Bill Maher: Trayvon Martin Killer George Zimmerman Is Guest Speaker at

Bill Maher made a truly disgusting comment on NBC's Tonight Show Wednesday. After host Jay Leno asked who he thought the mystery guest speaker would be at the Republican National Convention in Tampa Thursday night, Maher quickly replied without any hesitation, “George Zimmerman” (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
August 30th, 2012 10:02 AM

Investor's Business Daily: 'Media's One-Sided Coverage Is Clear Eviden

Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Michael Ramirez wrote an absolutely must-read editorial for Investor's Business Daily Tuesday perfectly encapsulating the state of today's Obama-loving media. Included of course was a cartoon wonderfully depicting the press in 2012:
Noel Sheppard
August 30th, 2012 8:38 AM

WaPo's Ezra Klein Pulls Out Tired 'Bush Tax Cuts Cost Us Trillions' Gr

Ezra Klein, the "former" head of the Journolist news coordination conspiracy (given the evidence of coordination seen during the Republican convention, it's hard to believe it hasn't continued in some form), rolled out a graphic yesterday at the Washington Post which he touted as "the one graph you need to see before watching" the Republican convention. To show would be to give it more…
Tom Blumer
August 30th, 2012 8:35 AM

Conservatives Should Confront Media Bias Rather Than Work Around It

On his radio program Wednesday, a very frustrated Rush Limbaugh wondered aloud at what he characterized as an insufficient amount of attention to President Obama's record. He blamed the problem on Republican election consultants (including perpetual failure  Ed Rollins) and their misbegotten belief that telling the truth about liberalism will somehow disenchant unaffiliated voters. "I want to…
Matthew Sheffield
August 30th, 2012 5:15 AM

GOP Congressman Smacks Down Piers Morgan's Liberal Talking Points

CNN's Piers Morgan cast Paul Ryan's pro-life record on the "extreme" end of the GOP and brought up Todd Akin to emphasize the party's gender gap, but his Republican guest would have none of it early Thursday morning at the Republican Convention. "What about Paul Ryan's positions on social issues like abortion? He's pretty right-wing, to the more extreme end of the party. Are you concerned…
Matt Hadro
August 30th, 2012 3:00 AM

MSNBC's Schultz and Sharpton Falsely Claim Janesville Plant Closed Und

During MSNBC's August 29 GOP Convention coverage, Ed Schultz and Al Sharpton made patently false remarks during their post-speech commentary of Rep. Paul Ryan. Congressman Ryan was slammed concerning statements he made about the closure of the Janesville General Motors plant.  Rep. Ryan reiterated that President Barack Obama promised to keep the plant open, but then shut it down.  The left-…
Matt Vespa
August 30th, 2012 1:52 AM

Chris Matthews Hints Ryan's 'Very Nasty' Speech Was Directed to Racist

Minutes after Paul Ryan finished his RNC speech on Wednesday, MSNBC's Chris Matthews slammed the Republican vice presidential candidate for supposedly ignoring blacks during his "very constricted, very negative, very nasty speech," and suggested that he was directing the address to racists: "It's clear that Paul Ryan was talking to people who think about rights as something...produced by Thomas…
Matthew Balan
August 30th, 2012 1:01 AM

George Stephanopoulos Relays E-Mail From 'Top Democrat' Ripping Ryan's

ABC's analysis of Paul Ryan's RNC address included former Democratic operative George Stephanopoulos citing an a-mail from a "top Democrat" slamming the integrity of Paul Ryan's speech. Stephanopoulos noted "we saw how much this crowd loved it" before immediately adding "I got an e-mail from a top Democrat saying the speech was audacious in its dishonesty." He added in his own words that the…
Matt Hadro
August 30th, 2012 12:44 AM

On NBC: Williams and Brokaw Use Condi Rice Speech to Depict Republican

On NBC’s live Wednesday coverage of the GOP convention both Brian Williams and Tom Brokaw used Condoleezza Rice's speech to paint the GOP delegation as close-minded on immigration, education reform and Barack Obama’s background. Right after the former Secretary of State's speech, Williams snarked: "Portions of that speech could have been delivered at next week [DNC] gathering in North Carolina…
Geoffrey Dickens
August 30th, 2012 12:23 AM

Chris Matthews and MSNBC Now Claim the Word 'Chicago' Is Racist

Chris Matthews was on Hardball tonight covering the Republican National Convention with guests Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post and John Heilemann of New York Magazine.  In what is seemingly the natural progression of things these days with Matthews, the subject of the 'otherization' of the President was being discussed.  Because, if you weren't aware already, Barack Obama is black, and…
Rusty Weiss
August 30th, 2012 12:12 AM

Daily Kos Protests Chalian Firing: His Smear Was 'Completely True

Yahoo News fired David Chalian today after he was caught smearing Republicans as “happy to have a party with black people drowning.” At the Daily Kos, that home of the constant drumbeat that conservatives are beyond evil, the blogger known as Vyan wondered out loud: "One wonders with the incredible speed of his firing whether the fact that - at least optically - what he said appears to be…
Tim Graham
August 29th, 2012 11:33 PM

ABC Hosts GOP-Bashing Univision Anchor Over Airing Susana Martinez's R

Instead of airing Latina Governor Susana Martinez's speech at the Republican National Convention, ABC chose to host liberal Univision anchor Jorge Ramos who had dire words for the Republican Party. "I think Republicans have a real, real challenge trying to get Latinos. Because just a few words in Spanish from Susana Martinez over principle is not enough," warned Ramos while ABC showed video…
Matt Hadro
August 29th, 2012 11:31 PM

Can't Make This Up: Now Joking About Obama's Love for Golf is 'Racist

This afternoon, MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell got his hands on excerpts of the remarks that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) was preparing to give this evening. Bound and determined to find racism where it doesn't exist, O'Donnell did not disappoint. Taking to the air on Martin Bashir's eponymous program, O'Donnell laid out his case that McConnell's crack that the president "has been…
Ken Shepherd
August 29th, 2012 11:28 PM

WaPo Writer Calls Chalian Smear a 'Joke,' But Called Romney's Birther

Last night, Yahoo! News Washington Bureau Chief, David Chalian, slandered Romney by saying that the Republican nominee and his wife, Ann, were "happy to have a party with black people drowning."  These remarks were made during's webcast of their coverage of the RNC convention.  As a result, Mr. Chalian has been fired by Yahoo!, but some liberal journalists aren't happy about it.…
Matt Vespa
August 29th, 2012 11:22 PM