Bozell Column: That Terrible 'Ted' Movie

Seth MacFarlane, whose $100 million contract with Fox makes him the highest paid TV writer in history, is now trying to take over the cineplex, with the same old shtick. You could pluck his oeuvre out of the summer movie-preview articles without any difficulty. His was the one where "the teddy bear comes to life and becomes a profane slacker who practically lives inside a bong and hires hookers…
Brent Bozell
July 7th, 2012 8:05 AM

Daily Kos Week in Review: Tea Party Klansmen Against Obamacare

This past week, Kossacks continued to attack conservatives disappointed by the Supreme Court's upholding of the Affordable Care Act, but with an additional twist of the rhetorical knife: alleging that the real reason the right opposes the individual mandate is that a black president favors it.    As usual, each headline is preceded by the blogger's name or pseudonym.
Tom Johnson
July 7th, 2012 7:08 AM

WaPo Columnist Works Gratuitous Swipe at Romney Into Story About Natio

"Summer’s in full swing, and unless your family is rather Romney-esque, there’s a chance you’ll be spending some time in one of the country’s hundreds of national parks. " That's how Washington Post "In the Loop" columnist worked in a gratuitous swipe at the presumptive GOP presidential nominee in today's "In the Loop" column in which he interviewed Jonathan Jarvis, the head of the National…
Matt Vespa
July 6th, 2012 7:11 PM

CNN Batters Joe Walsh, But Dem Opponent Gets Much Softer Treatment

Is CNN campaigning for Rep. Joe Walsh's Democratic opponent? In a heated exchange with Walsh on Thursday, anchor Ashleigh Banfield rattled off a list of opponent Tammy Duckworth's accomplishments and admitted "she should get elected" if voters are pleased with her resume. CNN gave much softer treatment to Duckworth on Friday. Host Wolf Blitzer did press her about controversial statements she…
Matt Hadro
July 6th, 2012 7:09 PM

Thomas Column: The 'Oprahfication' of America

When asked at the close of the Constitutional Convention in 1787 what the Founders had wrought, Benjamin Franklin famously said, "A Republic, if you can keep it." That question might also be put to the five Supreme Court justices who voted last week to uphold the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, which mandates health insurance for most Americans, based on twisted logic that it is…
Cal Thomas
July 6th, 2012 5:58 PM

CBS's Glor Calls Out David Axelrod For His 'Extreme' Attack on Romney

CBS's Jeff Glor confronted David Axelrod on Friday's CBS This Morning over his most recent attack on presumptive Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney: "You said that Mitt Romney was the most secretive candidate since Richard Nixon....I think that would strike a lot of people as extreme. Do you stand by those comments?" Glor also pressed Axelrod on the Obama campaign's "outsourcer-in…
Matthew Balan
July 6th, 2012 5:20 PM

Spinning Hard, NYT's Mark Landler Spies 'Glimmers of a Resurgence' for

New York Times reporter Mark Landler spun for the president in Ohio in Friday's "Obama, Hitting Road in Rust Belt, Offers Tough Talk on Jobs and Trade." Landler, whose reporting on Obama is getting more gushy as the election nears, shone his journalistic flashlight on any slivers of good economic news he could find and suggested they would benefit Obama in the Midwest.
Clay Waters
July 6th, 2012 5:01 PM

ABC Helps Obama Get the Word Out About 'Nefarious' Romney

In Thursday's campaign report by ABC's Jake Tapper, the Obama campaign received four soundbites as opposed to just one for Romney surrogates. The sharp imbalance was capitalized by Tapper choosing the word "nefarious" to describe the Obama campaign's caricature of Romney. "Others in the Obama campaign discussing wealth Romney has invested overseas in the Cayman Islands and Bermuda painted an…
Matt Hadro
July 6th, 2012 4:28 PM

NBC Cites ‘Global Warming’ As Possible Cause of Colorado Wildfires

Now that Colorado is enduring one of the worst wildfires in its history, liberals are pointing to man-made global warming as the culprit. On Thursday's NBC Nightly News, correspondent Anne Thompson hyped the "dire" and lasting impact of the fires on the environment and pointed toward man-made global warming as the probable cause. The "increasingly bigger" fires, Thompson said, are "Leading…
Jeffrey Meyer
July 6th, 2012 4:06 PM

Reuters Report Erroneously Claims That 'Most' Prisoners in the U.S. Ar

On Tuesday, Tom Brown at Reuters (HT aka "Republican Party Animals") wrote about the case of Quartavious Davis, a 20 year-old sentenced to life (and then some) after being "convicted of participating in a string of armed robberies in the Miami area in 2010." In the process, Brown, whose column title was inadvertently humorous ("Insight: Florida man sees 'cruel' face of U.S…
Tom Blumer
July 6th, 2012 3:55 PM

Will Media Fact Checkers Find Obama's 'Outspent' Underdog Whoppers In

Neil Munro at The Daily Caller is pointing out that Barack Obama has a truth-telling problem when it comes to being outspent on his previous campaigns. Someone should alert Politifact and its users in the press corps. “I got outspent when I ran [the] first time for Senate,” the president claimed in his campaign speech Thursday in Maumee, Ohio. Munro found "Obama was misleading." Yeah, that's…
Tim Graham
July 6th, 2012 3:33 PM

NYT Editor Gail Collins Vexed by Conservative Texas in New Book; 'Bloo

Erica Greider reviewed on Tuesday the recent conservative-bashing book by New York Times columnist and former editorial page editor Gail Collins, As Texas Goes – How the Lone Star State Hijacked the American Agenda. Greider covers the region for the Economist and knows something about Texas history, which puts Collins at a disadvantage. Greider wrote: ...Her book, 'As Texas Goes... ,' pays…
Clay Waters
July 6th, 2012 1:39 PM

Lefty PR Exec Attacks: ‘Exxon Will Make Record Profits Destroying Ou

Tells Oil CEO he could go down in history as ‘man who destroyed the future.’
Liz Thatcher
July 6th, 2012 11:37 AM

Former OMB Director Tells CNBC ‘There’s No Recovery

The June jobs report was “very disappointing” for the Obama administration and to people looking for work, according to CNBC’s John Harwood. The 80,000 job gains was 20,000 short of expectations, and the unemployment rate was unchanged. Moody’s economist Mark Zandi, who has often found a bright side to negative reports, reacted that way again saying there were “silver linings” in the report…
Julia A. Seymour
July 6th, 2012 11:36 AM