NBC's Morales Demands Ann Romney be 'Transparent' And Release More Tax

In what was billed as a profile of Ann Romney set to air on Thursday's NBC Rock Center, a portion of the interview played on Thursday's Today featured news anchor Natalie Morales grilling the Republican candidate's spouse on taxes: "...she fiercely defended the Romneys' decision not to release tax returns from before 2010. A lot of people still are asking why not be transparent and release more…
Kyle Drennen
August 16th, 2012 4:54 PM

Noble Obama Lowering the Temperature, Staying 'Out of the Fray' on Cam

More Obama favortism from Helene Cooper on the campaign trail. The New York Times reporter followed Obama campaigning in Iowa for Thursday's "Health Care Leads Campaign Dialogue in Midwest" and gave the president credit for lowering the rhetorical temperature of the campaign. That involved skipping completely the false and vicious attack from Priorities USA, an Obama-affiliated SuperPAC, that…
Clay Waters
August 16th, 2012 4:31 PM

R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr. Column: Harry Reid's Cow and Joe Biden's Parrot

A week passes, and thus far, the Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has yet to tell us whether he is or is not having sexual relations with a cow. As was reported in this column last week, based on sources in the field, Reid has been involved with the cow for at least three months, possibly more. My sources cannot be identified for obvious reasons. Even The New York Times would not reveal their…
R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.
August 16th, 2012 4:18 PM

Day Two: CBS Ignores Shooting at Conservative Organization, NBC Offers

Over eight hours of broadcast time, Thursday, the network morning shows devoted a scant two minutes and 57 seconds to Wednesday's shooting at the conservative Family Research Council (FRC). Good Morning America on ABC offered the most time, a still tiny two minutes and 22 seconds. But at least guest anchor Josh Elliott revealed key details about the alleged shooter's possible motive, such as…
Scott Whitlock
August 16th, 2012 4:10 PM

Shock Poll: '45% Mistakenly Believe Joe Paterno May Have Been A Child

Just how bad has the media's coverage of the Penn State University sex scandal been? According to a new poll created by our friend John Ziegler, 45 percent of Americans mistakenly believe famed football coach Joe Paterno may have actually been involved in the child molestations (picture courtesy AP):
Noel Sheppard
August 16th, 2012 3:52 PM

MSNBC's Roberts Only Features Anti-Voter ID Rep in Segment on Pa. Cour

As we at NewsBusters have documented repeatedly, MSNBC has done its level best to hype voter ID laws as a "voter suppression" attempt by the GOP to "disenfranchise" voters who traditionally fall into the Democratic column. Today's MSNBC Live with Thomas Roberts was no exception. Roberts informed viewers of ruling by a judge on the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court yesterday -- read the PDF of…
Ken Shepherd
August 16th, 2012 3:45 PM

CBS Hypes 'Very Conservative' Paul Ryan's 'Anti-Abortion Rights' Posit

Political reporter Stephanie Condon painted Republican vice presidential pick Paul Ryan as an "anti-abortion" extremist in a Wednesday report for CBSNews.com. Condon forwarded the talking points of the pro-abortion left as she zeroed in on Ryan's support of personhood legislation: "Supporters of reproductive rights have loudly pointed out that this type of legislation would not only outlaw…
Matthew Balan
August 16th, 2012 3:43 PM

ABC's Tapper Notes Obama's Evasion Of W.H. Press Corps; POTUS Has Time

ABC News's Jake Tapper noticed an interesting trend with President Obama.  He hasn't been around to take any questions from the press lately.  In fact, he has evaded the national press corps  for more than two months.  However, as Tapper noted on his blog today, Obama did have time to talk to "reporters from People Magazine and Entertainment Tonight."  In addition, "during his three-day Iowa…
Matt Vespa
August 16th, 2012 3:24 PM

NYT Fashion Reporter on Ryan Phenom: GOP Needs Politician-Inspired 'Se

New York Times fashion reporter Cathy Horyn's "Critics Notebook" entry on Paul Ryan, "Embracing The Right Fit," (get it?) made the front of Thursday Styles section criticizing Ryan's fashion sense and offensively suggesting that Republicans (but not Democrats) need hot politicians to salivate over:
Clay Waters
August 16th, 2012 2:38 PM

NYTimes Brief and Vague on Left-Wing Links of Family Research Council

The shooting of a security guard at the D.C. headquarters of the Family Research Council, a social conservative group, by a volunteer for a local gay community center, failed to raise the New York Times's usual politically motivated concerns about harmful and hateful rhetoric it's shown in the past. Most notoriously, the Times repeatedly, falsely, and maliciously suggested that Tucson gunman…
Clay Waters
August 16th, 2012 2:06 PM

NBC and CBS Aiding and Abetting Anti-Conservative Hatred As Networks I

The liberal media have repeatedly and deliberately turned a blind eye to the violent, hateful culture of liberalism, particularly their vicious attacks against those who advocate traditional Christian values and conservative principles. We saw it during their deceptive, romanticized coverage of Occupy Wall Street. We saw it again during their sneering, anti-Christian coverage of the Chick-fil-A…
Brent Bozell
August 16th, 2012 12:45 PM

It Took Only 20 Hours: CNN Upholds 'Hate Group' Label for FRC

Less than a day after a shooting at the Family Research Council, CNN dug up a 13 year-old FRC quote to support the "hate group" label by the liberal Southern Poverty Law Center. Early Start anchor Zoraida Sambolin said the FRC was "hate spewing hate." "I want our viewers to actually see some of the things that this organization has put out there so that – we kind of understand why they were…
Matt Hadro
August 16th, 2012 12:34 PM

MRC's Graham, FBN's Varney Discuss Anti-Ryan Bias, Media Ignoring Nati

While the media "are treating him as a serious and substantive person," they are erroneously tagging Romney running mate Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) "as a budget slasher," which is patently false, NewsBusters senior editor Tim Graham told Fox Business Network's Stuart Varney this morning. "There isn't any slashing [in the Ryan plan]. There's a reduction in [the rate of] growth" of government, the…
NB Staff
August 16th, 2012 12:19 PM

NBC: 'Ever-Outspoken' Joe Biden is Obama's 'Best Weapon' as 'Attack-Do

Reporting for Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, White House correspondent Kristen Welker discussed the "remarkably ugly political week so far" in the presidential campaign following racially-charged comments by Joe Biden, but then touted him as "the ever-outspoken Vice President" who "today doubled down on being the President's other best weapon, attack-dog-in-chief." In a report for Thursday's…
Kyle Drennen
August 16th, 2012 12:05 PM