
Free Beacon Fun: MSNBC Tax Delinquents Lecture About Taxpaying Duties
April 24th, 2015 10:35 AM
The Washington Free Beacon has made another terrific clip compilation – this time, on the MSNBC hosts who owe large chunks of tax money thumping a tub against tax avoidance and in favor of civic-minded taxpaying.
One precious clip is Melissa Harris-Perry proclaiming “I don’t get to opt out of paying taxes once we’ve kind of made a collective decision.” David Rutz offered a summary:

MSNBC’s Touré Allegedly Owes Nearly $60,000 In Unpaid Taxes
April 22nd, 2015 8:18 AM
According to the National Review, MSNBC’s Touré Neblett, who serves as co-host of The Cycle, reportedly owes more than $59,000 in back taxes.

Rush Limbaugh: New Media Kept Press From Turning 'Gentle Giant' Into R
August 25th, 2014 10:32 PM
Conservative icon Rush Limbaugh declared during his radio show on Friday that the “mainstream media” was unable to transform “gentle giant” black teenager Michael Brown, who was shot and killed by white police officer Darren Wilson on August 9, into Rodney King -- the black man who became famous for a high-speed pursuit by the police and later asking “Can't we all get along?” 22 years ago --…

MSNBC’s Toure: Conservatives Have Been Successful at ‘Demonizing I
July 9th, 2014 6:45 PM
The folks on MSNBC's The Cycle have gone on the offensive regarding immigration, moving from defending President Obama to bashing the supposed bigotry that exists on the right, naturally. On the July 9 edition of program, the panel and guest Eric Schneiderman of Salon were virtually unanimous in their criticism of the Republican Party on immigration.
Toure pointed to what he believed is a…

MSNBC’s Toure Claims Mississippi GOP Senate Runoff Takes Us ‘Back
June 24th, 2014 5:35 PM
In a discussion on the June 24 edition of The Cycle regarding the heated Mississippi GOP Senate runoff between U.S. Senator Thad Cochran and state senator Chris McDaniel, MSNBC’s Toure immediately expressed skepticism of the tactics being deployed by the two candidates to appeal to voters.
Toure criticized Thad Cochran for reaching out to Democratic black voters at a time of political…

‘Cosmo’ Political Editor: ‘We've Become...A Country Of Have And
June 16th, 2014 8:44 PM
MSNBC is known for its promotion of abortion and “abortion rights” and on Monday, June 16 its afternoon program The Cycle showed just how over-the-top its activism is.
“The Cyclists” played host to Jill Filipovic, Senior Political Writer at, to promote an article she wrote about new abortion laws being pushed in Ohio. During the interview, the Cosmopolitan editor proclaimed…

Huffington Post’s Howard Fineman Slams Hillary’s ‘We Struggled
June 10th, 2014 5:24 PM
Hillary Clinton made her first TV appearance on Monday, June 9 to promote her new book Hard Choices, and already the former Secretary of State is causing quite a bit of controversy. During an interview with ABC’s Diane Sawyer, Clinton claimed that she and Bill “struggled” after leaving the White House and were “not only dead broke, but in debt.”
In the wake of Clinton’s gaffe, during a…
MSNBC's Alter Dismisses 'Phony Debate' Over Bergdahl Prisoner Swap
June 2nd, 2014 5:00 PM
Ever a good soldier for President Obama, MSNBC political analyst Jonathan Alter defended the president’s actions in securing the release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl by exchanging him for five high-level detainees at Guantanamo.
Appearing on the June 2 edition of Jansing and Co., Alter said the move was rather, well, routine because, “at the end of the war, prisoner exchanges are common.” Directing…

MSNBC’s Toure Uses Donald Sterling Scandal To Attack NBA Owners As
April 28th, 2014 3:59 PM
Amidst the controversy surrounding Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling’s racist remarks, MSNBC’s Toure used the opportunity to conflate these comments with NBA owners who support conservative causes.
Appearing on The Cycle on Monday, April 28, Toure argued that “Some of them are not the most savory folks. Some of them are bank rolling anti-gay marriage initiatives. Some of them got…
MSNBC's Touré: 'Jobs' Is ‘An Ineffective Anti-Poverty Program
January 15th, 2014 8:41 AM
MSNBC's Touré Neblett, who recently condoned consumers lying to corporations like Amazon to get discounts to which they aren't entitled, really needs to stay away from Twitter — or have someone screen his tweets.
On Tuesday, he tweeted (HT Twitchy) that "Many in poverty are working poor w two jobs. So 'jobs' is an ineffective anti poverty program." Note that he didn't indicate that "jobs"…

MSNBC’s Touré Insists He’s Living Proof Marijuana Doesn’t Harm
January 4th, 2014 4:59 AM
On Friday we learned that New York Times columnist David Brooks does not approve of marijuana legalization on account of his belief that the drug dulls the minds of its habitual users.
Sure, that’s what a lot of those pointed-headed scientist types think but why should we listen to them? Instead, we should take the word Touré Neblett, currently an MSNBC pundit and quite possibly one of the…

MSNBC's Toure: Lying to a 'Corporation' Like Amazon Is 'Not Really' Ly
December 18th, 2013 6:48 PM
During a panel discussion on offering discounts to consumers who are parents -- a discount mechanism completely on the honor system since the company cannot verify claims of parenthood -- MSNBC The Cycle co-host Toure Neblett justified lying to take advantage of the discount, saying "nobody was getting hurt here."
"If a lie is being told to a corporation, it's not really a lie,"…

MSNBC's Toure Hints Megyn Kelly's a White Supremacist; Also Quips Obam
December 16th, 2013 6:25 PM
In yet another example of how desperately MSNBC clings to race-baiting to appeal to its far-left audience, MSNBC host Toure Neblett opted to close the December 16 edition of The Cycle by focusing on last's week's now infamous nontroversy regarding Fox News Channel's Megyn Kelly and comments she made about the commercial representation of Santa Claus being white.
Wrapping up his commentary,…

MSNBC’s Touré Calls Black CNN Anchor Don Lemon ‘White Leader
December 10th, 2013 9:30 PM
Touré Neblett, the hyper-partisan 9/11 truther who is co-host of MSNBC’s afternoon show “The Cycle,” has said a number of idiotic things over the years.
Usually, he says such things in the context of an attack on a conservative or Republican--like last month when he confidently asserted that U.S. Senate seats can be gerrymandered. On Sunday, however, he decided to change things up a bit and…