
MSNBC Panel: Trump 'Wants to Run This Country' Like Communist China

November 3rd, 2017 4:59 PM
On Friday’s Morning Joe, the liberal panel once again took issue with some of the President’s Twitter comments and portrayed them as evidence that Trump is a dangerous and “authoritarian dictator.” However, Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson really upped the ante today by ridiculously claiming that Trump “wants to run [America]” like Xi Jinping runs Communist China and host Joe Scarborough…

Morning Joe More Concerned With Dem Comeback Than DNC Corruption

November 2nd, 2017 3:38 PM
On Thursday’s Morning Joe, hosts Joe Scarborough and Willie Geist decided to briefly cover former Democratic National Committee Chair Donna Brazile’s recent allegations that the DNC was under the control of Hillary Clinton’s campaign long before the presidential primaries even began. However, in spite of the panel’s recognition that this was an “explosive” story, the hosts did not call for heads…

Morning Joe Portrays Trump as Ally of ISIS in ‘Dividing Country’

November 1st, 2017 3:25 PM
In the aftermath of Tuesday’s terror attack in New York City, Wednesday’s Morning Joe devoted most of their broadcast to the story, with the hosts and guests repeatedly trashing President Trump for his tweets suggesting that tougher restrictions on immigration were needed to prevent future attacks by immigrants like the Uzbek national who killed eight people. The liberal panelists were also upset…

Morning Joe Gaslights Audience On Reports of Russia-Clinton Corruption

October 31st, 2017 3:48 PM
Tuesday’s Morning Joe was almost completely consumed by coverage of the Mueller investigation. This included lengthy discussions about revelations concerning George Papadopoulos’s reported contacts with Russians while he served as a volunteer policy advisor to Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. During one segment discussing these new findings, hosts Joe Scarborough and Willie Geist dishonestly…

Morning Joe Runs Presidential Puff Piece For 'Uncle Joe' Biden

October 26th, 2017 3:16 PM
On Thursday’s Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski and guest Laura Brown, editor in chief of In Style magazine, decided to use the show as a soapbox to sycophantically praise Joe Biden as one of the most “inspiring” people in America, “a very, very frank and straightforward person” with an “Uncle Joe persona,” and a “warm,” “engaging,” and “approachable” “consoler-in-chief” who “loves givin’ hugs.” This…

‘Joe’ Praises Flake For Painting Trump As 'Threat' to 'Our Children'

October 25th, 2017 3:27 PM
On Wednesday’s Morning Joe, the panel spent most of the show effusively praising yesterday’s Senate floor speech by Jeff Flake lamenting the “indecency of our discourse,” “the coarseness of our leadership,” and “the compromise of our moral authority” (all referring to Trump) being “dangerous to a democracy.” Joe Scarborough and the rest of the liberal pundits excoriated Congressional Republicans…

Ex-NPR CEO Admits Gun Control Doesn’t Work, Still Supports It Anyway

October 24th, 2017 4:20 PM
On Tuesday’s Morning Joe, former CEO of NPR Ken Stern came on the show to promote his new book, Republican Like Me. Most of the segment with Stern focused on the book’s themes of political polarization in the U.S. being a distortion of Americans’ true unity as a “moderate country” and Stern’s experiences speaking to Trump voters about their beliefs. However, at the end of the discussion, Stern…

NBC Omits Its Role in Creating ‘Shameful Week in American Politics’

October 22nd, 2017 10:40 AM
During the political coverage on NBC’s Sunday Today, host Willie Geist and Political Director Chuck Todd lamented about how far America’s political discourse sunk in the wake of the week’s condolence controversy. According to their telling, all of the blame rested on President Trump and his White House. But in reality, their network’s sprint to label General John Kelly, a gold star father, a…

You Proud of That? Joe and Mika Have ‘Mind Meld’ With North Koreans

October 19th, 2017 4:17 PM
In a truly bizarre segment on Thursday’s Morning Joe, hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski seemed completely undisturbed by being told that a government official from the totalitarian dictatorship of North Korea enjoys watching the MSNBC show’s repeated whitewashes of Kim Jong-un’s threats to kill millions of Americans with nukes. Joe actually suggested that “now is a perfect time [for Kim]…

'Morning Joe' Displays Utter Hypocrisy on First Amendment

October 12th, 2017 4:38 PM
On Thursday’s Morning Joe, the panel appeared genuinely disturbed by President Trump’s recent tweets and other public comments calling for revoking TV licenses from news companies that report “fake news” or investigating newspapers that print it. However, in the past month, Morning Joe has repeatedly called for censorship (including government-led efforts) of news outlets that politically lean…

Morning Joe and NYT Claim North Korea Is 'Liberalizing'

October 10th, 2017 4:02 PM
On Tuesday’s Morning Joe, prominent New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof came on the show to promote his latest piece based on his recent trip to North Korea. The resultant segment’s melding of Kristof’s sentiments reflecting NYT’s pro-communist “Red Century” series combined with Joe Scarborough and his fellow panelists’ tendency to paint Trump as a dictator added up to produce the perfect…

Morning Joe on Trump's Puerto Rico Visit: He's a Sociopathic Dictator

October 4th, 2017 5:25 PM
On Wednesday’s Morning Joe, both the hosts and the rest of the panel spent a significant amount of time covering President Trump’s visit yesterday to Puerto Rico. In so doing, they repeatedly and shamelessly suggested that Trump was a sociopath who would not help Puerto Rico if its leaders did not bow down to him.

Morning Joe: Ministry of Truth Is Needed To Fight War On Fake News

September 29th, 2017 5:16 PM
On Friday’s Morning Joe, Willie Geist hosted a panel to discuss the latest news on the Russian hacking narrative regarding Facebook ads that were purportedly used by Russian intelligence to stoke "racial tensions" during the 2016 presidential election. The panel’s primary reaction, with only one dissenting voice, was to call for increased government "regulation" and financial “penalties in the…

MSNBC: Trump’s NFL Remarks = Conspiracy to Activate Racist Americans

September 28th, 2017 2:49 PM
On Thursday’s Morning Joe, Willie Geist solo-hosted a segment where he and the rest of the panel supposedly got to the bottom of Trump’s NFL comments opposing football players protesting during the performance of the National Anthem: it was all a dastardly plot to appeal to Americans’ inherent racism and thereby distract them from the fact that Trump is trying to hurt them with terrible policies.