Quite the Endorsement: Hugo Chavez Praises Obama, Denounces Romney; Wi

If you haven't heard of Barack Obama's newest endorsement, you're seriously missing out!  Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez gave his blessing to the 44th president and he should be proud.  I'm not at all insinuating that this election and the one to be held later this year in Venezuela are similar at all, but when a Latin American strongman who built his political career and government policies…
Matt Vespa
July 25th, 2012 4:42 PM

CNN Asks Why Democrats Haven't Done More for Gun Control

CNN forced gun control into the headlines just hours after Friday's tragic Aurora shooting, and five days later it continues to pressure Democrats into pushing for more gun regulation. On Wednesday afternoon, CNN's Brooke Baldwin asked this question of a Colorado state Democrat: "I have to challenge you, why hasn't your party, the Democratic Party, done more to legislate guns, because as you…
Matt Hadro
July 25th, 2012 4:41 PM

Chuck Norris Column: Our Founders' Wisdom on Reducing Violent Crime

Who wasn't shocked and disheartened by yet another tragic mass shooting, this time in Aurora, Colo.? Like millions of Americans, my wife, Gena, and I send our heartfelt condolences and prayers to the victims of this murderous spree and their families.
Chuck Norris
July 25th, 2012 4:37 PM

CBS Bemoans Negative Campaign, But Lets David Axelrod Unload on Romney

During an interview of Obama senior campaign adviser David Axelrod on Wednesday's CBS This Morning, Charlie Rose and Erica Hill bewailed the negative tone of the presidential campaign, hinting that it might turn off voters. However, the anchors let Axelrod rip Mitt Romney's recent foreign policy speech to the VFW without challenge, and failed to ask the adviser about the President's own speech…
Matthew Balan
July 25th, 2012 4:12 PM

ABC President Thinks Friday's Coverage Was 'Excellent' Aside from Sme

According to ABC News president Ben Sherwood, ABC’s coverage of last Friday’s Colorado theater shooting was "excellent," aside from, you know, investigative reporter Brian Ross hastily suggesting that the shooter, James Holmes, could possibly be a member of the Tea Party. It was discovered later that the Tea Party member James Holmes was a 50-something Hispanic man, not the 24-year-old…
John Bates
July 25th, 2012 4:04 PM

GQ Tears Down 'Mitt 'Tin Man' Romney,' Mormonism

If there has ever been any suspicion about which way GQ magazine leans, a new article by Wells Tower puts that to rest. By publishing "Desperately Seeking Mitt," a tear-down piece about the presumptive Republican nominee, the magazine proves that it is solidly Team Obama. Tower, who was assigned to cover Romney on the campaign trail for five months, made his intentions clear: to "follow…
Kelly McGarey
July 25th, 2012 3:08 PM

Hate Tweet: Roseanne Barr Wishes Cancer on Chick-Fil-A Customers

ABC's The View honored Roseanne Barr with a guest-host spot on July 19, which shows they probably aren't in the habit of evaluating her sanity based on her Twitter rants. Take her wishing cancer on Chick-Fil-A fans this morning: "anyone who eats S--t Fil-A deserves to get the cancer that is sure to come from eating antibiotic filled tortured chickens 4Christ". This came after she told the…

Tim Graham
July 25th, 2012 2:26 PM

MSNBC’S O’Donnell Calls NRA’s Wayne LaPierre a ‘Blood-Drenched

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell has joined the list of his colleagues deciding to disgustingly politicize the tragic Colorado shooting.  On Tuesday night, O’Donnell felt the need to attack Wayne LaPierre of the NRA and Republican Senator Ron Johnson (Wis.) for their support of the Second Amendment. O'Donnell started off his "Rewrite" segment claiming LaPierre was a "blood-drenched lobbyist" who…
Jeffrey Meyer
July 25th, 2012 1:51 PM

ABC Features Liberal Comic Zach Galifianakis to Rail Against Money in

Liberal actor Zach Galifianakis appeared on Good Morning America, Wednesday, to whine about the "gross amount of money being spent" on American elections. While promoting The Campaign, his new movie, the comic derided the Citizens United Supreme Court ruling and lamented, "Something's wrong." Galifianakis first insisted that The Campaign, which showcases two southerners fighting for a…
Scott Whitlock
July 25th, 2012 12:51 PM

NBC's Todd Touts 'Likeability Gap' in Favor of Obama in New Poll He Ad

Debuting the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll on Tuesday's NBC Nightly News, political director Chuck Todd concluded that campaign "hits seem to be taking a greater toll on Romney" and proclaimed: "Call it a likeability gap. 46% of voters told us they didn't like Romney personally. That compares to just 31% who said the same about the President." [Listen to the audio or watch the video…
Kyle Drennen
July 25th, 2012 12:32 PM

Obama's Media Begin New Coordinated Attack On Romney With Unnamed 'Ang

If you haven't heard about an unnamed Mitt Romney adviser discussing America's "Anglo-Saxon heritage" with a British reporter yet, you will. On Tuesday, Britain's Telegraph published the following:
Noel Sheppard
July 25th, 2012 11:59 AM

CNN's Gergen Praises Clinton's 'Leadership' on Gun Control

In lock step with his network's anti-gun push, CNN analyst David Gergen praised Bill Clinton's "guts" for standing up for gun control, on Tuesday's Anderson Cooper 360.  "Listen, there was a president named Bill Clinton who had the guts to stand up on these issues," said Gergen of Clinton's push for gun regulations as president. "Three laws. And he got re-elected." [Video below the break.…
Matt Hadro
July 25th, 2012 11:26 AM

AP Report on Fracking Faults Accuracy of 'Some' Opponents' Claims, Fai

I suppose the Associated Press deserves some credit for what appears to be a grudging acknowledgment that opponents of the oil and gas drilling technique known as hydraulic fracturing, aka "fracking," "sometimes mislead the public." Also, Kevin Begos's story does a good job of letting Josh Fox, producer of the fundamentally dishonest documentary "Gasland," hang himself with his own dodgy,…
Tom Blumer
July 25th, 2012 11:26 AM

Cal Thomas Column: Dark Night

By now the script should be familiar. A bombing or a mass shooting occurs and the media immediately look for a simple cause. Invariably, they turn to talk radio or some other conservative pit of "intolerance." Within recent memory are tragedies like the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, the 1999 massacre at Columbine, the 2007 Virginia Tech shootings and the 2011 shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords…
Cal Thomas
July 25th, 2012 11:06 AM