Nicolle Wallace Jim Rutenberg MSNBC Deadline White House 12-22-20

Wow! Nicolle Wallace, NYT Reporter Question Biden's Russia Threat

The liberal media has ripped President Trump for downplaying the apparent cyberattack by Russia into high levels of the US government. So when Joe Biden spoke out today, trashing President Trump's handling of the matter, accusing Russia for the attack, and vowing to punish it, you would have thought that on her MSNBC show this afternoon, Nicolle Wallace & co. would have cheered Biden. But…

Mark Finkelstein
December 23rd, 2020 5:35 AM

Happy Festivus 2020: Time to Air Our TV Grievances

2020 has been a year-long series of grievances, and TV was no exception. Although COVID ended a lot of business, leftist Hollywood has been in full force shoving its agenda down our throats. In honor of Festivus on December 23, we’ve once again gathered a list of 2020 TV grievances to air as well as feats of strength and Festivus miracles.

Lindsay Kornick
December 23rd, 2020 1:00 AM

Will Nets Cover? Warnock Allegedly Ran Over Wife Trying to Take Kids

Georgia Democratic Senate candidate Raphael Warnock apparently got an early piece of coal in his stocking on Christmas week. According to police body camera footage exclusively aired on Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson Tonight on Tuesday, the radical leftist pastor was accused by his ex-wife of running over her foot with his car as she tried to stop him from driving off with their…

Nicholas Fondacaro
December 22nd, 2020 10:03 PM

CBS Fails to Update False Claim U.S. Unable to Get More Pfizer Vaccine

Two weeks ago, each of the three major broadcast networks ran with dubious reporting that claimed the United States was unable to obtain more of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine, because President Trump didn’t order enough. Disregarding the fact there was no way to know which vaccine would get approval first, they all leaped at the opportunity to bash Trump. But on Tuesday, there was new reporting…

Nicholas Fondacaro
December 22nd, 2020 8:28 PM

‘One Horse Pony’; Joe Biden Mocks Doocy for Asking About Hunter

President-Elect Joe Biden took more softball questions Tuesday afternoon from a subservient liberal media as well as probes from the left. But when it came to a shouted Hunter Biden question from Fox News’s Peter Doocy as he left the stage, Biden insisted news stories about Hunter are Russian disinformation and mocked Doocy as “a one horse pony.”

Curtis Houck
December 22nd, 2020 6:11 PM

CNN Attacks Rubio For Getting Vaccinated, Says It Is 'Immoral'

CNN Newsroom host Brooke Baldwin and alleged Republican strategist Ana Navarro were outraged on Monday that Florida Sen. Marco Rubio was vaccinated against COVID-19. They argued that it was immoral that such a Trump-supporting science denier received the vaccine before those who are more at risk.

Alex Christy
December 22nd, 2020 5:01 PM

@POTUS Twitter Account to Start with No Followers

Former Vice President Joe Biden will reportedly have a long way to go to build up his Twitter presence, assuming, as currently projected, he takes over as president in January. Twitter has reportedly told the Biden team that the official @POTUS account will be reset to zero followers, and “Donald Trump’s followers will not carry over to the official Twitter accounts assigned to the new…

Kayla Sargent
December 22nd, 2020 2:58 PM

New Polish Law Aims to Block Big Tech Censorship

It often feels as though Big Tech overlords are constantly censoring content they disagree with, leaving users scratching their heads as to why they were censored. But one nation is looking to change the way Big Tech can censor speech. Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro of Poland “announced a legal initiative on Thursday [Dec. 10]  aimed at enabling internet users to file complaints against the…

Kayla Sargent
December 22nd, 2020 2:33 PM

CNN Political Correspondent Sara Murray Is a Dem Donor (Corrected)

Despite multiple requests for comment on whether political correspondent Sara Murray donated to Arizona Democratic Senator Mark Kelly, CNN informed NewsBusters on Tuesday afternoon that both CNN and Murray unequivocally deny that she's made any political donations and are looking into the donation’s origins and this discrepancy. Check out the full post to see the original story.

Joseph Vazquez
December 22nd, 2020 1:22 PM

Reuters Fact-Checker Has Not Updated Election Misinfo Claim

So-called “fact”-checking websites often jump at any chance they get to attempt to prove President Donald Trump wrong. But they aren’t so eager to fact-check themselves.

Reuters fact-checked a Nov. 19 tweet from President Donald Trump but has not corrected, or even addressed, the inaccuracies in its own article.

Kayla Sargent
December 22nd, 2020 11:42 AM

Joy Reid to Harris: How Do You Fight Republicans Politicizing Vaccine?

During a pre-recorded interview with Kamala Harris on her ReidOut show Monday night, Reid repeatedly baited the Vice-President Elect to agree with her that “Trump enablers” shouldn’t be at the “front of the line” for the vaccine

Kristine Marsh
December 22nd, 2020 11:33 AM

VICE Bemoans ‘Imagery That Associates Abortions With Baby-Killing’

Ever since Swedish photographer Lennart Nilsson produced some of the first images of pre-born babies published in Life magazine more than 60 years ago, the pro-abortion left has been annoyed at the medical and technological advances that have given us a window into the womb. The big surprise is that now they’re saying the quiet part out loud.

Alexa Moutevelis
December 22nd, 2020 8:57 AM

WORST OF 2020: The Media Plays Pandemic Politics

All this week, NewsBusters is recounting the most obnoxious liberal bias of 2020. Yesterday, we presented the most outrageous examples of journalists fawning over liberal or left-wing icons; today’s installment showcases some of the year’s most horrendous examples of the media exploiting the pandemic to score political points against Republicans.

Geoffrey Dickens
December 22nd, 2020 8:55 AM

MSNBC Analyst Lets Al Sharpton Wrongly Label Her as Still Republican

In the last several weeks, now that the election is over, MSNBC production teams have been struggling to keep track of which of the network's pretend Republican analysts are actually still identifying as Republicans. On Sunday's PoliticsNation show, host Al Sharpton incorrectly identified MSNBC political analyst Elise Jordan as a "Republican strategist," as did the chyron, even though…

Brad Wilmouth
December 22nd, 2020 6:17 AM