Walter Pincus

WashPost's Pincus Attacks Journalists for Defending Fox News's Rosen
May 28th, 2013 6:46 PM
Last Tuesday, the Washington Post's Walter Pincus did his level best to dutifully defend the Obama/Holder DOJ's handling of the Associated Press phone records subpoena. Ol' Walt is back at it again this week, chastising the media for "circling the wagons" around Fox News correspondent James Rosen, who was virtually treated like a criminal by the Justice Department when he was named as an…
WashPost's Pincus Steadfastly Defends Obama/Holder DOJ's Handling of A
May 21st, 2013 12:31 PM
At this point it's become abundantly clear that the Obama/Holder Justice Department went overboard in its overzealous, subpoena-happy probe of Associated Press journalists. We also know from the Washington Post's reporting, that the administration was peeved about the timing of the AP story in question, not so much the content, and that the AP's president is on record slamming the DOJ for an "…