MSNBC Trashes Giuliani, Credits David Dinkins with Cutting Crime

On Tuesday, the historical revisionists at MSNBC were hard at work trying to credit former New York City Mayor David Dinkins with the drop in crime that happened under his successor, Republican Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

Brad Wilmouth
November 27th, 2020 8:55 PM

Shameless Hack: PBS Journo Compares Biden Cabinet to Avengers

The same media who spent the past four years calling President Trump, literally Hitler, is now breathlessly comparing President-Elect Joe Biden and his cabinet to superheroes saving the earth. And they expect us to take them seriously?

Kristine Marsh
November 27th, 2020 8:41 PM

CNN's Berman Pushes for McConnell to Show 'Human Decency'

On Tuesday's New Day show, CNN co-host John Berman called for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to show "human decency" and do "a human thing" in congratulating Democrat Joe Biden even while President Donald Trump is still contesting the election.

Brad Wilmouth
November 27th, 2020 6:45 PM

Media Childishly Dismissive of Gettysburg Vote Fraud Hearing

The mainstream media, rather than cover in any real detail the serious allegations of voting fraud that were presented at a Gettysburg hearing of the Pennsylvania Senate Majority Policy Committee on Wednesday was instead mockingly dismissive of the event.

P.J. Gladnick
November 27th, 2020 6:30 PM
President Trump CNN New Day 11-27-20

Instant Karma for CNN Host Who Sees 'Metaphor' In Trump Desk Size

On CNN's New Day, co-host obsesses over the relatively small desk at which President Trump sat in the White House yesterday as he took questions from the press.  Berman claimed to see a "metaphor" in a "large man at a small table." Berman feigned outrage at Trump's treatment of Reuters reporter Jeff Mason.  When Mason appeared on New Day during its final hour, Berman asked him about the desk,…

Mark Finkelstein
November 27th, 2020 6:18 PM

Politico: From Tabasco Flood of Trump, We Sip Almond Milk with Biden

On Substack, Washington Examiner media writer T. Becket Adams looks ahead to the "big media sleep" under Biden. Just the quotes from Politico offer plenty of proof:  "if the Trump White House was like downing a vat of Tabasco sauce over the past four years, the Biden White House will be like sipping unflavored almond milk.”

Tim Graham
November 27th, 2020 8:57 AM

CNN Cues Doc to Slam SCOTUS Ruling on Churches as 'Absolutely Crazy'

On Thursday afternoon, CNN fill-in host Boris Sanchez cued up frequent guest Dr. Peter Hotez to trash the conservative majority on the Supreme Court for its ruling that New York cannot discriminate against houses of worship in its anti-pandemic restrictions, with the Baylor College of Medicine professor declaring that the ruling is "absolutely crazy" and "devalues human lives."

Brad Wilmouth
November 27th, 2020 8:04 AM

Column: Biden Not Adored as Much as Obama

Joe Biden came out with his first Cabinet picks before Thanksgiving, and the media were falling all over themselves with compliments. At least they’re not demanding Joe Biden be inaugurated early. In 2008, they were so deeply enchanted with Barack Obama that they wanted to slash the transition period in half and get those wonderful Democrats back in power.

Tim Graham
November 27th, 2020 6:32 AM

NYT Pushes Dems in Georgia Against 'Scathing Negative Ads' of the GOP

In Tuesday’s New York Times, reporters Astead Herndon and Nick Corasaniti helped out the Democratic cause in the unusual double runoff election in Georgia that will decide which party has control of the Senate next term: “Republicans On Attack In Costly Georgia Runoffs.” The text box established the premise: “A slate of scathing negative ads by two G.O.P. candidates.” The Democratic…

Clay Waters
November 26th, 2020 10:17 PM

CNN: It 'Seems Clear' That 'Trump Unchained' Will Pardon Himself

On CNN's New Day, co-host Alisyn Camerota, referencing President Trump's retweet of Rep. Matt Gaetz's tweet suggesting that the president pardon himself, says: "It seems clear this is going to happen." 

Mark Finkelstein
November 26th, 2020 9:13 PM

WashPost Honors 'Best Books,' Especially Employees Trashing Trump

On Sunday, The Washington Post broke out their list of the 50 most notable nonfiction books of 2020. As usual, the Post makes it a bit of a fringe benefit to list books written by their own staff, and this year, it's quite obvious most of them were judged "Notable" for trashing Donald Trump, who allegedly causes democracy to die in darkness. 

Tim Graham
November 26th, 2020 8:51 AM

Keilar: Bible-Quoting Rubio's Too Mean to Biden's Cabinet of Experts

In a typical liberal CNN commentary, Newsroom host Brianna Keilar went after Sen. Marco Rubio on Wednesday for a tweet mocking all the media hype for Biden's national-security picks for all their competence and expertise, when their policies are bad for America. 

Alex Christy
November 26th, 2020 7:53 AM

MSNBC's Velshi & Witt Spread Misinformation About Illegal immigration

On Sunday, MSNBC hosts Ali Velshi and Alex Witt both did their part to spread misinformation to their viewers about illegal immigration and border security, with Velshi wrongly claiming that it is not illegal for asylum seekers to cross the border illegally, and Witt letting her guest understate the amount of new border wall built by the Donald Trump administration.

Brad Wilmouth
November 26th, 2020 6:20 AM

‘Another Truth:’ CBS's ‘S.W.A.T.’ Echoes Defund the Police Nonsense

Like so much of television this season, CBS's S.W.A.T. jumped on the Black Lives Matter bandwagon for its season premiere two weeks ago. This week's episode, "Memento Mori," on November 25, featured another BLM storyline, with a discussion of the movement to defund the police.

Elise Ehrhard
November 25th, 2020 11:56 PM