Here Are Ten Moments in the Bobulinski Interview Lib Media Will Ignore

With the Wall Street Journal’s news side having gotten cold feet and the rest of the liberal media engaging in one of their most brazen cover-ups, Tony Bobulinski took his story of the Biden family’s rank corruption to the Fox News Channel on Tuesday night and primetime host Tucker Carlson. Over the course of the full hour, Bobulinski came across as credible and, most importantly, brought e-…

Curtis Houck
October 28th, 2020 2:37 AM

Kal Penn Guest Claims Second Amendment ‘Doesn’t Apply to Black People’

With the election just days away, Freeform’s Kal Penn Approves This Message election series finally came to an end. After weeks of tackling “non-partisan” issues like environmental racism, Medicare for All, and why Hillary Clinton is so polarizing, we closed things off with the bold declaration that the Second Amendment “doesn’t apply to black people.” This kind of rhetoric is…

Lindsay Kornick
October 28th, 2020 12:32 AM

Cuomo Cries Racism for Philly Shooting, Downplays Knife Aimed at Cops

As the streets of West Philadelphia were being looted and razed, CNN’s Chris Cuomo was keeping his viewers in a haze. Throughout Tuesday’s PrimeTime, he insisted the police shooting of Walter Wallace Jr. was the latest example of systemic racism by our nation’s police departments. Initially ignoring how Wallace had chased two officers around with a knife, he eventually took to huffing…

Nicholas Fondacaro
October 27th, 2020 11:53 PM

MRC’s Bozell: Corrupt Media Hiding Truth of Hunter Biden Bombshell

MRC President Brent Bozell on Tuesday released a video hammering a complicit media for hiding the truth from the American people about the bombshell Hunter Biden scandal.

NB Staff
October 27th, 2020 9:05 PM

CBS Angry Philly Cops Didn’t Let Knife-Wielding Attacker Kill Them

How anti-police was CBS Evening News? Well, during their Tuesday night newscast, anchor Norah O’Donnell and correspondent Jericka Duncan seemed upset two Philadelphia police officers shot and killed a knife-wielding attacker instead of letting the man wound or kill them. And of course, there was no mention of how defunding the police possibly had an effect on the outcome of the…

Nicholas Fondacaro
October 27th, 2020 8:27 PM

Sour Grapes CNN Hacks Attack Supreme Court for Not Ruling Their Way

Why does CNN only want judicial independence when it benefits the Democratic Party? On Tuesday morning's CNN Newsroom, co-hosts Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto edged their guests to trash the Supreme Court after ruling against the Wisconsin Democrats in a case regarding the absentee ballot deadline. Leading the way, Scuitto biasedly speculated: “When you have the Justices deciding in large party…

Joseph Norris
October 27th, 2020 8:03 PM

‘We Gon’ Get Jumped’: Cardi B LOSES IT on Peaceful Trump Supporters

Cardi B has had it with people out in the streets touting their political ideology. No, it’s not what you’re thinking. The stripper-turned-rapper hasn’t decided to denounce Antifa, but has spoken out against Trump supporters getting their MAGA all over her peaceful, Democrat streets of L.A. That’s right, the tough rapper from the Bronx couldn’t handle California-native Trump supporters…

Gabriel Hays
October 27th, 2020 6:49 PM

Facebook Starts Political Ad Freeze, Will Clamp Down After Election

With the election only one week away, Facebook appears to be taking its self-proclaimed role of truth-guardian even more seriously.
Facebook, starting today, has frozen political ads until Election Day, when it plans to block all political ads on the platform, according to The Washington Post.

Kayla Sargent
October 27th, 2020 4:22 PM
Traitor: A History of American Betrayal From Benedict Arnold to Donald Trump.

Forget the Hitler Comparison, Now MSNBC Says Trump Is Benedict Arnold

In the spirit of MSNBC’s rabid leftism, Joe Scarborough had a guest on Monday’s Morning Joe who was so out-of-touch that it was hard to watch. Former Foreign Policy magazine editor David Rothkopf was given almost ten minutes of airtime to promote his unhinged new book, Traitor: A History of American Betrayal From Benedict Arnold to Donald Trump.

John Shannon
October 27th, 2020 4:05 PM

The HORROR! CNN Freaks Out Over Trump and Pence Events

On Sunday night’s CNN Newsroom, host Ana Cabrera combined with senior political analyst and Atlantic senior editor Ron Brownstein and Vanderbilt infectious disease professor William Schaffner to melt down over President Trump and Vice President Pence holding rallies over the weekend despite several of Pence’s staff testing positive for COVID. Cabrera freaked out over Trump “…

Duncan Schroeder
October 27th, 2020 4:03 PM

Oil and America’s Energy Future

During last Thursday's debate, Joe Biden said his goal as president would be to "transition away from the oil industry." He has also said the future is in cars powered by electricity. Biden would build 500,000 charging stations across the country. It wasn't the first time he attacked the oil and job-producing industry in his worship of the cult of "climate change." According to Energy…

Cal Thomas
October 27th, 2020 3:38 PM

What?!: 'View' Host Says Dems Adding Justices Is ‘Unpacking' Court

Anyone with a functioning brain was confused Tuesday morning upon hearing ABC legal analyst Sunny Hostin argue how Democrats adding more justices to the Supreme Court was actually "unpacking" the court. But upon being corrected by guest host Bari Weiss, Hostin doubled down on her doublespeak with the aid of fellow liberal co-host Whoopi Goldberg (with Joy Behar was off for the day).

Kristine Marsh
October 27th, 2020 3:14 PM

The Biden Email Fiasco and the Great Media Cover-Up

Most Americans loathe digging into the underbelly of someone else’s dysfunctional family. Yet separating the Biden family from its connection to multiple foreign business dealings exposed on Hunter Biden’s laptop is becoming a difficult thing to achieve. With each passing day, another shoe drops from a seemingly endless supply of footwear emanating from an Imelda Marcos-sized closet.

Leesa K. Donner
October 27th, 2020 3:12 PM

Pregnant #MeToo Model Emily Ratajkowski ‘Scared of Having a Son’

Feminist model Emily Ratajkowski announced her pregnancy Monday in an essay in Vogue and it was a fascinating study in how a progressive pro-abortion white feminist dedicated to the #MeToo movement wrestles with the contradictions inherent in the intersection of pregnancy and the liberal orthodoxies of gender and race.

Alexa Moutevelis
October 27th, 2020 3:00 PM