NBC: Obama 'Defying Gravity' By Painting Romney as 'Dangerous

On Saturday's NBC Today, co-host Lester Holt pondered why President Obama's poll numbers were not lower given the poor economy: "...you look at the polls, the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows the President still maintaining a three-point lead. Is he defying gravity here, and if so, why?" Holt directed the question to Time's Mark Halperin, who proclaimed: "Well, he is....People…
Kyle Drennen
July 9th, 2012 5:07 PM

MSNBC's Lui Allows Guest to Mislead Viewers on Texas Voter ID Law's Im

Update (July 10, 2:57 p.m. EDT): Lui responds via Twitter (see bottom of post for full update). MSNBC continued this morning to misrepresent the implications of Texas’s voter ID laws, which don’t permit college or university student IDs as valid photo identification for voting in the Lone Star State. During his appearance on MSNBC Live in the 11 a.m. Eastern hour, Ryan Haygood of the NAACP…
Ken Shepherd
July 9th, 2012 4:59 PM

CNN, Unlike ABC, Nails Obama's 'False Attack Ads' Against Mitt Romney

CNN's Candy Crowley on Sunday actually pressed a senior Barack Obama adviser on the campaign's "false" claim that Mitt Romney was responsible for outsourcing while at Bain Capital. Unlike ABC, which credulously parroted Obama's attacks, Crowley reminded Robert Gibbs that "this particular ad got four Pinocchios from the Washington Post." The Obama operative dodged, huffing, "Factcheck.org…
Scott Whitlock
July 9th, 2012 4:57 PM

Another Win for Occupy Wall Street: Cute Commercials for McDonald's, V

New York Times reporters are eager to see the influence of the left-wing sit-in Occupy Wall Street around every corner. On Sunday's front page, Tanzina Vega even credited Occupy Wall Street for a new batch of class-warfare themed television ads from McDonald's and others, inspiring overworked employees to actually take their lunch breaks and vacation days: "In Ads, the Workers Rise Up...and Go…
Clay Waters
July 9th, 2012 4:05 PM

Washington Post's Kessler Slams 'Obama's Misleading Tweet on Romney's

The Washington Post's popular Fact Checker political column isn't known for being particularly balanced when it comes to choosing which statements to dissect. So, it was surprising when the column's author Glenn Kessler, who usually chooses to go after statements made by prominent Republicans, fact-checked a tweet made by President Obama. On July 3, @BarackObama tweeted, "FACT: In 2010 and…
Kelly McGarey
July 9th, 2012 3:35 PM

Official NB to Disqus Membership Thread

For those who have chosen to create a Disqus profile and weren't able to use your existing NB user name, please post your new Disqus name here from your NB profile so everyone can know. This thread will remain a reference point for everyone during the transition.
NB Staff
July 9th, 2012 3:32 PM

MSNBC's Chris Hayes: Being Wrong Is the Conservative Media's 'Business

On Saturday morning, MSNBC host Chris Hayes laid into National Review's Andy McCarthy for a ten-word link on The Corner blog implying President Obama would be attending his own campaign's badly timed Fourth of July fundraiser in Paris. Hayes wasn't exactly serving a fresh rhetorical breakfast. Hardball sub Michael Smerconish and Maddow sub Ezra Klein both whacked NR for the slip....last Tuesday…
Tim Graham
July 9th, 2012 3:30 PM

Tyrrell Column: Roberts May Well Have Pulled a Fast One on Liberals

I have a headache. I imagine you do too, if you have been trying to interpret the legalese employed by those legal sages who have pronounced on Thursday's Supreme Court decision on Obamacare. I would rather read the lyrics of a thousand rap composers than the anfractuous language of one legal sage. Thanks, however, to Professor E. Donald Elliott of the Yale Law School, I had a translator at…
R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.
July 9th, 2012 3:04 PM

Malkin Column: Global Warming Blame-ologists Play with Fire

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — Good news: The Waldo Canyon fire, which forced 32,000 residents (including our family) to flee, claimed two lives and destroyed 347 homes, is now 100 percent contained. Bad news: Radical environmentalists won't stop blowing hot air about this year's infernal season across the West. Al Gore slithered out of the political morgue to bemoan nationwide heat records and…
Michelle Malkin
July 9th, 2012 2:47 PM

New York Times Again Falsely Claims Audience Shouted 'Let Him Die!' Du

Former Arkansas governor and Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee talked to Andrew Goldman for the New York Times Magazine, who used a media myth to give Huckabee a platform to call the Republican Party "hyperorthodox" and excessively ideological: "Mike Huckabee Likes Romney. Really." Goldman's opening question basically begged Huckabee to bash the GOP: "During the Republican…
Clay Waters
July 9th, 2012 2:14 PM

'Chorus of Democrats' and NBC Want to Make Romney Wealth a 'Central Is

In a report on Monday's NBC Today that could have been written by the Obama campaign, correspondent Peter Alexander helpfully touted the Democratic line of attack against Mitt Romney: "...pictures of Romney's week-long family vacation in New Hampshire illustrate his wealth. But it's reports of Romney's offshore accounts that the President's team wants to make a central issue. On Sunday, a…
Kyle Drennen
July 9th, 2012 1:35 PM

Left, Media Hype Climate Threat: This Summer Is What ‘Warming Looks

Coverage of Colorado fires, East Coast heat wave and other weather prove media are still willing to blame anything on global warming.
Mike Ciandella
July 9th, 2012 1:21 PM

Man Who Intro'd Obama at Rally Owes Former Employer Half-Million Dolla

Certain events in the 2012 campaign make you ask how would the media respond if a particular story was about Mitt Romney rather than President Obama.  Take this past Friday, when President Obama was introduced at an Ohio rally by a man accused to stealing trade secrets from his former employer.  According to a local CBS affiliate in Cleveland, Ohio, Daniel Potkanowicz has been ordered to pay…
Jeffrey Meyer
July 9th, 2012 12:33 PM

HBO's 'Newsroom' Becomes MSNBC: Trashes Tea Party, Compares Bachmann t

People turning on HBO Sunday evening must have thought they'd accidentally switched channels to MSNBC. In the third episode of Aaron Sorkin's new drama The Newsroom, those involved in the fictitious cable news network ACN all basically became MSNBC employees mercilessly attacking the Tea Party whilst comparing Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) to the late Joe McCarthy (video follows…
Noel Sheppard
July 9th, 2012 10:19 AM