
Nets Cheer Lefty Who Compared Reagan to Hitler: ‘Echo for Generations'

May 28th, 2020 12:39 PM
When an important conservative dies, journalists make sure to note that he angered liberals. In 2016, The Washington Post marked the death of Antonin Scalia with this angry front-page headline: “Supreme Court Conservative Dismayed Liberals.” Yet the networks on Thursday offered little in the way to indicate that far-left gay activist Larry Kramer was controversial. Instead, ABC, CBS and NBC “…

Nets Gush Over Obama Netflix Doc: Will ‘Break All Kinds of Records'

May 6th, 2020 1:25 PM
On Wednesday, the network morning shows gushed over a new fawning Netflix documentary about former First Lady Michelle Obama’s 2018 book tour promoting her memoir, Becoming. The film had only been released on the streaming service for a matter of hours when ABC, NBC, and CBS journalists began urging viewers to go watch the sycophantic biopic.

Tone Deaf CBS Finds Environmental ‘Silver Lining’ to Killer Pandemic

March 19th, 2020 9:55 AM
Talk about tone deaf. CBS This Morning on Thursday attempted to report the upside to a global pandemic that is killing thousands. Correspondent Vladimir Duthiers, reporting from his home because of the virus, cheered, “Let's talk to you about Italy. Obviously that country, its people have been devastated by the coronavirus. But there is a little bit of a silver lining in some of its historic…

Nets Hope Bezos BILLIONS to Climate Cause ‘Save the Earth’

February 18th, 2020 12:51 PM
The NBC, ABC, and CBS morning shows on Tuesday all excitedly cheered the news that Amazon CEO and Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos would devote billions of dollars to fighting climate change. The networks also made sure to point out that Bezos was bowing to pressure from left-wing climate activists working at Amazon.

Taxpayer-Funded Planned Parenthood to Spend $45 Mil to Elect Dems

January 16th, 2020 8:09 PM
Big Abortion is jumping into the 2020 race with big numbers. It was announced Thursday that Planned Parenthood is launching what CBS News’ Kate Smith reported is “the biggest electoral effort in its history: a $45 million spend to support presidential, congressional and state-level candidates in the 2020 elections who support abortion rights.”

‘CBS This Morning’ Airs Lefty Recap of 2010s with Doom and Gloom

December 27th, 2019 2:11 PM
CBS This Morning’s look back at the top stories of 2019 stood in contrast to the nonsense offered on Thursday’s MSNBC Live with Hallie Jackson, but they threw that good will away on Friday with their recap of the 2010s, skewing left with a sense of doom and gloom. It even included the false “hands up, don’t shoot” chants.

Nets Fail to Call Foul on NBA Exacting Chinese Censorship on Americans

October 10th, 2019 9:48 PM

While failing CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell suggested the NBA was in a “free speech dispute with China,” the facts of the matter showed the league was perfectly fine with cracking down on free speech targeting the murderous communist state. In back to back nights, the NBA ejected peaceful advocates for democracy and freedom in Hong Kong from games here in the U.S. Despite the NBA…


CBS Sympathizes With Prince Harry After Climate Hypocrisy Is Exposed

September 3rd, 2019 5:16 PM

CBS on Tuesday sympathized with Britain’s Prince Harry after he was exposed for hypocritically taking private planes as he lectures the rest of the world about climate change and the need to reduce carbon emissions. NBC also parroted his talking points on justifying such contradictions. CBS This Morning co-host Vladimir Duthiers began by mildly explaining, that Harry is facing “a little bit of…


CBS: Aside From Alleged Sexual Harassment Here, Things Are Great!

December 7th, 2018 1:29 PM
According to a new draft report from CBS on the culture at 60 Minutes and the network, it wasn’t just former co-host Charlie Rose and ex-CEO Les Moonves who allegedly harassed and abused women. CBS This Morning reporter Vladimir Duthiers explained the leaked findings: “Eight current females tell us they have experienced a toxic workplace or frat house environment including harassment and being…

Networks Warn of ‘Hard-Right,’ ‘Incredibly Conservative' Candidate

August 8th, 2018 12:18 PM
A danger is looming that journalists want to warn Americans about. ABC, CBS, MSNBC and CNN on Wednesday all fretted about Kansas’s possible new Republican gubernatorial candidate, labeling Kris Kobach a “hard-right,” “staunchly,” “incredibly conservative” choice. This kind of ideological hand-wringing stands in contrast to the warm response socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez received. She earned…

CBS Omits White Woman, Lists Only Blacks Killed by Minneapolis Police

July 31st, 2018 3:59 PM
On Tuesday's CBS This Morning, correspondent Vladimir Duthiers put on display the latest example of how the dominant liberal media are fixated on the narrative that when police officers shoot and kill suspects, it is primarily blacks who are affected, in spite of statistics finding that there are about twice as many whites as blacks killed by police each year. In a report detailing the recent…

Networks Notice 4.1% GDP, But CBS Sees ‘Mirage’ in the Numbers

July 31st, 2018 9:42 AM
After ignoring all three estimates of first quarter GDP growth, ABC, CBS and NBC found the second quarter estimate too good to overlook. The Bureau of Economic Analysis announced on July 27, that the economy grew by 4.1 percent in the second quarter, the highest quarterly growth in nearly four years. It was a strong number, but the networks were quick to look for problems with it — especially CBS…

CBS: Samantha Bee Vulgarity Just ‘Whataboutism?’ Not as Bad as Barr?

June 1st, 2018 12:11 PM
CBS This Morning on Friday floated the idea that the disgustingly vulgar attack by Samantha Bee against Ivanka Trump might be a case of “whataboutism.” Reporter Vladimir Duthiers waded into the tortured waters of comparing the awfulness of Bee’s comments vs. Roseanne Barr’s vile remarks: “Others say Bee was talking about Trump's character. Roseanne Barr was talking about Valerie Jarrett’s race.…

CBS Cheered ‘Standout’ Comic Before Knocking ‘Extreme’ Performance

April 30th, 2018 2:23 PM
CBS was for the vulgar White House Correspondents Dinner before the network was against it. On Saturday, CBS This Morning journalist Jamie Wax praised the “standout” comedian Michelle Wolf, touting her as “singled out for the quality of her comedic craftsmanship.” Two days later, hosts on the same show chided the “below the belt,” “extreme” performance.