Scary Conservatives: AP's Hanna Negatively Frames Likely Conservative

Gosh, I think John Hanna and the Associated Press need to do something about their use of eliminationist language and violent imagery. Look at how AP headlined Hanna's late morning report on the rise of conservatism in several midwestern and southern states at the likely expense of moderate incumbents (shown in full because of its brevity and for fair use and discussion purposes).
Tom Blumer
July 30th, 2012 11:53 PM

Dick Morris: 'I Guarantee Bill Clinton Is Going to Cast His Ballot for

"I guarantee you, Sean, based on what I’ve heard from third parties or I’ve spoken to that William Jefferson Clinton is going to cast his ballot for Mitt Romney." So said former Clinton adviser Dick Morris on Fox News's Hannity Monday (video follows with transcript).
Noel Sheppard
July 30th, 2012 11:33 PM

Nets Manufacture ‘Another Dustup/Misstep/Controversy’ for Romney o

Journalists are quite eager to undermine Mitt Romney’s trip. “A new diplomatic dust-up,” CBS anchor Scott Pelley teased Monday night, citing how “Mitt Romney in the Middle East says culture makes Israelis economically superior to Palestinians.” NBC’s Peter Alexander declared upsetting Palestinians meant Romney’s “day began in Israel with another diplomatic misstep” as ABC’s David Muir saw “…
Brent Baker
July 30th, 2012 9:18 PM

Chris Matthews Gushes Shamelessly Over Bill Clinton: 'The Big Dog Has

Is there anything more disgusting than watching a grown, heterosexual, married man gush and fawn over another grown, heterosexual married man for political reasons on national television? Unfortunately, this happens all too often for MSNBC's Chris Matthew who on Monday's Hardball was once again proudly displaying the thrill up his leg, this time for former President Bill Clinton (video…
Noel Sheppard
July 30th, 2012 9:00 PM

Nets Punt on Glenn Beck Drawing Crowd of 65,000 in Dallas

CBS, which devoted four on-air segments between May 30 and June 1, 2012 to the "hundreds of Catholics" who rallied in support of dissenting nuns, ignored the tens of thousands who came from all over the U.S. to see conservative talk show host Glenn Beck speak on Saturday. In fact, all of the Big Three networks have yet to cover Beck's "Restoring Love" event in Dallas on their morning and…
Matthew Balan
July 30th, 2012 7:02 PM

Newsweek 'Wimp'-ing Out of Real Coverage of the Disastrous Obama Econo

"There is absolutely no way Barack Obama can win reelection running on his record and the news media know this," NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell told Fox News's Eric Bolling at the top of today's Your World with Neil Cavuto. Newsweek's current edition, featuring the headline, "The Wimp Factor: Is he [Mitt Romney] just too insecure to be president?" is just the latest example of the media's…
Ken Shepherd
July 30th, 2012 6:23 PM

McCain Blasts Newsweek's 'Liberal Left-Wing Trash

Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) had some harsh words for Newsweek and its Washington bureau chief Howard Kurtz Monday. According to Politico, the former Republican presidential nominee said of Kurtz's newest article "John McCain Stages Romney Intervention," "It’s just the kind of liberal left-wing trash that I have to put up with from time to time."
Noel Sheppard
July 30th, 2012 6:12 PM

CNN Lumps Racists Together With Defenders of Traditional Marriage

Is CNN equating racism with a store owner refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple? In its "controversial marriage news" on Monday, CNN reported both a church refusing to let a black couple marry in its sanctuary and a bakery refusing service for a gay couple's wedding reception. Back in May, anchor Don Lemon compared Mitt Romney defending traditional marriage to infamous Alabama…
Matt Hadro
July 30th, 2012 5:41 PM

Networks Practically Silent on GDP Despite Its Decline

ABC, CBS and NBC news programs have barely mentioned how slowly the economy is growing, but used to report the important figure.
Julia A. Seymour
July 30th, 2012 5:23 PM

Charlie Daniels Column: Yes, Mr. President, I Did Build This

When you make your living in the public arena as I do and when you let your opinion be known as I do in mainstream and social media, you expect some criticism and this is as it should be, this being America where our very way of life is centered around free speech. I don't mind the criticism and usually give as good as I get, respecting all comers, regardless of how far afield or how vehement…
Charlie Daniels
July 30th, 2012 5:16 PM

NBC Adores 'First Soccer Mom' Michelle Obama at the Olympics

Only two minutes into Friday's NBC Nightly News, correspondent Chris Jansing gushed over "sounds of unadulterated joy"at the opening of the 2012 Olympics and offered this bit of pro-Obama fluff: "From cheers for the torch making its way along the River Thames, to delighted children playing with First Soccer Mom Michelle Obama and superstar David Beckham." Moments later, anchor Brian Williams…
Kyle Drennen
July 30th, 2012 5:09 PM

Obama Fundraising Crack-Up? Schizo E-mail Is Latest Symptom

In the current edition of his Best of the Web Today column, James Taranto notes the oddly downbeat fundraising email sent out by deputy Obama campaign manager Stephanie Cutter.  Bearing the subject line "Romney Defeats Obama?", Cutter goes on to warn that such "might be the headline you see" the day after the election. In recent weeks, this NewsBuster has received a number of similarly…
Mark Finkelstein
July 30th, 2012 4:44 PM

Once Again, ABC News and Team Obama Meet at the Marriage Altar

Daniel Halper of The Weekly Standard reports that ABC campaign reporter Matthew Jaffe married Obama campaign deputy press secretary Katie Hogan in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin on Saturday. This would be the second ABC-Obama union, after OMB director Peter Orszag and ABC correspondent Bianna Golodgryga. These camps are very cozy. ABC touts Jaffe has “traveled around the country covering the…
Tim Graham
July 30th, 2012 4:41 PM

HuffPo: 'Soft-Spoken' Harry Reid Curses Out Fellow Democrat

Although Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has the voice and demeanor that seems to resemble that of a sad undertaker, is it really accurate to describe him as "soft-spoken" and not being known for "hyperbole?" That is how the Huffington Post described him in an article chock full of unhinged Harry Reid quotes so over the top as to actually be comedically entertaining. The story was about Reid…
P.J. Gladnick
July 30th, 2012 4:23 PM