Former NBC Reporter Tells Maddow: All Romney Has Going For Him Is His

On Monday’s Rachel Maddow Show, the MSNBC host mocked Mitt Romney’s pursuit of the white vote, reporting Romney told USA Today that President Obama moved toward welfare waivers “as a calculation that was designed to shore up the Obama base before the election.” Maddow thought it was ridiculous: “As if people on welfare are Barack Obama’s base. [Maddow winks] Especially the lazy ones. [Winks…
Tim Graham
August 28th, 2012 5:51 PM

Predictable: NYTimes Fills News Gap With Overblown Stories on Discord

How painfully predictable: The New York Times filled the news gap caused by the cancellation of Monday's events with rumors of party discord. In fact, the Times first tried to gin up controversy at the 2012 Republican National Convention long ago. Here's a May 13, 2010 report from Damien Cave on how toxic beaches in Tampa might ruin the Republican convention, then over two years away: The…
Clay Waters
August 28th, 2012 5:21 PM

Gary Bauer Tells NewsBusters 'I've Never Seen Media So in the Tank for

TAMPA, Florida | American Values president Gary Bauer said Tuesday, "I have never seen a media so deeply in the tank for the left and for the Democratic Party and for Barack Obama. Never." Speaking with NewsBusters at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Bauer added, "They don’t even try to look like they’re unbiased anymore...They look like they’re a division of the Democratic…
NB Staff
August 28th, 2012 5:19 PM

Weather Channel Goes Political

There is a sixty percent chance that Republicans will rain on your weekend plans. The Weather Channel hasn't yet gone quite that far to inject politics into weather reporting but they sure seem to be working on it. Their reporting on Tropical Storm Isaac has brought out the inner liberal of a channel that was once noted for its complete professionalism but, sadly, seems to be going off into…
P.J. Gladnick
August 28th, 2012 5:12 PM

NBC on Isaac: Obama Being Presidential; 'Difficult' for GOP Convention

In a Tuesday 10 a.m. et NBC News special report on President Obama declaring a state of emergency for Gulf Coast states in the path of Hurricane Isaac, Today co-host Matt Lauer gushed: "Politics 101, you've got your opponents in Tampa and Mitt Romney's about to tell Americans why he should be elected president, if you're the president, you go out and act like the president." [Listen to the…
Kyle Drennen
August 28th, 2012 4:47 PM

Fox News's Chris Wallace: Media Needs to 'Stop All This Nonsense' Abou

Noting that President Obama is not taking a break from campaigning, despite Hurricane Isaac's imminent landfall, Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace noted this morning that the media should "stop all this nonsense about whether or not the Republicans should hold their convention tonight." President Obama "isn't canceling his campaign. He's continuing to politick, because, guess what, what he's…
Ken Shepherd
August 28th, 2012 4:47 PM

David Limbaugh Column: Romney's an Extremist, And Obama Isn't? LOL

President Obama's casting of Mitt Romney as extreme is one of the most glaring incidents of political projection in the modern era. Romney doesn't approach extremism in substance, style or disposition. Obama swims in it. In an interview with The Associated Press, Obama said Romney has locked himself into "extreme positions" on economic and social issues and would implement them if in office.
David Limbaugh
August 28th, 2012 4:15 PM

Emails Show Coziness Between Reporter and Climate Scientist

FOIA reveals St. Louis Post-Dispatch environmental writer ‘sympathetic’ to alarmism, doesn’t want to let skeptics ‘stand unchallenged.’
Julia A. Seymour
August 28th, 2012 4:15 PM

Chuck Norris Column: Top 10 Reasons Not to Re-elect Obama (Part 3 of

In 2010, President Barack Obama confessed to ABC News' Diane Sawyer, "I'd rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president." But what if Obama's one term was not good but bad for the country? The past two weeks, I've given the first eight reasons not to re-elect President Obama. Though I would encourage readers to read the details in each of those points, here…
Chuck Norris
August 28th, 2012 4:00 PM

CBS's Charlie Rose Pesters Santorum: What Does Akin 'Say' About the GO

CBS This Morning anchor Charlie Rose on Tuesday pestered Rick Santorum about Todd Akin and tried to goad the former Republican presidential candidate into bashing Mitt Romney. Highlighting Akin and his gaffe about rape, Rose needled, "What does that say to you? Does that say something about the party and its image?" Rose followed up by pushing the former senator, who will be speaking at the…
Scott Whitlock
August 28th, 2012 4:00 PM

CBS This Morning Spotlights Atheist Bill Nye, Who Believes 'Creationis

Immediately following an antagonistic discussion with the former presidential candidate Rick Santorum, in which he demanded the Pennsylvania Republican to differentiate himself from  Mitt Romney, CBS This Morning’s Charlie Rose previewed the next interview that would be conducted by his co-anchor Gayle King, with a Chris Matthews-like swipe at the GOP as anti-science. “Republicans here in…
Ryan Robertson
August 28th, 2012 3:44 PM

Now You See It, Now You Don’t: Univision Erases Slam on Marco Rubio

It’s clear that liberal media bias is not limited to English speaking news outlets.  Such is the case with Univision, the largest Spanish-language television network in the United States, as they took to their Facebook page to trash Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL).  Translated to English, Univision Noticias commented that: Beyond ideology, Rubio is a mediocre politician and contradictory (sic…
Jeffrey Meyer
August 28th, 2012 3:43 PM

NYTimes Contrasts 'Relaxed and Loose' Obama With Unsubtle Romney Ralli

When the New York Times sends reporters to compare and contrast the Romney and Obama campaign styles, little surprise who comes off looking best. The banner headline on the front of Monday's special Campaign 2012 section set the scene: "Two Campaigns With Styles as Similar as Red and Blue." Ashley Parker and Michael Barbaro trailed the Republica candidate in Iowa and found that while "Earnest…
Clay Waters
August 28th, 2012 2:34 PM

Daily Beast's Tomasky Calls 2012 RNC Convention Racist

Liberal Daily Beast writer Michael Tomaksy has already labeled this year's Republican National Convention as "reprehensible."  In his insufferable knowingness, Tomasky claimed that the next few days will be a "toxic waste dump of hate and lies and race-baiting."  In other words, it will be the most racist gathering of party delegates in the history of the republic.  Why? Because The New York…
Matt Vespa
August 28th, 2012 1:14 PM