Univision, Telemundo ONLY Nets To Cover Houston Migrant Murder

The nation is shocked by yet another horrendous murder of a girl at the hands of a pair of illegal aliens who should have never been here in the first place. The grisly murder of Jocelyn Nungaray at the hands of two illegals from Venezuela should have garnered coverage on the main network newscasts. But neither ABC, CBS, nor NBC could be bothered to cover the story.

Jorge Bonilla
June 21st, 2024 12:01 AM

Portentous PBS Plugs NBC Reporter's Book on Scary TX Anti-CRT Movement

Monday’s PBS News Hour handed over a news segment to an ostensible ratings rival, NBC News and its reporter/podcaster Mike Hixenbaugh, who has a new book out with the portentous title They Came for the Schools -- One Town's Fight Over Race and Identity, and the New War for America's Classrooms. Hixenbaugh and his onscreen NBC reporting counterpart Antonia Hylton have…

Clay Waters
June 20th, 2024 10:24 PM

MSNBC Downplays Border Crisis, Claims Immigration Will Boost Economy

On Wednesday, Stephanie Ruhle, host of MSNBC’s the 11th Hour, encouraged illegal immigration because it will “better our economy.” Ruhle, who has previously proclaimed “we are in an economic recovery,” attempted to glorify it once again.

Sarah Butler
June 20th, 2024 7:21 PM

EXCLUSIVE: CEO of Pro-Women’s Sports Activewear Company RIPS TikTok

The founder and CEO of XX-XY Athletics had its ad account suspended on TikTok for alleged "offensive content." The ad TikTok cited in defense of its censorship featured women's sports advocates urging viewers to "stand up" and defend women's sports. TikTok's decision could impact XX-XY Athletics' ability to reach its target customer base, particularly as the clothing brand cannot advertise to…

Gabriela Pariseau
June 20th, 2024 5:28 PM

CBS Mornings Flip Flops on Flags, Celebrates History of Pride Flag

The hosts over at CBS Mornings couldn’t seem to decide how they felt about political flags. During the second hour of Thursday morning’s episode, they devoted a segment to an interview with Lynn Segerblom, one of the original creators of the rainbow Pride flag. However, only a few weeks prior, they denounced the Appeal to Heaven flag that flew outside of Supreme Court Justice Samuel…

Michael Wnek
June 20th, 2024 5:05 PM

UN Boss Commands Gov’t Censorship to ‘Eradicate’ ‘Hate Speech’

The head of the United Nations is pressuring governments to obliterate all online speech that is allegedly “hateful.”

Catherine Salgado
June 20th, 2024 4:53 PM

‘Raise My Dreads’: Whoopi Tees up Fauci to Call Opponents ‘Bastards’

After teasing it was a while ago, ABC’s The View finally had Dr. Anthony Fauci on the show to help him hawk his new book. The much-reviled public health official received copious amounts of praise from the liberal ladies and no questions about how the policies he pushed harmed a generation of children and infringed on individual liberties. Instead, he got a platform to lash out at…

Nicholas Fondacaro
June 20th, 2024 3:46 PM
Mika Brzezinski James Stavridis MSNBC Morning Joe 6-20-24

MSNBC Analyst: Bibi 'Not a Good Actor,' Jake Sullivan 'My Good Friend'

All you need to know about James Stavridis' reliability as an objective source is the two statements he made on today's Morning Joe regarding a video Bibi Netanyahu put out calling on the US to stop holding up arms deliveries to Israel. First, Mika tees him up to attack Bibi, asking, "Is Benjamin Netanyahu a good partner in this?" Stavridis answers: "Clearly he's not." And then in the same…

Mark Finkelstein
June 20th, 2024 3:10 PM

Stelter Wonders 'How Cruel' Trump Will Be To Biden At Debate

Should the upcoming debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump focus on policy or personality questions? For former CNN media correspondent and current Vanity Fair special correspondent Brian Stelter, the answer depends on who is attacking whom. On Thursday’s CNN News Central, Stelter claimed the debate poses a great opportunity for Biden to attack…

Alex Christy
June 20th, 2024 3:09 PM

Bash Hesitant to Show Biden Footage for Fear of Boosting 'Cheap Fakes'

In the last few days, an uproar from the liberal media was sparked over the realization that President Joe Biden … is old, and there is no hiding it anymore. The concern comes after a great number of videos depicting Biden’s many public outings, and even more publicly known gaffes and moments of disorientation went viral. Upcoming CNN debate moderator and Inside Politics host Dana…

Mary Clare Waldron
June 20th, 2024 2:01 PM

For Juneteenth, PBS Spreads Fake News About GOP Education Policy

PBS’s Christiane Amanpour likes to say that journalists should be “truthful, not neutral,” but a common theme of Amanpour and Company is that her commitment to the truth only goes one way. For Wednesday’s Juneteenth show, Amanpour claimed that Donald Trump’s presidency and the Supreme Court represent “hurdles” to racial equality, while her guest, Equal Justice Initiative Executive…

Alex Christy
June 20th, 2024 1:17 PM

Give Up This Kitchen Item… to ‘Help the Planet,’ Claims GMA

The climate change cult is alive and well in legacy media. ABC News’s Good Morning America wants Americans to give up paper towels to “help the planet.” 

Tom Olohan
June 20th, 2024 12:43 PM

Reid’s Revelation: U.S. is an ‘Oligarchy’ that Promotes Machine Guns

MSNBC’s foremost gun-hater, Joy Reid, was particularly aggravated by the Supreme Court’s decision that struck down a Trump administration-era ban on bump stocks by the ATF. On Tuesday’s episode of The ReidOut, she invited former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich and Slate writer Mark Joseph Stern to denounce the apparent “oligarchy” that they alleged was working behind the scenes to…

Michael Wnek
June 20th, 2024 12:04 PM

Colbert Helps Bowman Sanitize His History Of Spouting Hamas Propaganda

Fire alarm puller, whacky conspiracy theorist, anti-Semite, and far-left Congressman Jamaal Bowman is facing a tough primary challenge, and in an attempt to turn his political fortunes around, he journeyed over to CBS and The Late Show with Stephen Colbert on Wednesday, where the eponymous host helped sanitize his history of spouting Hamas propaganda while also attacking Republicans…

Alex Christy
June 20th, 2024 10:07 AM