MSNBC's Touré Neblett Offers 12 Second Apology for Romney 'Niggerizat

As NewsBusters previously reported, MSNBC's Touré Neblett on Thursday's The Cycle accused presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney of using what he called "niggerization" against Barack Obama. On Friday, Neblett offered a twelve second - yes, I said twelve second! - apology for his disgraceful remark (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
August 17th, 2012 3:31 PM

CNN Hypes GOP Links of Military Obama Critics

CNN is harping on the "partisan" connections of a group of military veterans criticizing President Obama, likening it to Swift Boat, yet it has helped further liberal partisan attacks in the past through its own biased coverage. "A new group of veterans, including former Navy SEALs, accuses President Obama of taking too much credit for the killing of Osama bin Laden. The group says it's…
Matt Hadro
August 17th, 2012 3:26 PM

NBC Blitz: Romney 'Under Intense Pressure' to Release Tax Returns, Iss

On Thursday and Friday, NBC launched an all out assault on Mitt Romney, urging him to release more tax returns. Opening Thursday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams scrambled to resurrect the worn-out line of attack: "Talking taxes. Under intense pressure, Mitt Romney talks about what he has paid." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] Introducing the lead story…
Kyle Drennen
August 17th, 2012 3:06 PM

USA Today: 'Housing Starts, Jobless Claims in Good Shape' Despite Wors

USA Today's Web site features an Associated Press report with the headline "Housing starts, jobless claims in good shape."  For the many readers who just scan headlines, that sounds encouraging.  Yet by the second paragraph the article notes "that construction of single-family homes and apartments dipped 1.1% in July compared with June. . ."  And by the third paragraph: Housing has been…
Mike Bates
August 17th, 2012 1:37 PM

NYTimes Egan's Peculiar Omission in Bashing Romney as 'Olympic' Flip-F

Former reporter turned New York Times columnist Timothy Egan's hostile anti-Mitt Romney column on Thursday had a peculiar omission. Egan insulted the likely Republican nominee by calling him an "Olympic" caliber flip-flopper, yet somehow managed not once to mention Romney's successful management as chief executive officer of the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City. In focus groups, he’s described…
Clay Waters
August 17th, 2012 1:32 PM

MSNBC's Roberts Interviews Colleague Sharpton About What He's Doing As

Generally when a broadcast journalist interviews an activist about a hot-button political issue, it's customary and in accord with sound journalistic practice to interview someone from the other side of the issue for balance. Except, of course, if you work for MSNBC, which has essentially become DNC-TV. On the August 17 MSNBC Live program, news anchor Thomas Roberts interviewed his fellow…
Ken Shepherd
August 17th, 2012 12:57 PM

ABC Hypes: Mitt Romney 'Finally Ready' to Address Taxes, Network Touts

Good Morning America's Josh Elliott on Friday yet again hyped the issue of Mitt Romney's taxes. Guest anchor Elliott touted, "And Mitt Romney finally ready to address that question about his taxes." Amy Robach thrilled, "Mitt Romney, for the first time revealing new information about his tax returns...But why now?" The candidate on Thursday asserted that he had "never" paid lower than a 13…
Scott Whitlock
August 17th, 2012 12:45 PM

NBC’s Brian Williams Demeans The Title of Network Anchor

Remember the days when nightly news anchors were supposed to be serious journalists?  Apparently Brian Williams never got that memo.  Appearing on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart on August 15, the managing editor of NBC Nightly News showed the continuing decline of the gravitas of the broadcast news anchor.  Appearing on The Daily Show, Williams continued his routine of making awkward and…
Jeffrey Meyer
August 17th, 2012 11:57 AM

USA Today Finds OWS Theme in Movies, Ignores Villainy

Drawing examples from Batman, Cosmopolis and Arbitrage, newspaper sees Occupiers in Hollywood plots, but finds little to criticize about OWS.
Julia A. Seymour
August 17th, 2012 11:22 AM

Bozell, Hannity Review Media's Attacks On Paul Ryan, Pathetic Defense

Paul Ryan is radically anti-woman, anti-senior citizen, and if he and Mitt Romney are elected and ObamaCare is repealed, people will die! That, in a nutshell, is the liberal media's spin about Gov. Romney's pick of the Wisconsin Republican as his running mate, with the latter claim being made recently by MSNBC political analyst Jonathan Alter, formerly of Newsweek. "That sleazeball did…
NB Staff
August 17th, 2012 10:42 AM

Letterman: Ryan's 'The Grandson of Ripley’s Believe It or Not Man Wh

It appears now that Paul Ryan has been named Mitt Romney's running mate, CBS Late Show host David Letterman feels obligated to attack him every evening. On Thursday's program, Letterman spent two minutes on the Wisconsin Congressman including accusing him of being "the grandson of the Ripley’s Believe It or Not man who was able to swallow his own face" (video follows with transcribed…
Noel Sheppard
August 17th, 2012 10:09 AM

Open Thread: Cronyism Isn't Capitalism

One of the persistent themes on the campaign trail for many liberals is the idea, best exemplified by President Obama's "you didn't build that" remark and also the anti-capitalist rants of Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, that people who work hard for a living somehow are undeserving of their success. That attitude likely originates from the mistaken belief that cronyism,…
NB Staff
August 17th, 2012 9:34 AM

3000-Pound Granite Marker Now Honors Obamas' First Kiss

From the Obama Adoration Department: AP reports the managers of a shopping center in Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood installed a 3,000-pound granite marker this week complete with a plaque reading, "On this site President Barack Obama first kissed Michelle Obama." They’ve said the first kiss came in 1989 and the Obamas will celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary in October.
Tim Graham
August 17th, 2012 8:14 AM

Bozell Column: Skipping Over the Shooting at FRC

Floyd Corkins, a volunteer for the last six months at the D.C. Center for the LGBT Community, marched into the Family Research Center with a gun and serious ammunition, denounced FRC’s policy positions, and shot a security guard in the arm before being subdued. Another hate crime, but this time against perhaps the pre-eminent pro-family organization in America. CBS gave the story 20 seconds.…
Brent Bozell
August 17th, 2012 7:10 AM