NYT Quickly Gets Film Critic Roger Ebert to Write Op-Ed for Gun Restri

Just like clockwork, the liberal media have been out in force begging for stricter gun laws in the wake of Friday's tragic shootings in Aurora, Colorado. Playing its part was the New York Times which quickly sought the opinion of an expert on such matters, none other than film critic Roger Ebert:
Noel Sheppard
July 20th, 2012 5:09 PM

Charlie Daniels Column: Mr. President, When It Comes to Business, You

Mr. Obama, You recently made a statement to the effect that, ”If you have a business you didn't build it, you had help" inferring that the federal government helped build our businesses by virtue of paving roads and building bridges and keeping the nation safe from foreign invasion. First of all, Mr. Obama, if I'm going to take advice about business it will not be from somebody who has had…
Charlie Daniels
July 20th, 2012 4:16 PM

MSNBC's NOW With Alex Wagner Uses Aurora Shootings as Excuse to Slam N

Airing hours after the midnight mass murder in Aurora, Colorado, MSNBC's Alex Wagner was bound to devote her program to the tragic breaking news. However, unlike other journalists, Wagner used the event as a platform for extensive commentary on the politics of the gun control debate and America's "culture of violence." Wagner, an alumna of the liberal Center for American Progress, has suggested…
Kelly McGarey
July 20th, 2012 4:15 PM

Daily Kos Blames America First for Aurora Shooting

While the Daily Kos first reacted with horror like everyone else to the Aurora shooting, it didn’t take too long for the America-bashing to begin. The blogger known as “Killer of Sacred Cows” grew angry that Rep. Louie Gohmert would suggest the madness could have been stopped sooner if someone else in the theater was packing heat. That apparently put him in “Idiotsville.” But KoSC really…
Tim Graham
July 20th, 2012 3:49 PM

NBC's Alexander to Romney Sons: 'Are You Out of Touch

In an interview with Mitt Romney's five sons aired on Thursday's NBC Rock Center, campaign correspondent Peter Alexander took a jab at the family's wealth: "Their life of privilege, plus a reported $100 million trust fund, continues to draw harsh scrutiny....The criticism is that a family like yours, the Romneys, can't really understand what the average American family is dealing with right now…
Kyle Drennen
July 20th, 2012 3:16 PM

Business Owners Bash Obama During Conference Call, but Media Only Inte

A 30-minute conference call on Tuesday featuring four small business owners was intended to be a response to President Obama's comment that "If you got a business, you didn’t build that -- somebody else made that happen." However, the press took advantage of the situation to demand an apology from former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu, who said he wished the President “would learn how…
Randy Hall
July 20th, 2012 3:07 PM

Brian Ross Just the Latest Liberal Reporter to Smear Conservatives Aft

ABC’s Brian Ross's disgusting attempt to link Friday morning’s tragic shooting to a Tea Party member is just the latest example of the liberal media’s knee jerk reaction to impugn conservatives in the immediate wake of horrific crimes. After the shooting of former Democratic Representative Gabrielle Giffords liberal reporters were quick to condemn the Tea Party and conservatives like Sarah…
Geoffrey Dickens
July 20th, 2012 1:28 PM

Norah O'Donnell Challenges Paul Ryan on Tax Rate Extension: 'Afraid to

Norah O'Donnell adopted the left's spin on extending the current tax rates on Friday's CBS This Morning, challenging Rep. Paul Ryan when he asserted that "they're really not tax cuts. We're just talking about keeping taxes where they are." She asked, "You're calling them tax policies and tax code. You're afraid to call them tax cuts now?" O'Donnell laughed when Ryan affirmed that "they're not…
Matthew Balan
July 20th, 2012 1:07 PM

Tax-Funded Pacifica Radio Hosts Colorado Anti-Gun Activist Who Claims

In the first hours of a dreadful mass shooting, one might think it's a time to mourn the victims and wait for more information. That was not the plan on taxpayer-subsidized Pacifica Radio and its morning program "Democracy Now!" They brought on Colorado gun-control activist Mary Kershner, who wildly clamed that gun-rights activists are"offering to rape us" when they protest gun shows. Co-host…
Tim Graham
July 20th, 2012 12:44 PM

Time Reporter on Aurora Shooting: 'Sometimes There’s Nothing Wrong W

Michael Grunwald is doubling down on what many liberals in the media are only hinting at. "[T]here is nothing wrong with politicizing tragedy," the Time senior national correspondent wrote this morning, reacting to the Aurora movie theater shooting. "If advocates or experts or even politicians think their policy ideas can prevent the next Aurora—by preventing potential killers from obtaining…
Ken Shepherd
July 20th, 2012 12:25 PM

DNC 'Regrets' Offending Ann Romney With Campaign Ad, Promises No More

Soon after releasing a new advertisement that combined footage of GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney “dancing around the issues” with that of his wife, Ann, riding a dancing show horse, the Democratic National Committee offered “an apology of sorts.” The minute-long spot mingles images of Ann Romney riding her horse, which she does as therapy for multiple sclerosis, with footage of her…
Randy Hall
July 20th, 2012 12:14 PM

ABC News Admits 'Incorrectly' Linking Tea Party to Mass Murder in Colo

Three hours after reporter Brian Ross attempted to connect a mass killing in Colorado to the Tea Party, ABC News admitted that the story on Good Morning America was "incorrect." The retraction was added to the top of an existing online article about the murders. The story conceded, "An earlier ABC News broadcast report suggested that a Jim Holmes of a Colorado Tea Party organization might be…
Scott Whitlock
July 20th, 2012 11:39 AM

Twitchy Documents Liberals Blaming Rush Limbaugh for Aurora Movie Thea

Our friends at Twitchy have an astounding roundup of tweets from liberals who are blaming Rush Limbaugh for the movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado. None of the folks they featured are liberal celebrities or members of the media, but given how the media have blamed conservative talk radio for mass shootings before, it would not be surprising if liberal journalists and pundits today…
Ken Shepherd
July 20th, 2012 10:47 AM

Leno to Michele Bachmann: 'When the Guy Who Picked Sarah Palin Says Yo

Jay Leno on Thursday took a cheap shot at Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), and former Alaska governor Sarah Palin. Referring to McCain's admonishment of Bachmann's comments regarding Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin, the Tonight Show host quipped, "When the guy who picked Sarah Palin says you are crazy, you are crazy" (video follows with transcribed…
Noel Sheppard
July 20th, 2012 10:13 AM