CBS Promotes Colbert Likening Romney's Leadership of Bain to Cannibali

Left-wing comedian Stephen Colbert smeared Mitt Romney on his Comedy Central program on Monday, hinting that Bain Capital under his helm acted like a group of 19th century settlers that resorted to cannibalism. After noting how President Obama forwarded a claim by The Washington Post that Bain owned companies that were "pioneers" of outsourcing, Colbert snarked, "Who cares? Pioneers opened up…
Matthew Balan
July 17th, 2012 12:13 PM

Obama TV: ABC Touts Romney Critics, Features Nine Attacks in Just Over

ABC on Sunday aggressively pushed liberal talking points, hyping Barack Obama's call for Mitt Romney to release more tax documents. Over a span of just three minutes and 32 seconds, the anchor and reporters of World News played nine clips of people lobbying Mitt Romney to "show the American people" what's going on. Only one person, the candidate, appeared in a snippet to argue for the other…
Scott Whitlock
July 17th, 2012 11:50 AM

Lanny Davis Excuses Obama Camp's Smear of Romney by Comparing to Swift

Apparently, some Democrats believe the recent string of ads against Romney are justified due to Bush's Swift Boat Vets back in 2004. Appearing on America's Newsroom on July 16th, Lanny Davis, a Democratic operative, was shocked that Karl Rove would have such disgust towards this media blitz by the Obama campaign.  Mr. Davis apparently is still waiting for a response from "George Bush in 2004 […
Matt Vespa
July 17th, 2012 11:45 AM

NBC's Lauer Ignores Obama Campaign Aide Calling Romney a Felon

In an otherwise tough interview with Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter on Tuesday's NBC Today about the negative tone of the President's re-election bid, co-host Matt Lauer failed to challenge her on the nastiest attack hurled by Democrats so far, Cutter's own charge that Mitt Romney may have committed a felony. Lauer repeatedly grilled Cutter on President Obama abandoning the…
Kyle Drennen
July 17th, 2012 11:34 AM

Mark Hamill AKA Luke Skywalker: Mitt Romney 'Not Actually Human

Mark Hamill, best known as Star Wars hero Luke Skywalker, said this weekend that presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is "not actually human." On The Red Carpet reported Monday (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary, relevant section one minute in):
Noel Sheppard
July 17th, 2012 10:48 AM

Media Fail: Chevy Volt Makes NO Money, Costs Taxpayers Hundreds of Tho

The Jurassic Press is missing much in their reporting on the $50 billion bailout of General Motors (GM).  The Press is open channeling for President Barack Obama - allowing him to frame the bailout exactly as he wishes in the 2012 Presidential election.  The President is running in large part on the bailout’s $30+ billion loss, uber-failed “success.”  And the Press is acting as his…
Seton Motley
July 17th, 2012 9:54 AM

Wishful Thinking at AP: 'Some Argue' That Jan. Tax Increases Won't Be

One useful interpretation of a journalist's use of "some people say that" or "some argue that" without an accompanying reference to or quote from a subject matters expert is that such phrases really mean "in my opinion." This is the very likely case in a disingenuously headlined Associated Press story yesterday by Andrew Taylor concerning the standoff between the Republicans, who want the…
Tom Blumer
July 17th, 2012 9:33 AM

NPR Game Show Mocks Romney NAACP Speech With Zombie and Dog Car Trip J

NPR's weekend game show Wait Wait Don't Tell Me! was mocking Republicans again on Saturday. Host Peter Sagal joked that Romney didn't realize he wasn't speaking to "country club people" instead of "colored people." Then he joked that he wanted to try other groups that would award him with boos, like the "National Association for Advancement of Dogs on Car Trips." The leftish tilt of the NPR…
Tim Graham
July 17th, 2012 8:24 AM

Ex-CNN's Franken: Romney Painted NAACP as 'Willie Hortons,' 'Grand Dra

Appearing as a panel member on Sunday's Melissa Harris-Perry show, syndicated columnist and former CNN correspondent Bob Franken obnoxiously accused Mitt Romney of trying to portray the NAACP audience he spoke to as "Willie Hortons" whom he could use to motivate his Republican base. He went on to claim that Rush Limbaugh, whom he called the "grand dragon of radio," represents people who wish to…
Brad Wilmouth
July 17th, 2012 7:44 AM

MSNBC's Harris-Perry: Romney Used NAACP to Get 'Red Meat to Feed to Hi

On Sunday's Melissa Harris-Perry show, MSNBC host Harris-Perry went on a rant about Mitt Romney's speech to the NAACP as she accused the GOP presidential candidate of only attending the convention for the purpose using negative audience reaction as "red meat to feed to his base," making African-Americans into "props." She began:
Brad Wilmouth
July 17th, 2012 7:24 AM

Al Sharpton, Tavis Smiley to Speak At Left-Wing D.C. Right-to-AIDS-Car

MSNBC’s Al Sharpton and PBS talk show host Tavis Smiley are both going activist on Sunday, July 22 by speaking at a protest march coinciding with the 19th International AIDS Conference. Other speakers include actress/comedian Margaret Cho, singer Wyclef Jean, and radical-left professor Cornel West (Smiley’s public-radio partner).  The march’s sponsor, the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, insists…
Tim Graham
July 17th, 2012 6:50 AM

Lawrence O'Donnell: Limbaugh Racist for Saying Obama Smoked Weed and S

UPDATE AT END OF POST: O'Donnell responds. It's really becoming difficult keeping track of all the things the liberal media claim are code for racism these days. On MSNBC's The Last Word Monday, host Lawrence O'Donnell accused conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh of being racist for saying Barack Obama smoked weed and snorted coke (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
July 17th, 2012 12:34 AM

'Devout Capitalist' and Former NYT Editor Bill Keller Defends ObamaCar

Former New York Times executive editor Bill Keller's Monday column defended Obama's embattled health-care law against Republican "slurs" and "lies," in "Five Obamacare Myths." And Keller calling the Democratic-slanted "truth squad" "impartial" won't do much for his credibility among conservatives, even if he does call himself a "devout capitalist." On the subject of the…
Clay Waters
July 16th, 2012 10:50 PM

Stephanie Cutter Abruptly Bails on Ed Schultz, But He's Not Bitter

Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter succeeding in getting under Ed Schultz's skin by canceling her appearance on his radio show Friday with only 15 minutes' notice. (audio clips after page break) Schultz tried to hide his irritation but it was a losing battle (audio) --
Jack Coleman
July 16th, 2012 9:46 PM