initial Jobless Claims Have 'Leveled Off' Since Winter

Sometimes it takes a bit of exertion to disprove an assertion made by an establishment press reporter. Not this time. Today's Department of Labor report on initial unemployment claims told us that such filings "unexpectedly" (as relayed by Reuters and Bloomberg) rose to 386,000 from an upwardly revised (of course) 380,000 the previous week; expectations were for a fall to 375,000. About an hour…
Tom Blumer
June 14th, 2012 10:38 PM

Liberal Bias in Action: Maher Gets Mets While Limbaugh Gets Booted

The double standards operating against outspoken conservatives are legion. Perhaps no one knows this better than talk radio host Rush Limbaugh who has been the target of the left's hatred for decades now. Watching the latest news in the business of sports, he's got to be shaking his head in dismay. If you're a liberal like Bill Maher, a generous donor to a Super PAC support Barack Obama's re-…
Matthew Sheffield
June 14th, 2012 7:49 PM

R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr. Column: Nixon v. Johnson

One of my favorite controversialists is back, Bob Woodward, with his sidekick Carl Bernstein. Sunday in "The Washington Post," they wrote that Richard Nixon was more hideous than we have heretofore known. The 37th president conducted five wars while in office, according to the boys, and those do not even include his minor fracases, the Cold War against the Soviet Union and the Vietnam War. I…
R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.
June 14th, 2012 6:19 PM

Walter E. Williams Column: For Too Long, Americans Have Been Duped by

Some of the responses to my column last week, titled "Immoral Beyond Redemption," prove that Americans have been hoodwinked by Congress. Some readers protested my counting Social Security among government handout programs that can be described as Congress' taking what belongs to one American and giving to another, to whom it doesn't belong — legalized theft. They argued that they worked for 45…
Walter E. Williams
June 14th, 2012 6:05 PM

Cal Thomas Column: Who Are You Calling, 'Extreme,' Jeb

Don't you find it odd that the word extremism seems to apply only to conservative Republicans? Terminology often drives political discourse and those who control the terms often determine the outcome. Establishment Republicans have too often been uncomfortable in their own skin. When they win elections, they sometimes seem unsure of what to do next. Democrats never seem to have this problem.…
Cal Thomas
June 14th, 2012 5:35 PM

MSNBC Gives Soap Box to Left-Wing Nun Warning of 'Nation's Soul' Being

Interviewing Sister Simone Campbell, executive director of the liberal Catholic group NETWORK, on her Thursday MSNBC show host Andrea Mitchell touted the organization's effort "to rally opposition to Paul Ryan's proposed health care cuts" with a nationwide "Nuns on the Bus" tour. In part, Campbell ranted that they wanted to make sure "our nation's soul is not corrupted further by the House Ryan…
Kyle Drennen
June 14th, 2012 5:28 PM

PBS NewsHour Arrives on Eric Holder Story: Why Are Republicans 'Coming

After failing for the entire calendar year of 2012 to cover the Fast and Furious scandal, the PBS NewsHour suddenly showed up on the beat Tuesday night -- not to question Holder, but to wonder why Holder was being punished by Republicans. Online, the segment title was "Why Eric Holder Is a 'Lightning Rod to Conservatives'." Why on Earth does "lightning rod" have to be in quotes? Because it's…
Tim Graham
June 14th, 2012 4:58 PM

Breaking News? CNN Listens to Sandra Fluke Explain Why She's Voting fo

Breaking news! Liberal activist Sandra Fluke will be voting for President Obama! CNN thought this announcement not only worthy of a op-ed, but hosted Fluke in person for an interview during the 9 a.m. hour of Newsroom on Thursday. Fluke was welcomed on cable news after she was publicly defamed by Rush Limbaugh -- and was published on -- and on Thursday CNN's Carol Costello…
Matt Hadro
June 14th, 2012 4:25 PM

Chris Matthews to Elizabeth Warren: 'Let Me Help You' as Much as 'I, a

Chris Matthews isn't even trying anymore. The liberal anchor on Wednesday went into full Democratic adviser mode. Talking to Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, he turned an interview into a strategy session, saying of the campaign against Republican Scott Brown: "Let me help you on this, to the extent that I, as a journalist, can help you." Providing an additional contribution…
Scott Whitlock
June 14th, 2012 4:02 PM

MSNBC's 'Now' Panel Pushes Firearm Microstamping, Whines About Power o

MSNBC host Alex Wagner has made no secret of her disdain for the Second Amendment, telling Bill Maher last November that if it were up to her, she'd repeal the amendment which enshrines the right of Americans to keep and bear arms, saying the right to own firearms is not "in the grand scheme" of things as important as the rights to speech and assembly. Back in February, Wagner seized on a…
Ken Shepherd
June 14th, 2012 3:53 PM

CBS Face-Plante: Reporter Claims White Men Helped Obama Win, When They

On Thursday's CBS This Morning, Bill Plante pointed out that "a new poll shows President Obama's support slipping in one key demographic that helped him win in 2008: white men." However, Pew Research Center's presidential exit poll from that year found that Obama actually lost 57 to 41 percent to Republican candidate John McCain. Plante noted "concern in Mr. Obama's own party that his…
Matthew Balan
June 14th, 2012 3:43 PM

NYT Puts Catholic Church on Defensive Again: 'Lightning Rod for Critic

New York Times religion reporter Laurie Goodstein, in Atlanta to cover the annual meeting of Roman Catholic bishops, "Bishops Defend Fight Against Obama's Policy on Birth Control Coverage," portrayed the church as on the defensive over its fight for religious freedom, as did the story's text box ("Acknowledging criticism, even from some Catholics"). It was embellished with a photo not of the…
Clay Waters
June 14th, 2012 1:37 PM