Jon Stewart: 'People Actually Watch CNN NOT on Mute

Comedy Central's Jon Stewart on Thursday took a delicious shot at the self-proclaimed "Most trusted name in news." In a Daily Show sketch about networks issuing "Spoiler Alerts" before giving Summer Olympics results, Stewart marvelously joked, "People actually watch CNN NOT on mute?" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
August 3rd, 2012 10:40 AM

Obama's Game is Afoot, Hidden From View

The free market is dying the death of a thousand regulatory power-grabs.
Dan Kennedy
August 3rd, 2012 10:40 AM

Open Thread: Get a Job, Mr. President

Matthew Sheffield
August 3rd, 2012 9:48 AM

Bozell: Media Sliming Romney On Foreign Trip Is As Outrageous As It's

The Media Research Center has released a new analysis of the 21 ABC, CBS and NBC evening news stories about Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's trip to London, Israel and Poland between July 25 and July 31. The report’s findings are absolutely staggering. 18 of the 21 stories emphasized Romney’s perceived gaffes. That’s 86 percent! It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that…
Brent Bozell
August 3rd, 2012 9:25 AM

WashPost Likes An Unproven Conspiracy Theory...When Harry Reid Is Bash

On July 19, The Washington Post put Sen. John McCain on the front page calling out the “fringe voices” in the GOP like Rep. Michele Bachmann for circulating a “conspiracy theory” about Huma Abedin. But on August 2, after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid unleashed a conspiracy theory to The Huffington Post without a shred of evidence, charging  that Mitt Romney avoided paying taxes for ten…
Tim Graham
August 3rd, 2012 8:35 AM

Rich Lowry Slams Media's 'Terrible Trip' With Romney

National Review editor Rich Lowry has been granted space for a column in the liberal Politico newspaper/website, and he's not mincing words. On Wednesday, his headline was "The media's terrible trip." "During his overseas trip, Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, traveled to some of our closest allies accompanied by some of his most merciless enemies — the media. If…
Tim Graham
August 3rd, 2012 7:05 AM

Never News: GM's Ongoing Tax Break From Uncle Sam, Continued Dealer Ch

General Motors didn't have a very good second quarter, as the Associated Press's Tom Krisher duly noted on Thursday. What Krisher didn't note, and what almost no one in the establishment press ever notes, is the fact that the company doesn't have to pay any income taxes on its U.S. profits until it uses up losses carried forward from before its 2009 bankruptcy filing accompanied by at least $…
Tom Blumer
August 3rd, 2012 12:53 AM

ATR Responds to Politifact's Critique of Their Olympic Tax Analysis

Yesterday, the Tampa Bay Times's Politifact unit assigned a "mostly false" label to a July 31 blog post by Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) which argued that American athletes winning medals in the London Olympic Games would pay hefty taxes as a result of their success. For example, a gold medal winner could pay up to nearly $9,000 for each gold medal victory. Today, ATR Tax Policy Director Ryan…
Ken Shepherd
August 2nd, 2012 10:19 PM

Coulter Column: Obama's Signature Move Unsealing Private Records

Mitt Romney presents one enormous problem for Barack Obama's campaign: No divorce records. That's why the media are so hot to get their hands on Romney's tax records for the past 25 years. They need something to "pick through, distort and lie about" -- as the Republican candidate says. Obama's usual campaign method, used in 100 percent of his races, has been to pry into the private records of…
Ann Coulter
August 2nd, 2012 9:07 PM

Geraldo: Romney 'Racist' to Claim Culture Plays Role in Israel's Succe

Here is an example of why people laugh when Geraldo Rivera describes himself as conservative. His default response is invariably liberal. On his WABC radio show out of New York City on Tuesday, Rivera played the race card in condemning Mitt Romney for having the incorrect audacity to suggest cultural differences at least partially explain Israel's economic success compared to Palestinian…
Jack Coleman
August 2nd, 2012 8:45 PM

Soros-Funded Propaganda Machine Think Progress Falsely Claims Global W

So eager are the shills at the George Soros-funded far-left website Think Progress to find evidence of global warming that on Thursday they falsely blamed melting street lights in Stillwater, Oklahoma, on the heat. As originally reported by TP's Stephen Lacey:
Noel Sheppard
August 2nd, 2012 6:11 PM

CNN Slobbers Over 'Star' DNC Keynote Speaker

In a pathetic display of adulation for a Democratic "star," CNN aired a total puff piece about the keynote speaker for the upcoming Democratic National Convention, San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro. Correspondent Rafael Romo's report dripped with praise for the "very successful" Castro. Romo hailed Castro as a "very successful mayor" and a "young charismatic Latino leader" who is "media savvy…
Matt Hadro
August 2nd, 2012 5:20 PM

Media Combine Attacks on Chick-fil-A with Food Police Advocacy

The recent manufactured controversy over Chick-fil-A has allowed media figures on the left to combine two of their favorite pastimes: serving as self-appointed food police and attacking supporters of traditional marriage. Television commentators and print writers have taken the recent furor over Chick-fil-A’s corporate stance on gay marriage to complain about the unhealthy quality of Chick-…
Paul Wilson
August 2nd, 2012 5:00 PM

Press Whines About Limited Access to Romney During International Tour

Now that Mitt Romney's high-profile trip to three key U.S. allies has ended, members of the press corps that followed the former Massachusetts governor during the journey are complaining that they had very little access to the GOP presidential candidate and “didn't come all the way here to handle photo ops.” “Over seven days in the U.K., Israel and Poland, Romney held just one media…
Randy Hall
August 2nd, 2012 4:59 PM