Willie Geist

Morning Joe: ‘Evil’ Nazi-Lover Trump Wants ‘Aryan’ Immigration Policy
January 12th, 2018 12:11 PM
On Friday’s Morning Joe, the show’s liberal pundits could not contain their shock and horror at yesterday’s news that President Trump allegedly called Haiti, El Salvador, and several African nations “shithole countries.” While co-host Joe Scarborough saw the incident as more evidence that Trump is “in the early stages of dementia,” guest panelist Donny Deutsch and MSNBC National Affairs Analyst…

'Morning Joe': Trump Listens to 'Voices in His Head'
January 10th, 2018 3:00 PM
On Wednesday’s Morning Joe, reacting to President Trump’s comments during an open door meeting with top members of Congress about DACA and immigration reform, co-host Joe Scarborough argued that Trump’s performance was indicative of his supposedly deteriorating mental state and even stooped to mocking Trump as a doddering, forgetful, and schizophrenic old man who listens to “voices in his head”…

Only Oprah: Nets Infatuated With Winfrey 2020 Run
January 8th, 2018 2:22 PM
On Monday, the three network morning shows were in ecstasy over Oprah Winfrey’s Golden Globes acceptance speech and already predicting a 2020 presidential run for the former daytime talk show host. Anchors and correspondents seemed to be trying to outdo one another in who could heap more sycophantic praise on the liberal entertainer.

Uber-Lib Katy Tur Whines About Tribal, Politically Divided America
December 27th, 2017 6:40 PM
On Wednesday’s Morning Joe, MSNBC news anchor and NBC News correspondent Katy Tur joined her fellow pundits to lament the current state of political affairs in America after a year of Donald Trump’s presidency. In spite of her long history of false claims, distortions, and apologia on behalf of liberal politicians and causes, Tur had the audacity to complain that “we’re in our tribes. We’re…

Bernie Bro Joe Bemoans Tax Bill: ‘The Rich Are Getting Richer’
December 20th, 2017 5:17 PM
With the passage of the Republicans’ $1.5 trillion tax cut bill looming, most of Wednesday’s Morning Joe was devoted to portraying the legislation as not just bad policy (which would be par for the course on MSNBC), but a threat to America’s survival, prosperity, and democracy. “Conservative” co-host Joe Scarborough put on his Marxist cap to make the case that “the greatest threat to American-…

NYT Called Out for Flimsy Fact-Checking of Trump and Obama...On MSNBC!
December 15th, 2017 6:09 PM
Instead of just having a panel packed to the hilt with liberal pundits, Friday’s Morning Joe brought on some conservative and right-leaning voices during their last half-hour, namely including Washington Examiner Commentary Editor Tim Carney and Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan. A significant portion of their discussion centered around Thursday’s New York Times piece that concluded that…

Morning Joe: Republican Politicos Questioning Mueller Are ‘Jackasses’
December 14th, 2017 4:43 PM
On Thursday’s Morning Joe, the show’s liberal panel once again rallied to the defense of Robert Mueller in response to recent calls by Republican House representatives for the former FBI director’s special counsel division to be officially investigated for serious political conflicts of interest that have been revealed within it by the reporting of a variety of different news outlets.

‘Very Sad’ Joe Touts Matt Lauer as 'Loved' 'Mentor' and 'Friend'
November 29th, 2017 4:55 PM
As Wednesday’s Morning Joe was just starting the second hour of its broadcast, the news broke that Matt Lauer had been fired from NBC for his “inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace.” The MSNBC morning show’s panelists went out of their way to praise Lauer as a man of “class” and “dignity” who was a “loved” “mentor” and “friend” to those who have worked for the Today show, where Lauer was…

Ouch: 'Today' Mocks Sexual Assault With Lauer as 'Victim' in 2012 Skit
November 29th, 2017 12:58 PM
News broke early this morning that NBC News has fired their longtime morning news anchor Matt Lauer after being accused of sexual harassment from a colleague at NBC. Lauer’s hypocritical treatment of Bill O’Reilly, Trump and others has come back to bite the liberal news anchor, now facing similar accusations. However, this 2012 clip from the Today show might be one of the most awkward throwbacks…

MSNBC's Geist, Sykes: Republicans Are Now The ‘Party of Pedophiles’
November 22nd, 2017 12:18 PM
After Kellyanne Conway and President Trump blasted the very liberal Democrat candidate running for the Alabama Senate seat against Republican Roy Moore, the liberal media reacted with an uproar at the audacity of Republicans encouraging voters not to vote for Democrats.

Morning Joe Hypocritically Minimizes Sex Abuse Claims Against Franken
November 21st, 2017 6:30 PM
In spite of repeated proclamations from MSNBC pundits that anyone expressing a scintilla of skepticism about any claims of sexual misconduct must therefore support that gross misbehavior, MSNBC’s best and brightest repeatedly broke this self-imposed standard over the past week vis-a-vis the Al Franken sexual assault allegations. Morning Joe added to this shamelessly hypocritical coverage on…

NBC Downplays Bill Clinton Sex Allegations With Family Talking Points
November 19th, 2017 10:48 AM
With the national discussion centered on sexual harassment and sexual assault, many in the liberal media had been itching to get to the allegations directed at the President. The media seemed to have recently gotten the ‘okay’ to pursue the claims when Hillary Clinton brought them up in a radio interview. It’s hypocritical for Clinton to lead the charge because of her philanderer husband with a…

Morning Joe Grills Brazile: DNC 'Rigged' Primaries 'From Day One'
November 8th, 2017 5:19 PM
On Wednesday’s Morning Joe, the panel brought on former DNC chair Donna Brazile to discuss her explosive new book alleging that the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee unethically colluded to merge their operations in 2015 before the Democratic presidential primaries had even started. Although the hosts repeatedly pressed Brazile to affirm that the primaries were “rigged,”…

Rather: ‘History Will Justify’ Anthem Protests, Like 'Right to Vote'
November 7th, 2017 11:13 AM
Disgraced former CBS News anchor Dan Rather has been making his media rounds to promote his new book, entitled What Unites Us. Tuesday morning he appeared on Morning Joe, to discuss the NFL protests, the lack of “civility” in our country, and what patriotism means to him, to an enraptured MSNBC panel.