'View' Helps Dem Float Dangerous Rumor Republicans Coordinated Attack

United States Representative Pramila Jayapal (D-WA)  appeared on The View Wednesday to blame Republicans for giving her COVID but also promote even more dangerous conspiracy theories that the Capitol Hill attack was an inside job coordinated by Republicans. 

Kristine Marsh
January 13th, 2021 12:54 PM

GUSH: CBS Cheers ‘Pioneer’ Jill Biden as ‘So Much Closer to Our Lives’

Get ready for a stark transition as journalists in the media stop speaking truth to power and turn into stenographers for the incoming Democratic administration. On Wednesday’s CBS This Morning, the show’s hosts and reporters hailed the “pioneer” Jill Biden as a First Lady who is “so much closer to our lives.” 

Scott Whitlock
January 13th, 2021 12:43 PM
Former Sen. Kelly Loeffler, center

Jemele Hill Demands WNBA ‘Caretakers of Democracy’ Oust Loeffler

By campaigning for the radical U.S. Senator-elect Raphael Warnock, intolerant Women’s NBA players now insist they are the “caretakers of democracy.” They, along with radioactive writer Jemele Hill and LeBron James are trying to push Atlanta Dream co-owner Kelly Loefler out of their far-Left league to assure that there is no room in it for someone who is not on board with Black Lives Matter.…

Jay Maxson
January 13th, 2021 12:22 PM

NY Post Points Out Hypocrisy of What Twitter Chooses Not to Censor

Twitter clearly has no problem censoring President Donald Trump. It’s what the social media company has chosen not to censor that has the New York Post crying foul. The New York Post pointed out Twitter’s blatant hypocrisy in a recent article pointing out that #KillTrump was allowed on the platform, as were tweets from Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei and numerous other accounts that the…

Kayla Sargent
January 13th, 2021 11:56 AM

Tom Hanks to Host Celebrity Inauguration Special

Pro-tip to celebrities and politicians: saying the word “united” several times doesn’t actually unite people. And neither will this celebrity-filled salute to Joe Biden’s inauguration, even if it’s hosted by “America’s Dad” Tom Hanks.

Lindsay Kornick
January 13th, 2021 11:42 AM

USA Today: White Men Rioting in DC was ‘Triggering’ to Women

It’s hard to believe that USA Today, “The Business Traveler’s Diversion of Last Resort Since Whatever Year They Discontinued SkyMall,” has provided the first really good comedy of our post-election hellscape. But Alia E. Dastagir had a piece in the paper’s Jan. 12 Health and Wellness section reporting that “watching the Capitol riot was ‘triggering’ for some women.” 

Matt Philbin
January 13th, 2021 10:52 AM

Andrea Mitchell's Guest Blames 'White Rage' For Capitol Riot

Americans of all races and political persuasions want those who rioted at the Capitol on Wednesday to be brought to justice, so it was disheartening, but not necessarily surprising when former Republican senator from Maine and Clinton Secretary of Defense William Cohen spread the blame on Monday's Andrea Mitchell Reports by blaming "white people" and their "white rage."

Alex Christy
January 13th, 2021 9:53 AM
George Conway MSNBC Morning Joe 1-13-21

George Conway: 'Psychopath' Trump Worse Than Nixon

On Morning Joe, George Conwayof the Lincoln Project, compares President Trump's impending departure from office unfavorably to that of Richard Nixon's, who resigned when facing sure impeachment and conviction. Twice calling Trump a "psychopath," Conway predicts there will be no sympathy for Trump when he leaves office, and that to the contrary, he will forever be a "pariah."

Mark Finkelstein
January 13th, 2021 8:22 AM

Column: Hollywood Elites and Violent Thoughts

As Big Tech companies respond to the horrible riot at the Capitol by banning accounts and deplatforming entire social-media websites, there's no focus on the violent thoughts on the Left, most prominently the Hollywood Left. Apparently, their violent thoughts are never plausibly dangerous. No one might ever be incited by them. Take Alec Baldwin...

Tim Graham
January 13th, 2021 6:02 AM

VICTORY: CNN Cancels Airport Network, Leaving Flyers to Peacefully Fly

While the first 12 days of 2021 have served as a continuation of 2020's misery, Tuesday provided us with some extremely welcome media news as CNN’s airport TV monopoly will come to an end on March 31, thus ending CNN’s years of cruel and unusual punishment against air travelers nationwide. In an email to CNN employees, CNN head, “Dwarf King,” and puppetmaster Jeff Zucker announced the decision…

Curtis Houck
January 13th, 2021 12:15 AM

Cuomo, Lemon Argue Our Riots Were Cooler Than Yours and ‘Justified’

Politically motivated violence is wrong, disgusting, and not justifiable no matter the cause. But not according to CNN's PrimeTime host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo and CNN Tonight host Don Lemon. During the Tuesday handoff between their shows, the duo essentially argued that the Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots from last spring and summer were cooler than last week’s Capitol Hill…

Nicholas Fondacaro
January 12th, 2021 11:44 PM

CW Horror Anthology Shows Transphobes as Real Monsters

CW’s horror anthology Two Sentence Horror Stories has somehow gotten even worse in its second season. While its not-so-subtle illegal immigrant story was a lousy example, this latest story on a transgender student makes us long for the days of 2019. At least that was terrible propaganda without a pandemic.

Lindsay Kornick
January 12th, 2021 10:53 PM

Bozell Torches ‘Jerry Springer Show’ CNN as Raging COVID Hypocrites

Tuesday night on the Fox Business Network, Media Research Center Founder and President Brent Bozell joined host Liz MacDonald on The Evening Edit to lambaste a liberal media double standard that ran rampant in 2020 and has continued into 2021 with widespread fawning over New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo’s failed coronavirus response versus ridicule of Florida Republican…

NB Staff
January 12th, 2021 8:48 PM

ABC, CBS Glad GOPer Backing Impeachment, Ignore Dem Pumping Brakes

With all three of the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) leading their Tuesday evening newscasts with word Wyoming Congresswoman Liz Cheney (R) planned to support the Democratic effort to impeach President Trump for his incitement of the Capitol attack last week, only one of them felt like being balanced enough to note Democratic opposition to the move: NBC Nightly News.

Nicholas Fondacaro
January 12th, 2021 8:45 PM