Stevie Wonder: ‘You Must Vote Justice In And Injustice Out.’

Another singer has publicly voiced support for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Sergie Daez
November 3rd, 2020 10:14 AM
Trump Yahoo Study

Yahoo Buries Millions of Users Under Avalanche of Anti-Trump Headlines

It’s not just TV news that’s heavily skewed their election news this year – a major Internet news site has bombarded its readers with anti-Trump and pro-Biden headlines every morning for the past four months. A Media Research Center analysis of The Daily Yahoo email newsletter, compiled by Yahoo News and delivered to the inboxes of approximately 225 million active monthly users of…

Kyle Drennen
November 3rd, 2020 10:07 AM

LAST DITCH ATTEMPT: Media Wastes October Using Same Old Playbook

From MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough asserting “Nobody’s ever done so much to kill so many” to CNN’s Chris Cuomo bellowing that Trump “empowers hate” by “domestic terrorists” the following are the most vicious attacks against Trump and conservatives over the last month.

Geoffrey Dickens
November 3rd, 2020 10:00 AM

Teen Vogue: Even with Biden Win, A 'Need to Destroy the Old’ USA

After advocating for revolt this summer with the Black Lives Matter protests, Teen Vogue wants to make sure the “revolutionary movement” to radically transform America keeps going, even (perhaps especially) if Joe Biden wins.

Alexa Moutevelis
November 3rd, 2020 8:34 AM

BAD JOKE: NPR Reporters Tout Biden Putting 'Character on the Ballot'

On Monday, NPR’s Morning Edition summed up the Biden campaign almost exactly in the way the Biden campaign would like. Political reporters Asma NPR reporters Asma Khalid and Scott Detrow took turns on Monday moring explaining how Biden placed a bet on a campaign on “character” and a return to normalcy, and there was no time or space to explore how the Biden family’s foreign lobbying…

Tim Graham
November 3rd, 2020 6:20 AM

CNN: GOP Just Un-American Whores Putting a Bullet in the Country

CNN’s hatred for President Trump and Republicans was boiling over on the eve of Election Day. Their animus was perfectly summed up during a Monday segment of Cuomo PrimeTime which featured New York Times columnist, the insufferably pompous Tom Friedman. According to the duo, the Republicans were just a bunch of “manure” eating racists and whores trying to stir up a Lebanese-…

Nicholas Fondacaro
November 3rd, 2020 12:03 AM

Trump 2020 Senior Advisor Mercy Schlapp WRECKS Jorge Ramos

It took five years, but someone finally took Univision anchor Jorge Ramos to task for his incessant haranguing of Hispanic conservatives who don’t toe the Univision line and vote for reasons other than immigration.

Kathleen Krumhansl
November 2nd, 2020 9:47 PM

ABC Skips Businesses Prepping for Riots, CBS/NBC Act Dumb on Attackers

With the streets of the nation’s capital being turned into “fortresses of plywood,” as coined by CBS Homeland Security correspondent Jeff Pegues on Monday, the broadcast networks refused to say just who they were protecting their businesses from. CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News spoke in vague terms of “violence” and “unrest.” While ABC’s World News Tonight

Nicholas Fondacaro
November 2nd, 2020 8:42 PM

Crazy Train! CNN and MSNBC Guest: Trump Is WORSE Than Hitler!

When the left shows us who they are, believe them. On Monday, that mantra came in handy when CNN and MSNBC guest and psychologist Dr. Bandy Lee tweeted that President Donald Trump was worse than Adolf Hitler in not one facet, but a whole slew of ways. Her reasoning? Compared to Trump, Lee said Hitler possessed “competence” and “at least...improved the daily life of his followers, had…

Curtis Houck
November 2nd, 2020 5:49 PM

Eminem Loses Himself For Biden: Licenses Hit Rap Song For Biden Ad

So much for Eminem’s tough-as-nails, street smart image. The rap icon just endorsed the most flaccid, corrupt and sleepy candidate running to be the leader of the free world out of his hatred for President Donald Trump. The “Lose Yourself” rapper, who has already tarnished his Hip Hop image by whining about Donald Trump in verse form, is now attaching his most popular song to the…

Gabriel Hays
November 2nd, 2020 5:38 PM

Mark Levin: ‘I Will Not Be Intimidated’ By Latest Facebook Censorship

Popular conservative talk radio host Mark Levin was targeted by Facebook on the evening before the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

Alexander Hall
November 2nd, 2020 5:30 PM
Herschel Walker

Deadspin Slimes Trump-Supporting Sports Figures

At Deadspin, the philosophy is if you don't have anything bad to say about someone -- particularly Trump supporters -- don't say anything. Jesse Spector has plenty of negative things to say about famous sports figures backing the president, and he's spewing all of it in a Deadspin slideshow.

Jay Maxson
November 2nd, 2020 4:22 PM

Twitter Restricts Who Can Call Election, Will Remove Other Claims

The rules keep changing. Just one day before the presidential election, Twitter has graciously decided to reveal its guidelines for how and when a candidate can declare victory on the platform. Only a select group of news agencies and state officials will be allowed. Candidates, including the president of the United States? Nope.

Kayla Sargent
November 2nd, 2020 4:22 PM
Tim Alberta CNN New Day 11-2-20

Politico Reporter: 'Most of Us Suffering Collective PTSD from 2016'

On CNN's New Day, Tim Alberta, Politico Magazine's chief political correspondent, says "I know that most of us are suffering from this collective PTSD from 2016." He thus admits that he, and by extension most of the MSM, are still distraught over President Trump's 2016 victory.

Mark Finkelstein
November 2nd, 2020 3:42 PM