9/11 Truther Touré's New Wacko Theory: Romney Tried To 'Win More Whit

Left-wing author Touré Neblett wildly accused Mitt Romney of playing the race card in a Thursday item on Time's website, claiming that Romney "went to the NAACP's National Convention planning to get booed," so he could "elicit an emotional reaction from white voters. Romney's performance wasn't intended to win more black votes, it was intended to help win more white votes." Touré, the…
Matthew Balan
July 12th, 2012 7:05 PM

Soledad O'Brien Inquires If Romney Intended to Be Booed by NAACP

CNN's Soledad O'Brien flirted with the absurd theory that Mitt Romney intended to be booed by the NAACP, asking on Thursday's Starting Point if it was part of his "strategy."   After playing a clip of House Minority Leader Pelosi saying Romney getting booed was a "calculated move" on his part, O'Brien noted Romney expected to be booed and asked "Is there some kind of strategy in this…
Matt Hadro
July 12th, 2012 6:18 PM

Juan Williams Insists He Isn't Liberal, Just a 'Foil

Juan Williams hit it off with the I-man on the July 11 broadcast of Imus in the Morning.  Apparently, Williams, who was fired by NPR in 2010, is the "foil" for the conservative personalities on Fox News.  When Imus asked if Fox News was "right wing," Williams responded with "given what I'm up against, I think that's the way it comes across. If you're arguing politics with Krauthammer and Brit…
Matt Vespa
July 12th, 2012 5:23 PM

Donny Deutsch Predicts Women and Minorities Will 'Cost' Romney Electio

During a panel discussion on Thursday's NBC Today about Mitt Romney's NAACP speech, advertising executive Donny Deutsch gave credit to the Republican presidential candidate for making the appearance, but proclaimed: "...this is going to be what I'll call the demographic election, women, Latinos and African-Americans are going to cost him the election." Co-host Savannah Guthrie began the…
Kyle Drennen
July 12th, 2012 5:21 PM

HBO's Tea Party-Bashing 'Newsroom' Writer Thanks Think Progress for 'V

As NewsBusters previously reported, this past Sunday's Tea Party-bashing episode of HBO's The Newsroom featured a lead character prominently mentioning the far-left, George Soros-funded propaganda organization Think Progress. On Monday, the co-author of that episode, one Gideon Yago, tweeted his thanks to TP reporter Adam Peck for "reporting and archiving" that was "vital to the research we…
Noel Sheppard
July 12th, 2012 5:14 PM

Should Romney Deliver 'Powerful Counterpunch' Or 'Shift to Positive Ca

No matter what campaign tactic Mitt Romney chooses, it's the wrong one. A July 12 New York Times headline reads: "Romney Faces Calls to Deliver Counterpunch." Jeff Zeleny and Ashley Parker began their front-page "campaign memo" relaying concerns from the GOP that he is not counterattacking Obama: Mitt Romney and his team of advisers built a reputation during the Republican primaries as tough…
Clay Waters
July 12th, 2012 5:10 PM

Boston Globe Runs Non-Story on Romney Tenure at Bain Capital

One of the recent lies told by the Obama campaign and the liberal media is that companies owned by Bain Capital outsourced thousands of jobs while Mitt Romney was CEO. A headline in the July 12  Boston Globe blared, “Mitt Romney stayed at Bain 3 years longer than he stated” causing the liberal media and MSNBC to jump on the story.  The story hyped SEC filings by Bain Capitol listing Mitt…
Jeffrey Meyer
July 12th, 2012 4:19 PM

CNN: We Don't Call the ACA 'ObamaCare' In Our Reporting...Except That

CNN's Jim Acosta bragged that his network does not call the Affordable Care Act "ObamaCare," a term he said Republicans prefer. However, CNN has repeatedly referred to the law as "ObamaCare" in its reporting. "He [Romney] used the term 'ObamaCare,' which by the way, that's fine in Republican circles, but there are a lot of Democrats who sort of bristle at using the term 'ObamaCare'," Acosta…
Matt Hadro
July 12th, 2012 4:05 PM

Networks Lead With Calling Obama’s Tax Hike a ‘Tax Cut

President’s plan would raise taxes on wealthy in 2013, and everyone after one year, but ABC, CBS and NBC favor tax-cut talk.
Julia A. Seymour
July 12th, 2012 3:45 PM

Morning Shows Skip Obamacare Repeal Vote; Evening Newscasts Whine Abou

All three morning shows on Thursday ignored the House vote to repeal Obamacare. Despite finding time for such important topics as women who are addicted to tanning, Good Morning America, as well as Today and CBS This Morning, skipped the latest on the President's unpopular legislation. In contrast, all three evening newscasts on Wednesday did cover the story. Both CBS and ABC whined about…
Scott Whitlock
July 12th, 2012 3:37 PM

Coulter Column: No, Fast & Furious Is Not a D.C. Law Firm

Most Americans don't care about whether Attorney General Eric Holder is hiding Fast and Furious documents because they don't understand the story. Until someone can tell us otherwise, there is only one explanation for why President Obama's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives gave thousands of guns to Mexican drug dealers: It put guns in their hands to strengthen liberals'…
Ann Coulter
July 12th, 2012 3:31 PM

Open Thread: Obama Backers Support Hiking Taxes on the Rich, Are Total

NB Staff
July 12th, 2012 2:59 PM

Businessweek Cover Mocks Mormons

The title of a post at Business Insider crows, “Here's The Ballsy Businessweek Cover That's Going To Piss Off The Mormon Church.” In truth, it should anger anyone who finds it low and, frankly, un-American, to attack a candidate – directly or indirectly – through his religion. But with Mitt Romney running neck and neck with Barack Obama, Bloomberg Businessweek saw the opportunity to further…
Matt Philbin
July 12th, 2012 2:58 PM

WashPost Plays Up a Heil-Hitler Reference In Story on Virginia Catholi

Now here’s a stretch: what began on the front page of Thursday’s Washington Post as a story on the Diocese of Arlington, Virginia asking volunteer religion teachers to sign a fidelity oath to church teachings concluded with an image of German Catholic bishops doing a Heil Hitler salute. This loaded Nazi reference – in a church now led by someone conscripted into Hitler’s army – came from a…
Tim Graham
July 12th, 2012 2:42 PM