Tom Barrett
Spiering: Media Took the Word of Dem Milwaukee Mayor Barrett on Saturd
September 25th, 2012 12:30 PM
On Saturday, President Obama spoke at a campaign rally in Wisconsin. As I noted on Sunday, contradicting a local Milwaukee Sentinel crowd size estimate of 5,000, Politico, the Wall Street Journal, and the Associated Press reported that 18,000 were on hand, with the AP further claiming that the event was "the largest yet of Obama's reelection campaign."
Charles Spiering at the Washington…

You Could Be a Contenda! Chris Matthews Touts Ed Schultz as Union Boss
June 6th, 2012 11:50 PM
Considering how you're on the payroll and all ...
MSNBC's Chris Matthews made an observation to colleague Ed Schultz last night that was presumably intended as a compliment but could easily be seen as passive aggressive (video after page break) --
Typical Politico Spin: 'Money Shouts' Is Lesson of Wisconsin Recall
June 6th, 2012 12:35 PM
Politico's Glenn Thrush insists that there's "Only one takeaway from Wisconsin: Money shouts." "Cash doesn't talk in 2012, it shouts, and Wisconsin was a sonic boom that's breaking glass in Chicago," Thrush groused, adding that "Conservative groups outspent unions and progs in Wisconsin by an estimated SEVEN-TO-ONE."
Although it's a predictable left-leaning take on yesterday's results, it's…

Maddow Vents About Romney Deceit - After She Lies About Wisconsin Reca
June 5th, 2012 5:00 PM
You'd think MSNBC's resident brainiac would know better than to engage in the very thing she condemns in others.
Apparently this ethical tenet understood by most children is beyond Rachel Maddow's grasp as she demonstrated once again on her cable show last night. (video, audio clips after page break)
Cal Thomas Column: On Wisconsin
June 5th, 2012 7:30 AM
If the polls are right, the vote next Tuesday in Wisconsin on whether to recall Gov. Scott Walker, Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch and four Republican state senators could amount to a redial of their original victory. Voters who first elected the conservative Walker on a promise to fix the state's dismal economy and crushing debt appear ready to reaffirm their judgment.
They would be making the…

On Bended Knee: The Press and Tom Barrett
June 3rd, 2012 4:15 PM
When the Reagan administration barred critical news media from White House press conferences, liberals quite rightly protested. So where is liberal outrage now that gubernatorial candidate Tom Barrett has blocked a reporter from his public events?
Four male Barrett campaign staffers escorted Wisconsin Reporter’s Dustin Hurst from a Chippewa Falls rally for Barrett, the Democrat hoping to…

AP Coverage of Walker, Barrett Wis. Recall Campaign Visits Lacks Sense
June 3rd, 2012 9:58 AM
As one who has made the occasional dumb mistake (which readers tend to be quite adept at catching), I figured I'd give the Associated Press's Todd Richmond and his editors a while to correct a pretty obvious miscue relating to a Wisconsin gubernatorial recall campaign visit by challenger Tom Barrett. In a report whose first version appeared yesterday morning and currently has a 2:42 p.m.…

USAT's Ben Jones Also Ignores Massive Union Funding of Wis. Recall Ele
May 31st, 2012 7:33 AM
On May 27, going to the same theme Scott Bauer employed at the Associated Press yesterday, USA Today's Ben Jones did his level best to cast Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker as the richly funded perpetual campaigner, while portraying Walker's recall challenger, former Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, as the underfunded man of the people underdog. Of course, as was the with Bauer's bombast, there's not…

Panicky Ed Schultz Predicts: If Romney Wins, There'll 'Never Be a Demo
May 30th, 2012 1:46 PM
In a related development, the Republican National Committee is extending heartfelt thanks to Ed Schultz for his help with their get-out-the-vote efforts.
Further confirmation that the June 5 recall election in Wisconsin has liberals more spooked than usual was provided yesterday courtesy of radio host and MSNBC flamethrower Ed Schultz. (audio clip after page break)

AP Cynically Hits Wis. Gov. Walker For 'Keeping a Safe Distance' When
May 28th, 2012 10:35 PM
Leave it to the Associated Press's Scott Bauer to take shots at Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker -- in seeming orchestration with Democratic Party officials -- for limiting his public recall election appearances because of unsafe conditions leftists in the Badger State have created, "public safety" officials have too often condoned, and the establishment press has generally downplayed for well…