Netflix Dramedy Diverges From Hollywood Norm with Wholesome Episodes

Everyone loves a good underdog story. Unfortunately, though, Hollywood inserts so much liberal propaganda into almost every production these days, it’s hard to find a good one anymore. So, when a gem like Netflix’s charming Geek Girl comes along, without any agenda tied to it, it’s like a breath of fresh air. This is a show the whole family can enjoy.

Dawn Slusher
July 1st, 2024 4:10 AM

NY Times Whitewashes Violent LA Synagogue Attack by Pro-Hamas Thugs

News of the recent violent protest outside a Jewish synagogue in Los Angeles got a standard pro-Palestinian New York Times whitewash from reporters Jill Cowan and Jonathan Wolfe. Much of their take was devoted not to the violence committed by thugs against Jewish people entering a house of worship, but to an abstract defense of the right to protest supposedly coming under threat by…

Clay Waters
June 30th, 2024 9:54 PM

NBC’s Kristen Welker Tries To Gotcha Doug Burgum On Lies...By LYING

NBC Meet the Depressed host Kristen Welker tried to put GOP vice presidential hopeful Gov. Doug Burgum (R-ND) in a corner with some of former President Donald Trump’s statements as expressed in the recent presidential primary. Far from achieving her gotcha attempt, she instead spewed some lies of her own.

Jorge Bonilla
June 30th, 2024 9:21 PM

Dem Congressman on Univision: ‘We’re Sticking With DADDY’

There’s been a great deal of serious discussion in the wake of President Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance as to whether he should remain on the 2024 ticket, and then there is what Congressman Adriano Espaillat vomited out while on Univision’s AL Punto with Jorge Ramos.

Jorge Bonilla
June 30th, 2024 8:15 PM

ABC’s Jon Karl: Biden Still Has Time, ‘Not Much’, To Revive Campaign

Jon Karl, known for hysterical anti-Trump editorials when hosting ABC This Week, opened today’s broadcast with a similar yet slightly more muted response to President Joe Biden’s catastrophic performance in the first presidential debate of 2024.

Jorge Bonilla
June 30th, 2024 6:31 PM

Brent Bozell on 'Life Liberty & Levin': Media's Biden Lying Exposed

To discuss the aftermath of the disastrous Biden debate on Saturday night's Life Liberty & Levin, Mark Levin said there was "no better guest: than Media Research Center "head muckety-muck" Brent Bozell.

NB Staff
June 30th, 2024 4:15 PM

GHOST IN THE ROOM: CNN’s Jennings Questions Biden’s Fitness To Serve

The Regime Media’s meltdown continues apace in the wake of President Joe Biden’s calamitous debate performance, wherein the world saw what the American press could no longer conceal, dismiss, or spin as Russian disinformation and “cheap fakes”- Biden’s long-obvious physical and cognitive decline. As speculation continues over whether or not Biden should remain on the ticket, CNN contributor…

Jorge Bonilla
June 30th, 2024 3:25 PM

PolitiFact's 100 Percent Anti-Trump Post-Debate TILT Underlined by PBS

As we noted PBS tried hardest to support the Biden spin after their disastrous debate, on Friday night, the PBS News Hour strongly stuck to the Biden narrative that Trump lost the debate by unleashing a flood of lies. PBS turned to the badly disguised Democrats at PolitiFact for analysis, whose post-debate analysis couldn't find anything Trump said was true. They loaded 16 claims that…

Tim Graham
June 30th, 2024 1:23 PM

FLASHBACK: Media Denounced GOP Bill to Save Billions in Health Costs

With government debt out of control, seven years ago liberal talking heads emotionally denounced a Republican plan to repeal-and-replace ObamaCare, proposing a bill that would have saved an estimated $473 billion over ten years.

Rich Noyes
June 30th, 2024 10:05 AM
Symone Sanders-Townsend MSNBC The Weekend 6-29-24

MSNBC—Keep a List of Those Like Ignorant NYT Calling On Biden To Quit

On MSNBC's The Weekend, co-host Michael Steele calls the New York Times "ignorant" for calling on Biden to quit in light of his debate debacle. Co-host Symone Sanders-Townsend says, "If I was the Biden people, I'd be keeping a list, honey, because it was way too many people ready to jump."

Mark Finkelstein
June 30th, 2024 7:47 AM

PBS 'Washington Week' Memory-Holes '23 Praise of Biden’s Mental Acuity

The latest Friday edition of Washington Week with The Atlantic, airing on taxpayer-funded PBS, passed around anecdotes of the various levels of panic from Democratic politicians and strategists, after President Biden’s disastrous debate performance. But one exchange…

Clay Waters
June 30th, 2024 6:36 AM

NBC for Rent? Two Post-Roe Horror Stories Promote Pro-Abort Plaintiffs

On Monday and again on Friday, the NBC Nightly News composed “news” stories channeling the pro-abortion message of the Center for Reproductive Rights, showcasing their plaintiffs against Republicans who would deny women “life-saving” abortions.

Tim Graham
June 29th, 2024 10:47 PM

PBS: ‘Visibly Aging Man’ vs. ‘Authoritarian-Leaning Convicted Felon'

Even after his disastrously doddering debate performance Thursday night, President Joe Biden still has his fans on public television. Friday’s edition of Amanpour & Co., which airs originally on CNN International, stitched together various thin defenses of the Biden presidency and condemnations of Donald Trump, while host Christiane Amanpour’s anti-Trump partisanship was even more…

Clay Waters
June 29th, 2024 10:21 PM

CNN's Bakari Sellers Slams 'Disgustingly Brilliant' GOP on Immigration

Appearing on CNN This Morning Thursday, liberal CNN contributor Bakari Sellers complained that it was "disgustingly brilliant" for Republicans to bus illegal immigrants to blue cities to draw attention to border security.

Brad Wilmouth
June 29th, 2024 6:05 PM