Time Rebuts Team Obama: Paul Ryan Was 'Seven Years Ahead of the Tea Pa

On Monday's Today on NBC, Obama spinner Stephanie Cutter claimed Paul Ryan's never bucked the Republican Party line in the Bush years. But at Time magazine's Swampland blog, reporter Jay Newton-Small describes the reality: Ryan didn't like the Bush trend. "I quickly learned Ryan was the go-to person for a fiscal conservative quote – a Republican disgusted with his own party’s profligate…
Tim Graham
August 13th, 2012 8:04 AM

Halperin: Press Corps Biggies Are Pro-Obama, But Like Paul Ryan

An interesting—encouraging?—comment and admission from Mark Halperin on today's Morning Joe. The MSNBC political analyst said that "almost every national political reporter knows Paul Ryan, likes Paul Ryan, more than they do Mitt Romney.  And that gives Romney a little bit of an edge that he was missing, which is pro-Obama in the press corps." Halperin's comment came immediately after Joe…
Mark Finkelstein
August 13th, 2012 7:14 AM

Schieffer Presses Romney and Ryan With Myth That Wealthy Pay Low Tax R

Advancing a false narrative about how the wealthy are paying a lower tax rate than the middle class, CBS Bob Schieffer used his 60 Minutes session with the Republican ticket to push Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan to agree “fairness” means the rich should pay higher taxes. “A lot of people,” Schieffer contended, “think corporations and rich people are getting all these breaks and they’re getting…
Brent Baker
August 13th, 2012 2:12 AM

USAT: Companies Reducing Training Costs Are 'Pushing Up Unemployment R

In an apparent attempt to pin blame anywhere but on the Obama administration for the rising unemployment rate, a USA Today item currently carried at Newsmax's MoneyNews.com web site opens by claiming that "Companies across the country are cutting training programs for new employees, broadening the divide between workers with skills needed to compete in today's economy and those left out,…
Tom Blumer
August 12th, 2012 11:55 PM

Bob Schieffer Asks Ryan 'Do You Think Romney's Been Too Defensive Abou

For months now the Obama-loving media have been tearing Mitt Romney to pieces over his involvement with the private equity firm he founded and once led. Despite this, during an interview with the presumptive Republican presidential and vice presidential nominees on CBS's Face the Nation Sunday, host Bob Schieffer actually had the gall to ask Paul Ryan, "Do you think [Romney's] been too…
Noel Sheppard
August 12th, 2012 9:00 PM

Paul Ryan on His Family: 'We've Dedicated Much of Our Lives to Saving

Those that watched CBS's 60 Minutes Sunday got some marvelous insights into who presumptive Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan is. When host Bob Schieffer asked him what his family thinks about him being named as Mitt Romney's running mate and the changes it's going to bring to them, Ryan answered, "We've dedicated much of our lives to saving this country."
Noel Sheppard
August 12th, 2012 8:36 PM

CNN's Kurtz Credits NewsBusters With Exposing Zakaria's 'Cardinal Jour

On Sunday’s Reliable Sources, CNN host Howard Kurtz lashed out at CNN’s own host Fareed Zakaria for committing plagiarism in a gun control article for Time magazine. Kurtz gave credit to us: “A conservative watchdog site Newsbusters, acting on a tip from the NRA, broke the story that Fareed's column was not entirely his own work.” Kurtz put the two passages side by side on the screen to…
Tim Graham
August 12th, 2012 8:29 PM

Bill Maher on Ryan Budget: 'F--k the Poor/B--w the Rich

You would expect that as a contributor to Barack Obama's Super PAC, HBO's Bill Maher wouldn't have kind things to say about Paul Ryan being named Mitt Romney's running mate. True to form, Maher took to Twitter on Saturday to make vulgar comments about Ryan's budget despite likely not knowing one single word that's in it (serious vulgarity warning):
Noel Sheppard
August 12th, 2012 6:06 PM

WashPost TV Critic Prefers Charms of TV Monkey to 'Remote' Sarah Palin

Washington Post TV critic Hank Stuever was reviewing NBC's new veterinarian comedy "Animal Practice" on Sunday and saved his biggest praise for Cyrstal the "crafty Capuchin" monkey. "I have never seen a fresh-faced celebrity work harder to please, with barely a hint of a treat or a reward coming. Crystal did everything she was asked and then some; she apparently decided it is her job to save…
Tim Graham
August 12th, 2012 5:59 PM

Kurtz Asks Libtalker 'Won't People Like You and Ed Schultz Be Drowned

CNN's Howard Kurtz on Sunday asked liberal talk radio host Stephanie Miller a question that most right-thinking Americans pray the answer is "Yes." "You are a liberal in a conservative media...dominated by the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham," said the Reliable Sources host. "Won't people like you and Ed Schultz and some of the few liberal national voices on talk radio…
Noel Sheppard
August 12th, 2012 5:07 PM

Flashback: Schieffer Chided Paul Ryan; To Interview Him on Tonight’s

Tonight’s (Sunday) 60 Minutes will feature an interview with the new Republican ticket of Mitt Romney and Congressman Paul Ryan conducted by CBS’s Bob Schieffer. Last year, when Schieffer interviewed Ryan on Face the Nation, he chided Ryan over his budget plan and refusal to raise taxes. “Why do these rich people need another tax cut?” Schieffer demanded of Ryan on the April 17, 2011 program…
Brent Baker
August 12th, 2012 4:54 PM

The Top 10 Most Outrageous Media Attacks Against Paul Ryan

Now that Representative Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) has been named Mitt Romney's running mate in the upcoming presidential election, we can expect the Democrats and the media to set new lows in their attacks on him. Unfortunately, over the years, liberally biased journalists have had plenty of practice. Here's our look at the top 10 most outrageous media attacks on Paul Ryan.
Randy Hall
August 12th, 2012 3:59 PM

WaPo's Ruth Marcus: Paul Ryan Is 'Sarah Palin With Substance and a Pap

With all the trashing of Paul Ryan by Obama-loving media members in the past 24 hours, Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus pulled off quite a feat on CBS's Face the Nation Sunday. In just one sentence, she insulted Ryan as well as former Alaska governor Sarah Palin (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
August 12th, 2012 3:38 PM

Maddow on NB Piece Linked By Drudge: 'Welcome 3-Day Onslaught' of 'Ema

Rachel Maddow apparently wasn't pleased to learn that a NewsBusters piece about her being destroyed on Meet the Press by National Review editor Rich Lowry Sunday was picked up by the popular website The Drudge Report. Commenting on Twitter, the MSNBC commentator wrote, "Ah, a Drudge link. Welcome, 3-day onslaught of ALL CAPS swearing misspelled tweets & emails informing me that I am…
Noel Sheppard
August 12th, 2012 1:38 PM