Daniels? George Stephanopoulos Botches Olympics Sweetheart Gabby Dougl

Gabby Douglas just captured America's hearts with a stirring victory as women's gymnastics all-around gold medalist at the Summer Olympics in London. Despite this, George Stephanopoulos on ABC's This Week Sunday actually botched her name calling her Gabby Daniels (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
August 5th, 2012 12:36 PM

AP Report on Dems' Disavowal of Tenn. Senate Primary Winner 'Somehow

Well, it looks like Democrats in a Southern state have embarrassed party officials once again. Back in 2010, it was Alvin Greene in South Carolina, whose victory in that state's U.S. Senate primary so infuriated Palmetto State Congressman James Clyburn that he accused Greene of being a plant and called for a federal probe. Greene refused to step aside; incumbent Republican Jim DeMint defeated…
Tom Blumer
August 5th, 2012 11:32 AM

Zakaria Asks Koch Brothers Funded Global Warming Flipflopper 'Have The

UC Berkeley professor Richard Muller has become a media darling now that he believes in global warming as a result of a study he led on the subject funded by the Koch brothers. With this in mind, CNN's Fareed Zakaria must have been shocked by what Muller told him Sunday after he asked his guest, "Were [the Kochs] disappointed by the results of your research or have they asked for their money…
Noel Sheppard
August 5th, 2012 11:27 AM

Saturday Night Funny Video: Obama and Biden Continue ‘Search for Per

“I’m in over my head” and “The economy’s bad, it’s all my fault and I can’t fix it.” Those are two pretty accurate campaign slogans for the Obama-Biden campaign as formuated, via some creative editing done by TBS’s Conan, from Obama’s speeches. In playing the video at the end of his program on Thursday night, FNC’s Bret Baier explained: “With just a few weeks left until the Democratic…
Brent Baker
August 5th, 2012 12:14 AM

NPR Warmly Recalls Gore Vidal Denouncing America As a 'Very Primitive

NPR’s Terry Gross was effusive in tribute to leftist author Gore Vidal on Friday’s Fresh Air, airing chunks of previous interviews she'd had with Vidal. She began: “In Vidal's New York Times obituary, Charles McGrath described him as, quote, 'the elegant, acerbic, all-around man of letters who presided with a certain relish over what he declared to be the end of American civilization,' end…
Tim Graham
August 4th, 2012 10:48 PM

Philly Museum Proudly Displays... Colbert's Bud Light Lime Bottles

The Washington Post published an AP report  by Kathy Matheson on a “playful new exhibit at the Rosenbach Museum & Library” in Philadelphia which “pairs priceless material by James Joyce and Maurice Sendak with, um, perhaps less valuable items used by Colbert to write I Am A Pole (And So Can You!).” The Post loved Colbert’s placement among “literary lions,” but it sounds less than…
Tim Graham
August 4th, 2012 9:42 PM

Comedian D.L. Hughley Slams 'Boring and Arrogant' Romney, Won't Eat at

Comedian D.L Hughley appeared on ABC's The View Tuesday in addition to his liberal turn that morning on CBS. He summed up Mitt Romney this way: "When you go to England and you're considered boring and arrogant by the people who invented boring and arrogant, you’re pretty poor." He also distanced himself from Chick-fil-A, despite liking the food: "It’s a horrible thing for me because I love…
Tim Graham
August 4th, 2012 9:28 PM

AP Story on Ex-Alabama Gov. Siegelman's Return to Prison Almost Comple

The Associated Press carried two stories on Friday about the attempt by and ultimate failure of former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman to avoid going back to prison. In the first, ahead of that day's hearing, AP reporter Bob Johnson failed to mention Siegelman's Democratic Party affiliation. In the second, Johnson managed to get Democratic Party references designed to raise what appear to be…
Tom Blumer
August 4th, 2012 2:58 PM

ABC Sees 'Outrageous and Apparently Unfounded' Charge By Reid, Revisit

On Friday's World News on ABC, correspondent Jonathan Karl informed viewers of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's unsubstantiated charge that Mitt Romney has not paid taxes in 10 years, with the ABC correspondent dismissing the accusation as "outrageous and apparently unfounded."
Brad Wilmouth
August 4th, 2012 2:10 PM

WashPost's Miller: Media Should Ignore 'Astroturf' Black Pastors Oppos

On the Saturday Washington Post “On Faith” page, columnist and Newsweek religion editor Lisa Miller insisted it was not a news story that black ministers came to the National Press Club and insisted Obama’s support for gay marriage “might cost him the election.” It’s not a story, Miller insisted, because Rev William Owens is “enough to make a cynic blush...He’s a figurehead in what political…
Tim Graham
August 4th, 2012 1:49 PM

What Unemployment Rate Increase? Three Headline Writers Avoid Friday's

The wire services and other establishment press members appear to be getting more selective in what they will allow into their headlines, particularly omitting items which might hurt Dear Leader. Take the coverage of yesterday's Employment Situation Summary from the government's Bureau of Labor Statistics. The news was a combination of bad and mediocre (though expectations-beating): The…
Tom Blumer
August 4th, 2012 1:25 PM

Even New York Times Notes History of Harry Reid Viciousness

Although Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has been described as "soft-spoken" in the Huffington Post and "honorable" by CNN's Candy Crowley, even many liberals such as Jon Stewart have registered disgust over the wild charges that Reid has been hurling about an "unnamed" source telling him that presidential candidate Mitt Romney hasn't paid his income taxes for  ten years. And now…
P.J. Gladnick
August 4th, 2012 1:10 PM

MoveOn.org Casts Public Service Ad With Non-Union Actors

In today's "You Really Can't Make This Stuff Up" segment, the far-left propaganda machine MoveOn.org is making a new "Oath" public service announcement. The casting call published by NYCastings.com specifies that only non-union actors need apply (emphasis added):
Noel Sheppard
August 4th, 2012 12:42 PM

Ramesh Ponnuru Tells CNN's Roland Martin Don't 'Just Be a Political Ha

Roland Martin and National Review's Ramesh Ponnuru had a heated debate Friday about Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's (D-Nev.) unsubstantiated claims regarding Mitt Romney's taxes. Toward the end of the battle on CNN's OutFront, Ponnuru marvelously told his opponent, "You've got to call these things as you see them, not just be a political hack for your team" (video follows with transcript…
Noel Sheppard
August 4th, 2012 12:02 PM