WashPost Promotes Photo Exhibit Glorifying Occupy Wall Street 'Emotion

The Weekend Pass section of the Washington Post’s Express free tabloid on Thursday promoted a photography exhibit glorifying Occupy Wall Street. Over a full-page photo of Occupiers climbing the statue in McPherson Square was the headline “Picturing Protest: The Occupy movement’s early days come into focus with an exhibit of photos at American University.” The Post’s Katie Auerbach explained…
Tim Graham
September 3rd, 2012 2:20 PM

Matthews Touts His Obama-Loving Doc, Proclaims Media Will Be Watching

Chris Matthews appeared on the Labor Day edition of the Today show to promote his fawning new documentary, Barack Obama: Making History. (The subtitle for MSNBC's special on Romney was much more restrained: "The Making of a Candidate.") The liberal host also insisted that, "from now on," the media will watch Paul Ryan for lies. [See video below. MP3 audio here.] Today reporter Carl…
Scott Whitlock
September 3rd, 2012 12:56 PM

NYT's Fact-Checker Supreme Michael Cooper: 'Romney Campaign Appears To

Bogus media "fact-checking" continues, and the New York Times's Michael Cooper is leading the pack. His Saturday "Political Memo," "Fact-Checkers Howl, but Campaigns Seem Attached to Dishonest Ads," marks Cooper's second foray into the burgeoning genre in two days, focusing on the alleged false statements emanating from Mitt Romney's ads and the Republican National Convention podium. Cooper…
Clay Waters
September 3rd, 2012 11:49 AM

Anti-Catholic Media Claim Paul Ryan is Not Catholic Enough

Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan is a Catholic – but not a good enough Catholic in the eyes of the media. Writers, bloggers, and talking heads have hammered Ryan for his supposed “dissent” from Catholic teaching. Journalists have falsely claimed that the bishops “rebuked” Ryan and called his budget “un-Christian.” Writers who usually scorn the Church and its hierarchy fretted…
Paul Wilson
September 3rd, 2012 11:04 AM

New Yorker's Lizza: Nothing Racial About Clinton's 'Obama Would Have B

It's irresistible to play the game of imagining the MSM response had a prominent Republican been caught saying of Barack Obama that "a few years ago this guy would have been carrying our bags."  In the case of a Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan, calls for them to quit the campaign would be echoing from the halls of MSNBC to the shores of the New York Times. But let a Democrat say it, in the person…
Mark Finkelstein
September 3rd, 2012 9:40 AM

Daily Kos Week in Review: Paul Ryan, the New Nixon

The week of the Republican convention found Kossacks reflecting on what they already believed about the party: that its members are plutocratic racists and its vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan is a lying sociopath. As usual, each headline is preceded by the blogger's name or pseudonym.
Tom Johnson
September 3rd, 2012 8:47 AM

The MRC@25: The Worst Media Bias of

Every day for the next few weeks, NewsBusters is showcasing the most egregious bias the Media Research Center has uncovered over the years — four quotes for each of the 25 years of the MRC, 100 quotes total — all leading up to our big 25th Anniversary Gala on September 27. (Click here for ticket information) With each TV quote, we’ve added the matching video from our archive, some of which hasn’t…
Rich Noyes
September 3rd, 2012 8:11 AM

John Cusack: 'Is Obama Just Another Ivy League A--hole

"Is the President just another Ivy League A--hole shredding civil liberties and due process and sending people to die in some s--thole for purely political reasons?" So asked perilously liberal actor John Cusack Saturday in an article published by Truthout:
Noel Sheppard
September 3rd, 2012 7:49 AM

Obama Campaign Sends Supporters an E-Mail from John Kerry on GOP 'Smea

As the GOP convention wrapped up, the Obama-Biden reelection team sent out a fundraising e-mail Thursday with an appeal from 2004 Democratic nominee John Kerry, claiming that conservatives and Republicans may spend more than 40 times as much money on "smear ads" in 2012 as they did on the "swift boat" ads that challenged Kerry's incessant military heroism narrative and Vietnam soldier-smearing…
Tim Graham
September 3rd, 2012 6:35 AM

Mock Obama? Comedy Writer Says 'He's Like a Smooth Rock Face of Perfec

Friday’s Wall Street Journal tackled the issue of joking about the candidates – especially how hard comedians have found it to mock President Obama. Four years ago, "you couldn't tell jokes about Obama," said the leftist political humorist Will Durst. "You couldn't even see him—the halo was too bright." "Since I've been doing this, going back to the '70s, I don't remember two contenders for…
Tim Graham
September 3rd, 2012 6:11 AM

Unions and University Endowments Have Invested Billions With Bain Capi

In his weekend syndicated column, Deroy Murdock unearthed and relayed information the establishment press hasn't told the nation about how certain public-sector pension funds and university endowments have chosen to invest money entrusted to them in Bain Capital. Yes, Bain Capital. Until three weeks ago, it would have been somewhat understandable if the business press didn't expect to find a…
Tom Blumer
September 2nd, 2012 11:57 PM

Tyrrell Column: Who Speaks for Reform In Islam

How little we know about holy Islam! When those poor wretches who were imprisoned at Abu Ghraib were pictured for all the world to see naked with underpants on their heads, we were told that the naked male Islamic body must never be seen in public. Yet we have been seeing naked male Islamic bodies for years — often with their hands tied behind their backs and their heads chopped off. Their…
R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.
September 2nd, 2012 8:44 PM

Rasmussen Column: Conventions Don't Matter and Mean Even Less

Political junkies get excited about the Republican and Democratic national conventions, but for many Americans they provide a stark reminder of how out of touch our political system has become. The strange rituals and bad jokes seem oddly out of place in the 21st century, almost as strange as seeing an engineer use a slide rule rather than an iPad to perform some complex calculation. While…
Scott Rasmussen
September 2nd, 2012 8:39 PM

‘Fed Up’ Gingrich Calls Out Media Refusal to Discuss Extremism Amo

“I’m frankly, fed up, with the one-sided bias,” a frustrated Newt Gingrich asserted on Sunday’s Meet the Press, citing two blatant examples. First: “Where is the outrage over overt, deliberate racism” in Vice President Joe Biden telling a black audience “if the Republicans win you will be ‘in chains’”? Second, President Obama “voted three times to protect the right of doctors to kill babies…
Brent Baker
September 2nd, 2012 7:09 PM