Russell Simmons on Sherman Hemsley's Death: 'Damn I Love That N*gga

As word of Sherman Hemsley's death makes its way around the internet, sympathies are beginning to pour in for the man that portrayed the ground-breaking fictional television character George Jefferson. Millionaire hip-hop producer Russell Simmons shared his sentiments moments ago on Twitter writing, "DAMN I love that n*gga":
Noel Sheppard
July 24th, 2012 5:28 PM

WashPost Columnist Kelly: Make Gun Purchasers Get a 'Co-Signer' to Vou

Updated below: Kelly replies via Twitter. Washington Post Metro columnist John Kelly usually avoids controversial political subjects and often does "answer man" features about local D.C.-area history, making his feature overall an enjoyable read. But from time to time Kelly works in his liberal bias, just as when he bashed conservative talk show hosts as "right-wing nutjobs" and when he…
Ken Shepherd
July 24th, 2012 4:28 PM

Bill O'Reilly Rips PBS's Moyers for Blaming Colorado Shootings on NRA

As NewsBusters previously reported, in the wake of the tragic shootings in Aurora, Colorado, last week, PBS's Bill Moyers posted an online video essay excoriating the National Rifle Association as "enabler of death -- paranoid, delusional, and as venomous as a scorpion." Fox News's Bill O'Reilly began his program Monday blasting Moyers for his remarks calling them "so dumb it hurts" and…
Noel Sheppard
July 24th, 2012 4:13 PM

NBC's Mitchell Rants: Romney Using 'Dog Whistle' Language Against Obam

On her 1 p.m. et hour show on MSNBC on Tuesday, host and NBC chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell decried Mitt Romney labeling President Obama's big-government philosophy "foreign" to American capitalism: "...he is still using the term 'foreign' and I'm telling you, this is happening every day, it is a dog whistle." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] Chief…
Kyle Drennen
July 24th, 2012 4:11 PM

Failing Newsweek/Daily Beast Company Loses Funding From Rich Liberal F

The family of late billionaire Sidney Harman announced on Monday that it will no longer invest in the ailing Newsweek magazine and the online Daily Beast website, leaving the joint company under the control of Barry Diller's IAC/InterActiveCorp. According to a Reuters article by Peter Lauria, IAC said it will continue to subsidize Newsweek Daily Beast's operations, and as a result, its…
Randy Hall
July 24th, 2012 3:54 PM

Washington Express Publishes Misleading Ad by Dissident Catholic Group

The Washington Post’s fact checkers must be too busy chasing down emotionally scarred seventh grade classmates of Mitt Romney to look at ads the company accepts. The Washington Express, a free daily publication of The Washington Post, put a four page ad on its cover by Catholic dissident group Catholics for Choice, which took remarks about Pope’s stance on condoms completely out of context…
Paul Wilson
July 24th, 2012 1:47 PM

NBC Desperately Scrambles to Claim Romney Told Olympians 'You Didn't B

In an article for's First Read on Monday, Domenico Montanaro eagerly proclaimed to readers: "Mitt Romney has criticized President Obama for his 'you didn't build that' line, when it came to businesses....But in 2002, during his speech at the Opening Ceremonies at the Winter Olympics....Romney made a similar argument about Olympians." Romney simply told the Olympic athletes – many…
Kyle Drennen
July 24th, 2012 1:34 PM

Soros Foundation Upset Over Lack of Sex Workers at AIDS Conference

Open Society bemoans that U.S. allows HIV Positive visitors, not ‘sex workers,’ drug users.
Mike Ciandella
July 24th, 2012 12:28 PM

WashPost Publishes Pro-Gun Control Letter to Editor That's Predicated

Updated (see bottom of post) | Today's Letters to the Editor section of the Washington Post contains five letters on the topic of gun control, three oriented towards more gun control and two expressing a pro-gun rights/enforce-the-laws-on-the-books position. But one letter in particular is egregious as it contains a huge factual error that Post editors failed to correct: that President Obama…
Ken Shepherd
July 24th, 2012 12:13 PM

ABC Goes to Bat for Obama: GOP 'Falsely' Peddles President's 'You Didn

ABC on Tuesday dropped any pretense of objectivity and defended the President over his "you didn't build that" attack on business. In an online article, writers Amy Walter, Elizabeth Hartfield and Chris Good dropped this spin into a supposedly straight news report: "Republicans have seized on the line 'you didn't build that' to falsely claim that Obama was speaking directly to…
Scott Whitlock
July 24th, 2012 11:31 AM

MSNBC Host Asks Brother of Colorado Shooting Victim How His Dead Siste

NewsBusters has been for years exposing the breathtaking ignorance, incompetence, and unprofessionalism of the on air personalities associated with the so-called cable "news network" MSNBC. On Monday, Michael Eric Dyson, filling in for Ed Schultz, actually asked the brother of one of the victims of Friday's shootings in Aurora, Colorado, how his dead sister is doing (video follows with…
Noel Sheppard
July 24th, 2012 10:18 AM

Mika Loves Nanny Mayor Mike, Calls Don't Tread On Me-ers 'Idiots

The way to Mika Brzezinski's heart is through her stomach.  Or better put, through using the power of the state to limit what we can put into our stomachs. On Morning Joe today, Brzezinski declared her love for NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg.  Why? Because of the Nanny-in-Chief's various food prohibitions, the latest being his limit on the size of soft drinks.  Mika's view of those who support a "…
Mark Finkelstein
July 24th, 2012 9:58 AM

Jon Stewart Slams Brian Ross: 'What Story Does a Guy Have to Blow to G

ABC's Brian Ross, who falsely accused a Tea Party member of being the Aurora movie theater mass murderer last Friday, is even taking heat from Jon Stewart. On Comedy Central's Daily Show Monday, the host did a segment he called, “What Story Does a Guy Have to Blow to Get in Trouble at ABC?" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
July 24th, 2012 1:15 AM

Piers Morgan Badgers Conservative Guest During Gun Control Debate

As he hosted a debate on Piers Morgan Tonight on Monday,  CNN's Piers Morgan repeatedly cut off conservative guest John Lott as the former University of Chicago professor tried to argue against imposing additional gun control. At one point, as he grew impatient with Lott trying to explain that the overwhelming majority of guns - 86 percent - are "semi-automatic," and that an "assault weapon"…
Brad Wilmouth
July 24th, 2012 12:27 AM